
Sunday, March 19, 2023

In Memory of Eric 2000-2013

 It seems impossible but it is 10 years today that we had to say our goodbyes to Eric. There is never a day that we don't think of you and talk to you. Always loved and forever missed. 

Our handsome boy.

More handsome than the flower.

To see the full tribute to him from 2013, visit here


  1. Hugs and purrs on this sad remembrance day.
    Angel Eric loved you right back.

  2. Love and gentle purrs to you as you miss your beloved Eric. He is missed and love forever by so many of us.

  3. eric, we lovez ewe dood, and we sendz hugz and lovez two mum and dad

    ewe iz ….and all wayz will be….a totall lee awesum ….and spesh ull friend ….
    two all oh uz heer in trout towne ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    dude, sauce, boomer, tuna, dai$y & mackerull

  4. Lots of hugs and Light from me as you remember Eric on this sad anniversary. ❤️

  5. What a special boy Eric was. I wish that pot plant could have sprouted another Eric.

  6. Sending oodles of hugs and purrs for mew today, we remember the first time we saw Eric in the plant pot all those years ago, and it's still as epic today! We miss mew dude!

  7. The fondest memories are the strongest and best. You all will meet up again one day I am sure. Likely in different forms and places. The lads were both real stars, most sentient beings that really did live life to the full and bring much joy.

  8. What a sad but sweet tribute to your handsome boy. I hear we do have a way of staying in humans' hearts for eternity. Thank you, by the way, for my wonderful welcome.

  9. We never forget our Angel pets. They live in our hearts and our minds always. It is so lovely of you to share their story even today. Handsome boys. Lynn

  10. None could have said it better than dear Poppy Q ... what a beautiful thought that was, if wishes could come true.
    Loved you then Eric, still do!

  11. I understand fully your astonishment that 10 years have passed since you said farwell to your beloved Eric. This August it will also be 10 years for me saying goodbye to my soul cat Abby. They always stay with us and we will honor them and miss them forever. Thinking of you.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hard to believe it’s been 10 years. But we will never forget your precious boy.

  14. Such a sweetie guy. Yes, it's hard to belive it has been 10 years. The Fan Club sure misses him too.

  15. He's watching over you from the Rainbow Bridge. My momma keeps our Gotchas and birthdays on her calendar - she never forgets us. Lights a candle too. Eric was truly a handsome mancat. Love, Dori

  16. Your family has done a great job of keeping your memory alive for all of us--your old and new friends.

  17. That Eric was a true cat character. I remember him most when he was on patrol with Flynn, and when he was cuddling with his dad. What a wonderful fellow he was.

  18. (((hugs))) and love to you. I can't believe it's been 10 years. I remember him as if it were yesterday. Wish I could hug you in person.

  19. We're sorry to be so late commenting. Things have been a bit crazy of late. How can it already be 10 years? The years seem to pass by faster and faster. Eric was such a lovely boy.

    The Chans

  20. Happy memories of a lovely boy, I'm sure. Much love to you.

  21. Hugs to you as you think upon and remember preciious Eric. The memories and love will not fade away, and they'll be there forever, to cherish in your heart.

  22. What a handsome boy Eric was. I'm glad we still get to see the boys' flashbacks.

  23. in your pot. And when both of you were in your pots, what smiles around the blogasphere.


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