
Friday, September 22, 2023

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This post comes from February 2010 and is called:

Stinky Eric!

We went for another walk and stopped to sit in the sun for a while.

Flynn found a bit of branch and decided to put his stink on it.

I decided to have a roll too. Mum said she was glad to see us enjoying ourselves. Then she saw IT!

On the side of my face was all smelly black tarry stuff.

Mum thought it was a leaf stuck to me at first, then she realised I was rolling in pheasant poop. She yelled at me to stop but I was enjoying it too much. Do you know what she did then? Click the photo to see my prize better.

She picked me up and plonked me on the edge of the horse drinking trough and tried to drown me! Look how wet she made the side of my head and down my leg. It was a cold day. I could have frozen to death! I've a good mind to report her to the RSPCA.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art. 

I used Races at 70%, then Picasso at 55%.

My AI art was using text, "Ginger cat in a cornfield".

preview108pieceCaturday Art 23.09.23
preview110pieceGinger cat in corn field
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. Dear Eric, how he was most likely humiliated to get his face washed after a fun roll in the poo. I love seeing Precious now going out on her patio and she rolls and rolls on the concrete like Flynn was doing on the branch.

  2. OMC, that was funny! Okay, the pheasant poop not so much, but it IS funny when you're reading it and didn't have to deal with it. :-D

    Love the art, as always!

  3. Now this made me laugh LOL @ Stinky Eric rolling in the pheasant poop lol :-)

    Have a pooplesstastic weekend 👍

  4. Ugh, not pheasant poop rolling! Just keeping things interesting for the humans.

  5. That was fun and it was pheasant poop purrfect. Love the art too!

  6. MOL MOL MOL pheasant poop is no pleasant...that was such a fun flashback
    Hugs cecilia

  7. hahaha! You rascals are always good for a laugh, even though it's usually at your expense! Mom's catwork is pretty. Hope Mom and Dad are both well. Until next time...Jean

  8. Oh boy, we've never seen pheasant poop but it sounds like you had a lot of fun.

  9. Too bad he wasn't quick enough to sneak into the house like that and spread the love around!

  10. Rolling and rubbing new stinks on our furs is something us pups love to do too...
    MJF was an expert at finding deer poo when they would go on walks on the backroads here...

    But the bath part afterwards is so unfair!

    The deer can't get into our yard, so we don't have local poo piles...though we do enjoy rabbit candies when we find them, BOL!

    We used to see pheasants here once in a while, but have not seen them in years, and the bobwhites have gone, too. (as well as foxes)
    We are getting a lot more traffic in our area, and urban sprawl is happening. Poo!

  11. PS: That cornfield looks a lot more like daisies to us...LOL!!

  12. Oh, goodness! It's nice to roll, but rolling in stink is not a wise idea when you have to go back in a house.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  13. Poor Eric with the pheasant poop. I love your flashbacks. Your boys remind me so much of my angel Sammy. Nice art. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  14. I had to laugh at poor Eric. I would have cleaned him up just the same, though on a farm, one has the advantage of outdoor water-sources. The horse-trough was a good idea. Sorry, Eric...

  15. Lol. I think my cats would not have been happy with the water either. They love to play in water, but not so much have it put on them by humans. :-)

  16. Yuck! Stinky pheasant poo is not good.

    The art looks lovely though!

  17. da tabbies o trout towneSeptember 24, 2023 at 12:24 AM

    wavez two ewe cuzin daiz! doodz…we canna watchez de moovee til next
    week, de fone companee sended de stoooooopid data time text….faaaaaaaa
    N bee GLAD mum ree moved de fess ant waste ma teerullz…..trooth…gotta
    go now…bye ~~~~~~~

  18. Oh, Angel Eric! Pheasant poop? We bet that was, um, aromatic! MOL

  19. Mom says they would take one whiff of you pre-bath and side with your Mum.

  20. We would not have been happy about being half-drowned either. But We don't like getting poo on Our beautiful furs to begin with.

  21. That is funny about the pheasant poop. Ginger Cat in the Cornfield is pretty cool!

  22. We never fail to be pleased at the sight of 2 big proud orange/white male cats enjoying their lives together. TBT has enjoyed 2, but they never met each other. It would have been wunnerful...

  23. Lovely art, again. The lightness if this photo highlights the orange in the boys' coats.

    On the other paw, I think Eric has very sophisticated taste, as he went for the pheasant tartar, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

  24. MOL...Granny's worst nightmere...MOL...but with or without the stinks, you two were so cute, sweet Angel Flynn and Angel Eric💗Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead to you and your mommy too🐾😽💞

  25. OMC this made me LOL!!!! Hilarious! You are right that I am quite happy that Roary has finally bonded! Only took furever! lol

  26. MOL!!!my mum wood start calling me ppo head iffen i did that

  27. It seems like only boycats like rolling in smelly stuff! Bear did, too.


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