
Friday, February 24, 2023

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week I have three  one/two photo posts. All are from July and August 2009.

Eric: Don't Interrupt!

Can't I even have a discussion with dad in peace without you interrupting with the flashy box?

The quality is poor even though I lightened it a bit from the original because it was dusk.

Two Tummies on Tuesday

Eric: I have been doing the Tummy Tuesdays lately because, let's face it, I've got more lovely tummy to show off than Flynn. He sulked a bit and said he wanted to do it, but I said ,'Tough, I've already done it.'

Flynn: Hehe! Eric might think he's got Tummy Tuesday all to himself, but he hasn't noticed I'm here yet. He might think he's got more tummy to show off than me, but mine is cuter.

Relaxing Flynn

There I wuz, just relaxing an enjoying the vyoo.

Wait !! what's dat?? It's furry inchresting. Mum sez I'm seeing fings an dat theer's nuffin theer. Well mum, if yoo wuz to put yer glasses on, yoo'd see I'm watching an ant.

I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I used Red Blush at 70%, then added Sunshine at 40%.

For Flynn I used Frida at 50%, then Scribble at 30%

110pieceCaturday Art Eric 25.02.23
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 25.02.23
I am also joining MessyMimi's Meanderings for the blog hop.


  1. Those were some pretty special tummies and so is the tummy art!

  2. Wonderful tummies! And Mom's catwork is wonderful too. Some of our homeless kitties like to roll around on their backs in the "social area" outside our front gate and then settle down and sun themselves with bellies to the sky. Always brings a smile. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  3. Eric and his dad... What a view Flynn had, too - and us, as well: of those tummies...

  4. There's never enough pussy~cat tummies
    to go round is there..! :)
    And not 'ALL' pussy~cats like them
    tickled..! HeHe! Bless!xx

  5. oh we love the relaxing photo... it is a super sign for a good weekend... we hope it is like that

  6. What lovely memories but my fave is #tummygate heheh! :-)

    Have a tummytimetastic weekend 👍

  7. We loves the "Tummy Stakes" and of course think they both had lovely tummies!

    The Chans

  8. I, Precious, have to vote that you both have cute tummies and I would have loved to see both of them in kitty world.

  9. MOL!! Mum giggled at the "don't interrupt pic ;)
    Flynn, you really looked good in your pictures.
    You pose very well.
    Mum and I enjoyed these flashback pictures:)
    Purrs, Julie

  10. You BOTH had adorable, smoochable tummies! ♥

  11. Love the tummies and the artwork! The one talking to dad is so cute.

  12. OMCs each photo is wonderful but the ones on the stonewall WOW Of course now that I say that the tummy shot OMCs
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Aww what sweet babies you have. Tummy time is the best. Our Tiglet loves to show off his tummy and stretches out really long for us to rub his tummy.

    Kitties are the best. :)

    Have a blessed weekend!

  14. I don't know what I did wrong to make my comment come across as unknown. The tummy time comment just above this one is from me, Suzanne G. McClendon, from McClendon Villa blog. Here's hoping I did it right this time. haha

  15. eric...dood...big tummy... big handsum...N we like yur dark o clox foto !! ♥♥

    flynn...dood....we could see that ant all de way over heer...for sure....did ewe eat it ore let it go on bout itz way !!! :) ♥♥

  16. I would not want to choose the best tummy, and that is a nice day to check out the beautiful view from your home.

  17. Oh my, that Flynn tummy shot is just...too much!!! Love it!

  18. Ants are fascinating little things, aren't they.

    I really like both tummies and yes, the flashy box can get annoying.

    Thanks for joining Feline Friday!

  19. Flynn had the cutest belleh pose of all with his front and back paws curled up purrfectly! So sweeeeet. xo

  20. I would have loved to rub those adorable tummies. Nice art. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  21. Lol...cats always seem to notice things we humans can't see. Happy Feline Friday! :-)

  22. Boys! You ALWAYS had the best tummies out there! None could ever surpass them. And good on you for saying you wish to have some privacy while conferring with your Dad.

  23. Tummy art is the best, and you both had very cute tummies. The don't interrupt me picture had Mom snorting coffee. We say that to her all the time.

  24. I love cats and their warm in the sun tummies! Darling cats!

  25. i could not ask for more than a two tummy Tuesday!

  26. Flynn was always right. Eric was more tummy but his is cutest.

  27. We love these memories, especially the ones of Eric and Flynn showing those terrific tummies. :)

  28. Oh, there is nothing that can beat a good tummy shot!

  29. Mew mew mew wee LOVE "Tummy Tueday"....mee think mee likess Flynn'ss tummy a bit more than Eric'ss butt they both had lovelee creemsickle tummiess Miss Jackie!
    Wee sorry wee not vissit...seemss wee are NOT gettin Nottyficationss again!! What iss goin on???
    Iss so frustratin!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) BellaSita Mum

  30. Those are some seriously impressive tummies, Celestial Kitties!
    Thank you for the artwork and off to play.

  31. Dudes, your floofy tummy selfies are just epic, and we are loving the arty effect today! Mew are definitely STAYING FLUFFY! MOL

  32. We would love to rub both tummies, as they're both very tempting😸 That artwork is great again, you're a real artist sweet Angels🎨Double Pawkisses from us especially for you, Jackie and have a great week ahead too🐾😽💞

  33. Lovely pictures! My mom often take my pic from behind and I thought your 1st pic is me! BOL. I am also a back sleeper and I thought your tummy pictures are actually mine! Have a great week!

    Junko xo

  34. No contest. Both boys have very cute tummies.

  35. I LOVED the relaxing photo! You definitely lived with the purrfect backdrop to enable relaxation!

  36. Aw...sweetest tummies around. Those boys were amazing. I have the scaredy cat ! He likes only to annoy me because he likes his way only. What to do with him?? I think I will keep him, he makes a great bed warmer for my feet. But he has found a new sleeping place so I will not see him until tonight. He thinks I don't know this heeheehee....
    Have a wonderful weekend. Thank you for sharing Eric and Flynn

  37. Oh. Your tummies are made for an admirer's face to lay onto those delightful tummies.

  38. And what a view! :) These are just adorable belly photos.


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