Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 The Visitor.

Sorry Tabbies, you had better give this one a miss.

Flynn: Hey what are you doing here? This is my sunbathing spot.

You're supposed to be afraid of me, why aren't you flying away?

You do realise I could have you for my supper don't you.

Hmphh, if you are going to ignore me, I will turn my back on you too.

Oh good, mum's fattening him up for us.

Eric: If I watch him from behind this wire mesh he won't be able to see me.

He has come closer, do I dare pounce with mum watching me?

Huh! The cheek of it. He is drinking our rain water now.

Note from mum:
We had heavy rain and very strong wind the night before these photos were taken. The pigeon is a ringed homing pigeon and was probably exhausted from the bad weather. He was looking very sorry for himself and let me catch him. His ring had this year's date on it so this is probably his first year of racing. The boys were very interested but couldn't understand why he wouldn't fly which is most likely what saved him as there is no point in catching something that just sits and looks at you. He is now looking much better and flying as soon as I or Eric and Flynn approach and should very soon fly back to his own loft.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

ForFlynn I used Frost at 30%, then Starry also at 30%.

For Eric I used Fairy at 45%, then Scribble at 25%.

preview110pieceCaturday Art 1 27.07-24
preview110pieceCaturday Art 2 27.07.24

I am joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

Update!!! I just noticed tomorrow is our 18th Blogoversary. You can see our first ever post here  on July 20th 2006, and our first post with photos the next day. Thankfully I have improved with uploading photos since then. 

Another update! I had a chest CT scan 2 weeks ago and saw my oncologist on Monday. He said it is clear so the evil c has not spread further. The small c is intentional, I refuse to give it a capital!

The Flashback this week comes from July 2010 and was a Sleeping Contest.

We saw that Kat's Kats are having a sleepy competition so we thought as we do lots of napping that we should enter.

We like to nap on the bed together.

We usually are touching each other when we sleep, but not always.

We like to sleep together on the recliner too.

Eric often likes to show his tummy when he sleeps whether it is indoors..........

or outdoors.

But sometimes he is so tired he just collapses in a heap.

And once he is asleep, he takes a lot of waking.

Flynn prefers to sleep on his back with his paws curled.

Or on the desk with his paws all in a pile.

But it doesn't take long before he is sleeping on his back again.

He also likes to stretch out on the desk. Maybe he needs a bigger one.

Or maybe it is safer to stretch out on the bed.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I used Flowers at 35%, then Ceremony at 30%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art 20.07.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday Flashback and Thanks for More Cards and quick update.

Update (added Thursday)

Yesterday was a very bad day. No need to go into details, but I feel a lot better today.

Yesterday I had a port implanted under the skin on my chest under local anaesthetic. The line was done first and then a larger incision for the port. The line goes from the port and into my jugular vein. I hadn't expected that! Very sore and bruised so plenty of Paracetamol. Apparently I have 24 cms (9 1/2inches) of line under my skin. Today I had my third session of Chemotherapy and apart from being very tired feel fine. Now I have a week off, no more chemo for 2 weeks! I have an Oncology appointment Monday to see how I am doing, and hopefully the results of the chest CT I had last week.

I received another package of cards from Cecilia again last week. Thank you to all my friends who know how to lift my spirits. I will try to thank everybody  either in a comment or an email as soon as possible, but in the meantime, a very big thank you to all of you.

Once again, I have scanned the cards, but first a short post from the boys. 

This flashback comes from July 2010 and is called Hide and Seek.

Eric: We had been for another walk and were just relaxing in the long grass.

Flynn: Mum has to keep watching us or we sneak off in the long grass when she isn't looking and then she can't see us.

Somebody else must not have been able to see us either. This pretty blue Damselfly came and perched on the grass next to us. Damselflies are like Dragonflies but smaller, and when they perch on the grass they fold their wings back against their body, unlike Dragonflies who keep their wings outstretched.

Sorry, no art or puzzle this week.

A lovely hug in a mug from Dani and Wendy.

Cheri, Don and the Cats
Suzanne, Don and Angel LouLou.

Laura and Mackerull
Cecilia and Bryan

Terry, Celesta and all at Brian's Home

Steve and Carole Cole and the Colehaus Cats.

Kathie, Misty and Timber, The OP Pack
Sandee at Comedy Plus

Mary McNeil, Catlady Mac
Terry and Celesta and Brian's Home Crew

Ann and June

Debra, Manx Mnews,  Ann and June
Brian, Maureen and Smudge

Monika, Elsa and Wilson the house pony
(Tails Around the Ranch)

Lynn and Precious
Cheri and Don and the Cats

I am joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 The first is a one photo post from April 2010 and was an Easy Sunday in the plant pots.

We have decided we no longer want to sleep in our nice comfy plant pots that mum filled with nice sweet hay, and that dad made a frame for so they can't tip over. No, we would rather sleep on the lily shoots and flatten them sideways. Really we are helping mum by getting them to grow faster. We did the same last year and when they got bigger and too uncomfortable to lie on, we went back into our own plant pots.

The second flashback was from May 2010 and was a Mancat Monday in the trailer.

Eric: Mancats like to check out the farm trailer, especially when they hear noises coming from it.

Flynn: Hmphh! Now you've found me hiding in it, I'm not stopping here.

Eric: Wait for meeee!

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I used Devilish at 30%, then Ceremony at 35%.

For Eric I used Beauty at 50%, then Illusion at 25%

preview108pieceCaturday Art 1 6.07.24
preview110pieceCaturday Art 2 6.07.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.