
Friday, October 27, 2023

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week the post comes from February 2010 and is called: On Guard!
Dad keeps the straw for the horses beds in a shed behind our garden hedge. In the winter the mousies and sometimes ratsies try to get in to eat any corn left in the straw. When they do that, they chew through the cords that hold the straw bales together, then when dad tries to lift them up, they break. That makes him say words on the Bad Werd List.

We help him by sitting on the straw bales and keeping a lookout for ratsies and mousies.

You have to sniff the straw to see if they have been around lately.

To make sure we don't miss them, we take it in turns with one of us looking up and the other looking down. We think dad is very glad of our help.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I used two effects I haven't used before, Mosaic at 50%, then Monster at 35%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art 28.10.23
I am joining MessyMimi for the blog hop. Sorry, no links list.


  1. You boys were sure good at sniffing out those crazy rodents! Very cool art too!

  2. I'm certain your help was much appreciated.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  3. Excellent job of rodent control, fellas!

  4. that is nice to make the bed extra comfy for da hporses.. we hope there is no pea under da soft mattress ;O)))

  5. You boys were such amazing help for your dad! That was hard work!

  6. I just love seeing pictures of both these wonderful Tomcats together at the same time. How handsome day were and what good work they did. Around here when somebody has a barn cat, they just leave them out there on their own and don't even feed them. They wouldn't think of having them as such wonderful pets.

  7. Aww, they were so helpful!

  8. What wonderful thoughtful helpers, and very thorough too. Mom's catwork is very nice. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  9. Protecting the hay was an important job!

  10. Nice flashback. I am sure your dad did appreciate all your mouse hunting. Beautiful art. Thanks for the puzzle. XO

  11. Such great helpers! Happy Feline Friday! :)

  12. I'll bet the boys were great at that duty - though I worry that the rats were sometimes too big or ferocious for them...

  13. Happy Feline Friday to you 2 Angels
    Hugs cecilia

  14. You two sure helped Dad out a lot, Angels Eric and Flynn! XO

  15. We bet those two hunting boys were very successful often:). We like them mosaic look in your art work.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. da tabbies o trout towneOctober 29, 2023 at 1:40 AM

    doodz….18 centz anda sack oh friez sayz dad called de roe dentz….bass terdz… rite !? 🙀😺‼️

  17. We are sure you boys were a Great Help to Dad!

  18. Glad you guys had such fun catching mousies! Those art effects came out really well.

  19. Those boys sure were vigilant about watching for them ratsies and mousies!

  20. They were good to control the mousies and rats among the hay!

  21. Cute
    Thanks for sharing.
    Wishing you a happy new month.

  22. Your babies were so precious. They give us such joy.

    We have a kitty here that has adopted us. Hangs around most of the time and we feed her everyday. We think she's pregnant, but we'll deal with that down the road. We'll care for the kitties.

    Have a fabulous day, Jackie. Hugs. ♥


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