
Friday, July 21, 2023

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 The flashback this week is only a short one, but it is also to mark our 17th blogoversary which was yesterday, 20th July.

Two Posers from December 2009.

Flynn: mum asked me to look nicely at the camera for her, so of course I obliged.

Eric: Who says I never pose. Actually mum caught me unawares, but don't tell her that.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I used Redblush at 50%, then Sadness at 40%.

For Flynn I only used Flow at 45% as I thought that was enough.

For the AI art my text was "Cat in a field." I thought it looked very much like Flynn and could well be one of our fields. Is AI sneaking a look through my photos???

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 22.07.23
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 22.07.23


  1. Happy Blogoversary and congratulations on 17 years! Such handsome photos as always of these special boys. Mom's catwork is very pretty. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  2. That's such a nice flashback and Happy Blogoversary from all of us!!!

  3. My most favourite photo of all...
    Is still the boys in the 'BIG' flower

    And..Yes! Happy Blogoversary...! :).

  4. Lovely photos and memories aww!

    Congratulations on your 17th blogoversary 👍

    Have a 17th blogoversarytastic weekend 👍

  5. Such handsome boys that you have got such good pictures of. Thank you for continuing to share the memories. And congratulations on the 17th anniversary. The boys were behind all of that I am sure.

  6. Congratulations on 17 years! We still miss your boys, but look forward to seeing them on Friday.

  7. Wow, that's spectacular!
    Happy Blogoversary; we are so glad to have found you.
    And I LURV pics of cats in pots...what is wrong with me?!? ;-)
    Lovely art as usual, and I'll puzzle as soon as I can, thanks.

  8. Happy Blogoversary! Seventeen years is an amazing achievement!

    The boys posed beautifully (even if Eric was caught unawares -- lol). As always, you post lovely artified photos!

  9. I have ALWAYS and ever loved seeing the boys in their flower pots, all planted up and blooming in their gingerness!

  10. Hey dear ginger angels and Mom Jackie
    What a fun flash back of da Ginger Boys
    Hugs cecilia

  11. PS got so wrapped up in the boys I meant to say HAPPPPPPPY
    17 YEARS OF BLOGGING OMCs. WOW I think your angels were 2 of Madi's first bogging friends in 2009
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. A very big happy 17th blogoversary! I'm happy to still be able to see the boys and that you're keeping it going.

  13. Eric and Flynn were so handsome. Happy Blogoversary!!! That is a long time to blog. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  14. Concatulations on your blogoversary !

  15. Wonderful poses, all of them.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  16. Seventeen years of watching the ginger brothers. I could have another seventeen. (And Eric does look like he wasn't intending to pose. Ha!)

  17. Beautiful photos today, remembering our beautiful angel friends. Congratulations on these many years of terrific blogging ~ so glad we met you! By the way, "funny/coincidental" you're calling the boys "Posers", in one of our retrospectives earlier this week, we have a POSER (now I can't remember if Eric or Flynn ... ?), the
    chosen word from once upon a time ...
    They did pose well.

  18. I just looked back ... they were on High Five (July 10) and What's In A Word (July 11),
    if you didn't see them ...

  19. Happy blogoversary!!! I don't think there's anything cuter than those boys in their pots!

  20. Happy Blogoversary! 17 years is amazing!

    Nice memories, today...that AI kitty sure does look like it could be a 'snooped' image

  21. Eric and Flynn certainly were great posers. Happy 17th Blogoversary! XO

  22. "Is AI sneaking a look through my photos???"
    We wouldn't be at all surprised.....

    At all events, this week's art is lovely.

    Happy blogoversary. You must have started only a few weeks before Our Human started her own, purrsonal blog (it was a few years after that , that She started the separate, kitty blog).

  23. We thought it was Flynn!

    Lovely pics and art as always and Happy Blogoversary :)

  24. Happy 17th!!! Beautiful photos!

  25. Happy Blogoversary! Mine is coming up on Tuesday. :-)

  26. doodz…it bee uz…we iz knot logged in coz itz takin two long
    for de page two load.. wee canna let a pot poserz pic sure
    slip past with out commintz frum de land of trout !! wizhin
    ewe both N mum N dad a most happee 17…..speekin of…
    what did mum N dad due for THER 17th… happee blog annie
    surary….we lovez ewe for time eeee tern a tee…and flynn..


    that fotoz doez look like ewe …..we think ther bee spiez inn
    side mumz pea sea 🙀

  27. Love those pot cats, and belated Happy Blogoversary!!


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