
Friday, June 3, 2022

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This flashback comes from January 2007 and is called:

Carrot Wars!

Flynn:  Mummmm!!! Eric's got my carrot. He knows it's my faverit.

Eric:  Hehehehe, I nefurr get chance to play wiv this nip carrot.


Flynn: Yeah well now I've got it back again Dis is my most faverit toy in the whole wide werld. 

It took me a long time to drool all ofurr it and get the smell just rite.

Eric:  Awww go on Flynn, let me play wiv it.

Flynn:  NO!!!! Mine!!! Go and find yer scruffy rat to play wiv. Scruffy's theer beside the balls that's behind me, and yoo nefurr let me play wiv him.

The random photo this week is for the Trout Towne Tabbies who asked for 18.06.09.
The one time I agree to pose and Flynn's tail photobombs me!

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I kept it simple this week and only used Landscape at 50%
preview108pieceCaturday Art 4.06.22
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.


  1. Isn't that always the way with a favorite toy? We love the random photo too!

    Enjoy the Jubilee!

  2. Those nippy carrots are pretty irresistible!

  3. the tail photo is super great!!! ... and we have that carrot wars too... it ends mostly with a big mess ;O)

  4. Did Mum give you special dip with your carrot ... super-fun photo series.

  5. It would be nice if our cat bro Bert could have such toys, but he would eat it within five minutes, thus he can't have toys.

  6. That was so cute heheh! had to laugh at NO!!!! Mine!!! Go and find yer scruffy rat

    Have a carrottastic weekend 👍

  7. Ha, we love that tail photobomb!

    If you had had two nip carrots, would you both still have wanted only one of them? :-D

  8. That was some veggie battle and the tail bomb art is really cute!

  9. You two make me smile. Angels in heaven and you still makes us smile.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug. ♥

  10. Hilarious photobomb!
    The look on Angel Eric's face is terrific.
    Off to puzzle...thanks.

  11. The YEOW carrot was one of Angel Madi's favorites too then we discovered the sardines...they were more dainty.
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. That's always the way, isn't it? Those boys were such cuties.

  13. Oh the tail photo bomb is the best!!!

  14. We'd forgotten about those great nip carrots!!! We love the photobomb.

    Thanks for the puzzle!

  15. doodz….we hope ta cod thatz knot burd skin on
    de end oh that carrutz …we can see why it cauzed
    trubullz bee tween ewe both….

    flynn yur tail bee lookin like a flazh lite buddy


    🍻ta mum N dad N we hope they R knot in
    de middle oh de werldz longest traffix jam❤️❤️

  16. You boys never fail to make me smile (and laugh when appropriate!) The photobomb pic is hilarious. Mom's artwork is pretty. I hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  17. That photobomb was great! Everypawdy has a favorite toy, and it's hard to share.

  18. That was a cute flashback. My Millie loved his catnip carrot too. I like the photobomb picture too. Thank you for the puzzle. Xo

  19. Well that definitely was the most popular carrot EVER! Love the photobomb......they always make me laugh!

    Hugs, Pam

  20. Someone invariably alwats wants what the other one has...LOL!

    That PB-Tail is the best!

  21. That carrot sure looked delicious. We loved the photo of Flynn's tail photobombing Eric. XO

  22. Out of this whole lovely flashback post dad says his favorite part is the Flynn tail photobomb.

  23. I remember Flynn and his carrot. He loved it, didn't he? And I laughed at Flynn's tail in Eric's picture - and it would have been a perfect picture of Eric, too!

  24. That tail photobomb is so funny! We love it!

  25. amarula is always stealing Frodo's fav carrot toy!

  26. Love the tail bomb pic, EPIC! And mew can't beat a catnip carrot, there's nothing like it! MOL

  27. We seldom like the same toys as the other Mews. Lori loves springs. Laz will sometimes chase a rattley mouse. Marley and Ayla just don't care about toys. They have too many real mousie memories.


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