
Friday, July 7, 2023

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 The flashback this week is from November 2009 and was a Mancat Monday.

It has been very rainy here lately, but last week the sun came out for a short while. We told mum she needed to go out and get some exercise. We told her not to worry as we would go with her to make sure she was safe.

Come on mum! You need to walk briskly!

Flynn: Just because I have stopped to scratch my ear is no reason for you to stop. Eric will keep an eye on you.

Okay, you can go back indoors now mum, and seeing as we have kept you safe, you can give us some treaties.
I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

This week I used Picasso at 40%, then added Grey also at 40% to give it a more wintry look.
I entered Ginger and white cat in a garden in the text box for AI Art. There were some weird results, but this one looks okay.

preview110pieceCaturday Art 8.07.23

I am joining MessyMimi for the blog hop. 


  1. That looked like a really fun walk and the art is really gorgeous, just like those boys were!

  2. Those dear hearts sure loved their mom - didn't wander off at all, but remained steadfastly vigilant. And deserving of many treaties! Mom's catwork is awesome. I hope Mom and Dad are both well. Until next time - Jean

  3. Those boys always had their tails up. What a happy pair they were.

  4. What a nice flashback and making sure you was safe and always upbeat :-)

    Have a flashbacktastic weekend 👍

  5. Ah! Bless! Looking after their Mum..
    Even when Flynn stopped to scratch
    his ear...Are we sure it was his ear..! :O).

  6. Absolutely beautiful photos of those two gorgeous cats taking their mum for a walk. Obviously you had to keep up the pace to keep up with the cats, LOL.

  7. I love how the boys flanked you, your security guards. ♥

    I also love your AI art, that looks fantastic!

  8. Eric and Flynn were task masters. "Come on mum! You need to walk briskly"
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. You two Angel Boys were terrific escorts for your Meowmy.
    Da Boyz do this when I arrive each morning before breakfast; they make sure I'm heading directly for the kitchen.
    Lovely art, and I'll puzzle just as soon as I can...thanks.

  10. What sweethearts those boys were caring for you ever so gently. I love the art too. Gentle hugs across the way.

  11. what cutie pies to walk with your Mom!

  12. Such sweethearts. Great flashback pics!

  13. THose boys could make anything happen if that's what they wanted!

  14. They were such good escorts for you on your walk. I bet they got lots of treats.

  15. That was a cute flashback. Beautiful art. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  16. We loved seeing the pictures of you two walking your Mom !

  17. They were good exercise buddies. Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  18. Love the cat art! Great story too! :-)

  19. We LOVED seeing you walking along with Eric and Flynn going in front with tails held high!

  20. How nice of those boys to help Mum do the exercise thing. workouts are always better with buddies, right? And who better than Angels Eric and Flynn? The artwork turned out beautifully, too. XO

  21. We hope the boys got their treats, which they earned!

    We love this week's art.

  22. We absolutely love the photos today! The boys were such special cats.

  23. Eric and Flynn let you tag along on patrol! With close supervision of course ...

  24. I love seeing yoo all have fun on patrol. I would never go on a walk. Someone needs to stay home and guard the treats.

  25. doodz…it bee uz….we iz buzzed glad ewe escorted mum out on her walk bee coz
    vizshuz deer and bass terd fez ant…coulda ben rite round de bend….we gotta go now
    ~~~~~ bye 💙🐟💚🐟


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