
Friday, June 17, 2022

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week I have two consecutive posts. The first is, "Something in the Tree."

Eric: I just know I heard sumfing move, but I don't know what it was. I'll just put my head in an haf a good look round.

Flynn: Yer right Eric, I heard sumfing too.I'll look furrom this side.

Flynn: No good, I need to haf a better look.
We bofe looked an looked but cudn't find ennyfing, but we will be back to look again. We don't give up.

A few days later.... Success!

We been keep going back an checking on that tree, an yesterday we herd more noises, so we went an in-vesty-gatid again.Success!!!

Eric:  There was a mousie in theer. Mum finks thay may haf made a nest in the tree to live in. I haf to be troofull. It looks like I got the mousie, but reely it wuz Flynn, an he gave it to me to eat. It wuz lucky we got it then cuz it wuz getting dark an mum had told us we had to go in. The tree is a big oak tree that grows owtside our window, an it is cuvvered in ivy, an the birdies like it, so we can sit in the window an watch the live fev-vers efun when we can't go outdoors.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Flynn I used Flow at 45%, then Sadness at 20%.

For Eric I started with Landscape at 65% then also added Sadness again.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 18.06.22
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 18.06.22
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.


  1. Angels, when Sweetie was an outside kitty, she too hunted mice in our yard.
    Off to puzzle...thanks.

  2. Those were fun ones and the art is wonderful!

  3. Spectacular artwork!!!

    Wric and Flynn, you made a great hunting pair.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. The boys always had such fun adventures!

  5. we agree there is always something in da tree.... sadly we can not climb like you can... that would make a tree inspection much more interesting...

  6. Oh what fun as always we got spoilt this week what a treat

    Fab art too sp clever

    Have an artistictastic weekend 👍

  7. First of all - beautiful artwork! Secondly those boys were able to find mice in all sorts of places even in a tree-nest......they had the very best hunting radar ever!

    Hugs, Pam

  8. Ha! We love those tree pics and it was very generous of Flynn to give you the mousie to eat. Your mom's filter choices are spot on as always; we love them!

  9. OMCs this episode of Eric and Flynn, super CATS was full of adventure, intrigue. I commend your persistence too.
    Well Done on the Caturday Art Jackie
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Great flashback. I am glad they got their mousie. Flynn was sweet to always give Eric the prize. Beautiful art. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  11. Beautiful artwork and you were both great mousers.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Jackie. Big hug. ♥

  12. Those tree photos are just the cutest! Such curious boys.

  13. doodz…bee verree thanx full it waz mouz
    and knot like fezz ant or sum thin…..flynn
    we rememburr when ewe gived yur catch
    ta eric ta snax on…….total lee awesum ❤️❤️

  14. You two are so brave to be outside hunting.I was outside when mum rescued me and have not been outside much since then. I have only gone out to eat some tasty grass. Ièm not nearly as brave as you two were!
    Purrs, Julie

  15. Boys, you ALWAYS get your prey! I think NO kitty ever did as well as you two do!!

  16. So kind of Flynn to share! Such a good brother and mouser!

  17. You were a great team! Great artwork and thanks for the puzzles.

  18. Persistence paid off! Such a hunting duo!

  19. You boys were patient and persistent for sure !

  20. Oh My Cod! Yoo ate the mousie!!! I've never even met a mousie before. Although I did kinda nom a little on a frog, but then Momma took him away from me. She's no fun like yoor Momma. Love yoor art work too! Love, Dori

  21. They must have heard about Winston Churchill saying to Never Give UP!

  22. Great pics and I love the artwork.

  23. Great hunting guys! Kozmo and me have been out hunting lots and lots! With the cool weather we have been having the Mouse, Mole, Vole and shew population has exploded! We have been busy protecting Mr F's Mr D's and Mom's gardens from the interlopers! We like that we get extra treats! Purrs Marv

  24. Such gorgeous Art! We can't wait to do the puzzles...and we gotta say, seeing other cats in action has inspired Koz and Me to head out and do some more hunting when the rain lets up! Purrs Marv

  25. Oh you both were such good mousers!
    Love the beautiful artwork this week.

  26. Oh, what good brothers - sharing mousies and being honest who really caught it! Thankfully we don't have a lot of mousies here - at least we don't see them - but we do sometimes see a kitty staring intently at something on the ground before pouncing. They don't seem to share though! Beautiful catwork from Mom. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  27. Such fun memories. What adventurers your sweet Eric and Flynn were! :)

  28. Hello, friends! We've missed seeing all of Eric and Flynn's memories. Thank you for visiting our blog and still supporting us. We'll be back full force soon.

  29. Eric and Flynn, concats on your purr-sistence. You are like the Mounties - you always get your man -er - mouse...

    The art is absolutely spectacular this week.

  30. your boys were always sooo busy and I love how they often worked in tandem!! xoxo

  31. Great flashback! When one caught something, sharing was a brofur thing to do...

    Miss Jackie you were so blessed to have such guud Mouserss!!
    And such HANSUM Mouserss two!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum

  33. Those handsome feline boys still make me smile. I love how oyu honor them. Thanks for the visit and praying. Roger has a long road ahead but at least one thing down. THANK YOU very much. HUGS & LOVE to you


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