
Friday, December 9, 2022

Friday Flashback and Caturday art.

This week I have four one photo posts from March 2009.

Eric: Mancat Monday.

A mancat always makes sure he gets the best spot closest to the woodburner.

Eric: Tummy Tuesday.

When I have been in front of the woodburner for too long, I have to move away and lie out on the carpet to cool down.

Flynn: Easy on Sunday.

We have been helping the Beans rebuild their heather garden this week and now it is time to rest.

Flynn: Nearly Wordless Wednesday.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art

For Eric I used Fairy at 55% the added Illusion also at 55%.

For Flynn it was Sunshine at 80%, then I added Illusion at 50% to him too.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 10.12.22
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 10.12.22
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Pus for the blog hop.


  1. we love the boo-phozto.... what a surprise to have an undercover kitty

  2. Aw, sweet photos of the boys. We especially love the artwork; you always do such a wonderful job with it!

  3. Oh Eric and Flynn I always loved photos of your white tummies and sweet faces.
    Please thank Mom for the link to the metallic sculptures she sent. Seems Cary is all about art and in this case mysteries.

    It is quite interesting and a itty bitty side note
    There is one photo of Ashworth's Pharmacy, which is in the center of downtown Cary. We lived in Cary when I was in the 4th and 5th grade. I had my 'first date' at Ashworth's.
    My mom and I met up with my 'date' and his mom. They sat about 2 booths away from us while he and I talked and sipped on milkshakes....chocolate of course.

    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Angel Chucky loved to be under the covers too.
    Lovely art today, and the puzzles were fun...thank you.

  5. Your boys were so handsome and I know they brought you such joy. I enjoy seeing your precious flashbacks.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug, Jackie. ♥

  6. Love your choice of photos today, each brought a smile and a happy memory. (feel better, Jackie ...) Hugs, Ann

  7. Aww! soooo cute and made me smile heheh! :-)

    Have a bootastic weekend 👍

  8. Too cute- darling kitty pics! Lucy has to remove herself from the fire and chill by a window! Happy memories!

  9. Nice to have a fire to warm up to, or bed sheets to hide under!

  10. Oh, my gosh, these so precious. What wonderful memories of these two handsome boys. Mom's catwork is very pretty. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  11. The boo shot made me smile.
    Thank you for the kind words about Harley.

  12. It is so important to turn over to insure even toasting !

  13. Ha! I always like seeing my beasts warm up, usually on a heated bed, then have to move away to cool down, like Eric - and then move back again...

  14. Eric and Flynn sure were good at relaxing when the mood struck them. We loved Flynn's playful "boo" memory, and reading about how Eric had to cool off after being near the wood burner. Ava does the same thing. :)

  15. I love the artified versions of Eric and Flynn. They emphasize Eric's sumptuous belly -- snorgleworthy fur sure, and Flynn's napping position with legs a-dangle. He looks like he's off in dreamland chasing mousies. Sweet!

  16. Yoo boys make me want to take a nap. Looking so comfortapurr.

  17. Those pictures and captions are so cute and I love the cat art too! :-)

  18. Too cute!

    I used to hide under the blankets a lot when I was younger.

  19. They were such cuties. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  20. Boys, there is little that pleases me more than seeing you two go about your lives. I remember some of these but those I don't are a pleasure to get acquainted with..

  21. These are all so adorable.
    We also like to hide under the bedclothes.

  22. Hee! Hee! THe boys can still make me laugh out loud! Keep being awesome! Marv

  23. So true! Frodo always makes sure he gets the best spot near the fireplace!

  24. Seeing your photos always makes me wish I'd met you both.

  25. Oopsie! I thought I was on your kitty page, but I was on your holiday picture page, LOL!!
    So here we are...
    I didn't have a chance to Meet Eric, and only briefly knew Flynn, so all these memories are such a nice way to get to know them better.

  26. Thank you for you kind words on my name. One thing for certain I was always the only one with that name in elementary school. When I started High School, there were two of us.
    Hugs Cecilia


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