
Friday, April 7, 2023

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

First of all we would like to wish Eric and Flynn a happy birthday at the Bridge for tomorrow the 8th April.

This week the flashback comes from August 2009

 I fink efurrycat knows I like avenchurs. Well one fing I reely like to do is climb   trees.

 I like to get up high in the branches where I can see efurryfing that is going on.

 Sumtimes I try to worry mum by pretending I'm going to fall. She stands below   me saying,"Oh keerfull Flynnie, watch what yer doing." Don't tell her, but I do   akkrobattiks speshully to skeer her.

 Here I am telling Eric to come up wiv me, but he isn't so good as me at tree   climbing. Mum tells him he's awkward as a camel. He furrgets which branches he   went up, and then he looks down at mum squawking that he's stuck, but he's not   reely,except furr the time dad had to climb up the tree and git him down. I just   sat on the grass watching and laffing.

 And a Wordless Wednesday post for Eric.

 I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.
 For Eric I started with Beauty at 50%, then added Landscape at 40%.

 For Flynn I started with Jungle at 60%, then added Sunshine at 25%.


preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 8.04.23
preview110pieceCaturday Art Flynn 8.04.23
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop. 


  1. Happy Birthday, Celestial Eric and Flynn!
    We are so lucky to continue to enjoy your likenesses.
    I'm off to puzzle...thanks.

  2. Eric and Flynn --happy birthday at the Bridge! You are clearly very very missed and were all lucky to share your lives together!

  3. Happy BIrthday at the Bridge sweet boys, the bloging world is better because you were a big part of it, we miss you both.

  4. Happy birthday, boys. Everyone misses you down here. That first picture of you two surveying the farm and beyond is my favourite photo of the two of you. And Flynn, your tree-climbing abilities are widely known. Eric's...are not, I'm afraid...

  5. happy heavenly birthday to our favorite cat brothers...

  6. Hw was much braver than me heheh! a big happy birthday for tomorrow to Eric & Flynn in heaven :-)

    Have an eggtastic Easter and don't eat too many ►►► πŸ₯šπŸ₯šπŸ₯š πŸ‘

  7. Dear Handsome Angel Flynn, I love high up spaces as I sleep in the tip top of the clothes closet. But as a prissy girl kitty, I do not go outside. But just maybe, if I was tomboy enough, I'd love a tree climb. I watch our grey squirrels go nuts in trees, mol. Happy Birthday and I'm sorry you went over the Rainbow Bridge though. Precious

  8. Happy birthday to you both; no doubt there will be quite the celebration at the Bridge!

    Flynn, your tree-climbing prowess was unsurpassed! Did Eric put the bitey on your mum when she told him he was as awkward as a camel? LOL.

    Happy Easter weekend, I hope it's a peace-full one.

    P.S. I've just noticed that you have Derry's memorial graphic on your sidebar; thank you. That made me cry; I miss him so very much.

  9. Happy Birthday you silly nilly wonderful wild and wacky pot-sitting tree climbing dirt-rolling mouse-catcher barn hunting lap-daddy mom-loving super special awesome forever loved and always missed the bestest ever orange kitties in the whole wide world ~ Eric and Flynn! WE LOVE YOU!

  10. Eric and Flynn happy heavenly birthday OTRB.
    You two Ginger Men constantly amazing and delighted me with your high flying skills.
    Sending Easter Greetings to you and Ivor Jackie
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Happy Purrthday to Eric and Flynn, I am sure Derby will be partying with them at The Bridge. Mum misses those boys!

  12. Happy birthday ginger boys! I sure do miss you - your observations, adventures, and silliness - though your mom and dad miss you most. I am so glad we get to remember you once a week and in puzzles.

  13. I see you enjoying scaring everyone up in that tree like a tightrope act.

  14. Happy birthday, handsome boys. I'm so happy that I happened upon your blog a few years ago. I love reading about you and your adventures on the farm with Mom and Dad. The photo of both of you sitting side by side surveying your world (top picture) is my favorite of you together. I hope Mom and Dad are doing well. They took such loving care of you, dear Flynn and Eric. Until next time...Jean

  15. Awwww such adorable kitties! Thanks for sharing their wonderful tree climbing talents!

  16. Those boys were absolutely AMAZING tree climbers! I know they loved getting way up in the trees so they could see far away. Have always loved seeing those two having one of their adventures!

    Love and Big Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  17. What a great vantage point from up in that tree! Happy Birthday to the boys at the bridge!

  18. Happy Birthday at the Bridge, Eric and Flynn! What an adventurous cat!! :)

  19. Wishing those sweet boys the most purrfect birthday ever at the Bridge!

  20. Oh, dear! You did enjoy your climbs and your brother getting stuck is funny now but it wasn't then.

    A very happy birthday to both boys at the Bridge, and thank you so much for joining Feline Friday!

  21. Happy Birthday at The Bridge to your sweet boys. Flynn was quite the climber. Thank you for the beautiful puzzles. XO

  22. Happy Bridge Birfday to the boys for tomorrow. Hmmm, that :today for you now isnt it?

    Ayla and Laz have climbed real trees. Iza got up a few feet in a small one, but she didnt like it much.

  23. I got a treeclimper too. Just watch in to morrow at my place.

  24. Aww, Happy Birthday at the Bridge to your dear Angels Eric & Flynn. Those boys sure were adventurous!

  25. Happy Birthday to Eric & Flynn, boy do we miss those boys. They had such fun adventures, it's nice that we get to come to your blog and remember them.

  26. Happy birthday at the Bridge, Angels Eric and Flynn. We love you boys always and forever. XO

  27. Happy Bridge Birthday! Flynn, you would have scared me too if'n we were married. Actually, though, I'm a climber too. I wanted so bad to touch our 14-ft ceilings but we didn't have any way to get there.

  28. Happy Purrthday over the Bridge to your two handsome boys !

  29. Happy Birthday at the Bridge Eric and Flynn!!! I know Cody was there to party with you for sure since his birthday was April 1st!! No wonder you boys were so special! You were Aries kitties like my precious boy!!!! Aries kitties are beyond special and you are missed more than you will ever know! Will never stop loving you! xoxo

  30. Happy Birthday at the Bridge, sweet boys. April 8th is Mummy's birthday too!

  31. Happy Birthday at the Bridge to the beautiful boys!

  32. doodz !!!! happee bee lated birth day frum me, mackerull and cuzin dai$y. we hope yur day waz awesum lee soooper grate and we hope ewe both had 19 piez, 84 cakez, 755 poundz oh salmon, a ton o trout and we sendz lovez two ewe both ♥♥♥♥♥

    all sew;

    we bee on free wi fi two day !!!

    sew stoppin bye with paste N coppee

    with easturr greetinz and NOE BURD

    happee fun day hippee hoppee :) ♥♥

  33. Wow, I don't remember seeing this high in the trees pics!πŸͺΊπŸˆ‍⬛ Happy birthday to the boys who always keep a eye on from above.

  34. Happy Birthday, sweethearts. I remember several of the blogs you wrote about your tree climbing and what your mom thought about that!

  35. What a good climber your were, Angel Flynn. Down is another story...huh...MOL Great artwork! We hope you had a wonderful Easter. Hope you had some Sun, like we had🌞

    Double Pawkisses for a Happy Birthday at the bridge sweet AngelsπŸŽ‰We miss you guys! πŸΎπŸ˜½πŸ’ž

  36. I'm always jealous Eric & Fynn's life =^x^=
    Wonderful grass & tree to get around
    Love them as always

  37. Happy birthday at the Bridge, Boys! I hope you two have met Bear Cat.

  38. By the way, Flynn and Eric are on Dani's blog today, which is April 11th. They've joined in the fun.

  39. Happy aniversary to both you boys. That top picture is one of my all time favourites, makes me smile and think of good things.
    Boy them jigsaws were very hard. Mrs H has gone to bed shaking her head and looking for asprin, MOL.
    Have a great week.


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