
Monday, May 1, 2023

Remembering Flynn 2000-2017

 Six years ago today you had to leave us and join your brother. We will never stop loving or missing you both.

Here are just a few of our favourite photos of you, our darling boy. Love you forever.

An all time favourite in the big old oak tree.

The Mighty Hunter rarely missed a mouse.

Always ready to pose for the camera.

Able to sleep in any position.
Flynn's Memorial page can be found here.


  1. Flynn was a special boy. Sending you love and hugs on this sad anniversary.

  2. Awww Mr Flynn - we hope you and Big Eric are enjoying your pot plants at the bridge.

  3. Lots of hugs to you both as you remember Flynn on this sad anniversary. ❤️

  4. Sweet Flynn, you and your brother are missed by so many the world over. You touched our hearts.

  5. Bless you, Flynn. I hope you visit your parents in their dreams tonight.

  6. two me best friend ever for all time, eye lovez ewe dood. letz send down lotz oh hugz
    two mum N dad, sew they noe, we iz troo lee all rite. thiz bee a sad day for them ~~~~

    cuzin daiz and mackerull and de food gurl, all sew sendz hugz and lovez cross de
    big pond, for all wayz two

    letz go make sure yur rose buzh iz oh kay

    ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ tuna

  7. Flynn was so very special and we miss them both. But we so enjoy seeing them still in all their majesty and antics. They were both wonderful sentient beings. For all they love they gave and engendered I am sure they will have a great new life together somewhere else, maybe even nearby. Happy memories day to you both this special day.
    Lots of Buddhist purrs
    ERin & Mrs H

  8. Angel Flynn, Precious and I are just beginning to know you from all the pictures that your mum loves to share. You and your brother were extremely handsome and you brought much joy to your humans.

  9. Like his brother a lovely fella..Bless!x
    And a lovely tummy to tickle..!x

  10. Aww! What a nice post and pictures and most of all precious memories :-)
    Have a memorytastic Monday 👍

  11. We will never stop missing you, Flynn.

  12. What handsome and sweet kitty and wonderful tribute to a special fur person ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Awww, big healing hug on this day of remembrance.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Jackie. Big hug. ♥

  14. Such beautiful memories of these ambitious and playful boys. Always soi special to stop by and say hello. May the month of May be a blessing for you.

  15. (((hugs))) to you as you remember this most incredibly handsome boy who was a wonderful snoopervisor and hunter!! I miss he and Eric soooooo much as do sooo many! Thank you for keeping their memory alive for all of us! xoxo

  16. Celestial Flynn, hope you are romping happily with your brofur Celestial Eric, and maybe Celestial Paddy O'Malley is wandering around there too.
    Hugs and purrs to your earth-bound humans on this sad remembrance day.

  17. What lovely memories! I'm so sorry he's gone, we don't get over missing them.

  18. Flynn was such a handsome lad! We are finding it hard to believe that it has already been six years!

    The Chans

  19. Fynn, I do remember those fun times of yours. I remember I always jealous your freedom on those green =^x^=
    Me and mom miss you two,
    Big hugs to your mom

  20. Flynn you were such a loved and special kitty.
    Hugs to your Mum and Dad as they think of you today with love and all the happy memories you gave them.
    ((((( ♥ )))))

  21. Both boys left far too soon. I loved reading about them and looking at them. I still do.

  22. Flynn was such an amazing mancat, and we will hold him forever in our hearts and minds. Purrs and all good things to you as you remember your beloved Flynn.

  23. Checked out the memorial page as well. those are all wonderful photo memories. If only our cats did not always have to leave us so soon . . .

  24. Love your forever, of course, Flynn !
    Say hello to your brother Eric for me.
    I'm a poor lonesome cat, now, Chipie has joined all of you on the Bridge one year ago...


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