
Friday, October 14, 2022

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This flashback comes from April 2012 and was a:

Not so Easy Sunday.

Eric: We were in the field happily nomming on grass,

When suddenly I spied something that shouldn't be there.

I had to have a second look! An introoder had dared to come into our field!

I will sneak around from the side and catch him unawares. He will be scared when he sees me puffed up.

Huh? Who put that plastic bag in our field?

Of course I knew all along it was just a bag. How dare mum question my mancatliness and call me a scaredy cat. I was only practicing puffing up for when introoders do introod.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I used Illusion at 70%, then added Watercolour at 35%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art 15.10.22
I am joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop. 


  1. Well, that really was some darn good puffing up! Love the pretty art!

  2. Even though it turned out to be a plastic bag, Eric had to be careful; who knew whether it was an intruder or not? Besides, plastic bags can't be polluting the farm. Good job, Eric!

  3. Good job protecting your territory, Eric! Although I wonder if Flynn knew all along what the intruder really was?! Mom's catwork is very striking! Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  4. we say a plastic bag can be the worst intruder ever... what if he swallows one of you to become the cat in da bag? so to be careful was the best thing... and that was brave to come so close to da evil bag-thing ;O)

  5. Haha! We would never think that you were a scaredy cat! How rude of your mum to suggest it! She did a great job with your art work though! 😁

  6. Mom thought you were a scaredy cat? How dare her. It did make me smile though. Wonderful memories.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Jackie. Big hug. ♥

  7. Eric and Flynn you both were always outstanding when out standing in your fields
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. LOL now that made me laugh again all that detective work and it was a plastic bag LOL :-)

    I liked the colourful art too

    Have a nommingtastic weekend 👍

  9. Bwa! Haa!! Haaa!!! That made me laughs out loud! Kozmo told me not to laughs to hard as it could happen to me too! You guys ROCK and I can't wait to do the puzzle. You guys make the bestest art! Keep being awesome! Purrs Marv

  10. For all you knew, there was an introoder, or a mousie, hiding in the bag!

  11. We believe that you knew all along it was just a bag! Really we do and we would never question your mancatliness!!

  12. You would've scared me, that's for sure! You are intimidating as all get out! Love your flaming art. :-)

  13. But indeed, those bags have lives of their own when the wind catches them!! We bark em too, so don't feel bad that you had to scare it off.

    Thanks for the puzzle.

  14. That Eric is so funny! He was being territorial like a cat is wont to do, but the bag beat him to it. My Dani just loves plastic bags for some reason. She likes to sit on them and chew them without swallowing, thankfully.

    And your artwork today is stunning. The rust colours suit both boys to a tee, and they blend in with their surroundings, too. Great job!

  15. Excellent job of showing that bag introoder how mean you can look - it was obvious to us that the bag was cowering at the size of the "yard guard" and probably blew away to someone else's property after it saw YOU Eric! Good job.

    Hugs, Teddy

  16. Love the caturday art. It looks like they are on another planet. What a good guard cat Eric was.

  17. I know you would not be scared Eric.
    A bit startled, but not scared!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  18. Practice is most definitely an essential of feline life. Plus who knows what mousie infiltrators could have been lurking is said bag!

  19. You were probably just annoyed that someone littered your place, right? :)

  20. Plastic bags shouldn't intrude anywhere!

    Beautiful art.

  21. "Introoders" are whatever ya don't want in your yard. So one was a bag, Still an introoder to yer yard!

    And yes, those were impatiens in our previous post. Dad just couldnt remember the name, But it was obvious when you gave him the right name!

  22. Of course you knew it was a plastic bag. But one must never take chances. Sometimes intruders can be really crafty and use camouflage. So you took the right course of action! Maybe there was a real intruder watching, to see what you would do, but your forthright response made it clear to him that you were not to be messed with.

  23. Sorry I am so late. Cute flashback. I love it when kitties puff up to look bigger. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  24. Eric knows a plastic bag is even more dangerous to the environment.

  25. Loved today's story flashback, mew guys are just epic! We adored the arty effect too, it really suited the picture, and we hope your mum had an epic time away!

  26. Delightful story and beautiful art! :) <3

  27. GOOD job my boy! GOOD job! You did just the right thing. And tell your mom that art is the best yet!!!

  28. You never can be too prepared! Even if it was just a plastic bag.


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