Monday, April 6, 2009

Mancat Monday

Eric: Go away. I don't want my photo taken.

Didn't you hear me the first time? Now go away.

Flynn: I really don't know why you don't want your photo taken Eric. All you have to do is look at the flashy box and smile. If you don't want to do that, just lie there and look dreamy.

Eric: Oh all right then. Will this do?


  1. Dearest Eric and Flynn,
    We think you both are very extra dreamy!

    Kisses to you both!

    Very truly yours,
    The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

  2. That will do very nicely. I can tell you apart now!

  3. Sometimes I don't like having my photo taken either but I think you handled that like a man cat.

  4. You both look very handsome today.You don't always have to smile, we like all of your pictures Eric. Happy Mancat Monday.

  5. Lots of times I turns my head away from the flashy thing... so mom has all these back of the head pictures which she has to delete!

  6. Flynn gave you excellent advice. You both look very dreamy.

  7. Eric you have such a cute face, mum loves looking at you.

  8. Eric, I'm on your side. Mom wants to kiss you both, but then, you know she's like that.

  9. Looking good, boys! I know what you mean about the old flashy bx. Gets a bit tiresome, doesn't it?

  10. Eric, you have very nice eyes. We don't often get to see them close up. You did a great job posing for the camera.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  11. Those are great, mancatly pictures!

  12. We don't know, Eric... You still look like 'rather not'. Hopefully you got some sleep done afterwards! Purrs!

  13. Purrfect! You look very handsome in close up. FAZ

  14. Awww Eric, I feel your pain. I don't like the flashy box either. Mum has to take 20 pictures to get a couple of good ones.

    Sweet dreams big boy.

  15. Eric, that last photo is very, very smoochable!

  16. Eric, we're glad you finally gave in so we could see your handsome face!!!

  17. So very dreamy!!
    Happy Mancat Monday, Eric and Flynn!

  18. What a good picture, Eric. Sometimes it's hard to pose with your eyes open for the flashy box, but you did a great job.

    Flynn, you look real mellow.

    Happy ManCat Monday!

  19. Some times you just want the flashy box to go away and let you rest in peace. But it seems, they never listen to us.

  20. Yes, Eric. That will do!

  21. Eric you do "a bad mood" look really well! but really you are gorjuss and so is Flynn.

  22. Eric, you do look so cute. Flynn has the right idea. Just roll with it. No bother.

    Happy Mancat Monday gentlecats

  23. There you go Eric. That'll do nicely. It's not so bad is it?

  24. Eric, you have such a cute little funny-face in that last photo!

  25. We think you pulled off dreamy quite well, Eric! If you were here, Mom would try to kissy face your nose!


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