Monday, April 20, 2009

Mancat Monday

Dad wuz working down in one of the fields clearing back some undergrowth. I knew he would appresheate some help so I made my way down there.

It looked like hard work so I meowed to him to see if he needed a break.

I think he wuz glad to stop and we enjoyed a bit of man time togevver.

Yup, he definitely needed that rest.

I stopped to help him for a while, then told him I'd better get back or mum might be wondering where I wuz.
I looked back as I went up the hill and could see he wuz hard at work again.


  1. Now that is quite the sight! Can we come over and help out in the fields too? It looks like so much fun and we thinks you Dad could use the extra help.

  2. That's quite a job your dad is doing. It's a good thing you went back to get him to take a break. Perhaps you should have taken him a snack and a cold drink?

  3. Your dad had lots to work on, taking trees down and all. It is nice that you visited and gave him a break.

  4. Eric, you are such a good mancat to offer your daddy some help. Looks like he has lotsa hard work to do. It's good that you got him to take a little break with you!

  5. WE can tell your dad needed a rest. That looks like fun, for you, but hard work for him!

  6. Yes!We are very pround of you! You did well !
    What a work day hein!
    Great post!
    purrs from
    Luna and mommy Léia

  7. Eric, you are such a great mancat to go help your dad like that!

  8. You did a good job there Eric. Farming is very hard work, and a man needs a cat break :O)

  9. Wow! You look like you have such a neat place to live and play. I'm glad you and your dad had some man time together.

  10. What a big help you are. I bet he wouldn't have made it through the day without you.

  11. Maybe you should strap on a backpack next time and bring your Dad some lemonade:)

  12. That looks like way too much work. Good thing you made your dad take a break.

  13. That was very sweet of you to join your dad for a break.

  14. You're a great helper, Eric! It was so cute how you helped your Dad take a break. I bet he appreciated it

  15. Your so good to go and make sure your dad got a break! You are a sweet kitty! Don't let dad overwork!

  16. You're dad was working hard! It was nice of you to give him a break!

  17. What a perfect break you gave him! Cuddlin' is the best ... and he clearly needed it!


    Marilynn, Grace & Company

  18. That is no small job that your dad is doing, I bet he realy was glad of the help.

    You looked as though you enjoyed those cuddles very much.

    Hugs Ginger Jasper x

  19. It's good that you spend "man" time wiv your Dad. Dad's are cool!

  20. That is some of the sweetest pictures we've ever seen! You are such a thoughtful boy, Eric.
    ~ Timothy

  21. whata great job Eric - we is shur that your dad 'presheats your help efurry day!

  22. What a good helper you are. You gave him a much needed break.

  23. now thats team work .

    great photos too.

  24. That looks like a very hard job! Your dad is lucky to have you for a helper.

  25. That was very good of you to go and make sure your Dad too a break. He was working very hard, clearly, and needed some cat time.

  26. He makes the Awesome Man look super lazy.


  27. Eric, either you area much, much bigger Mancat than we thought, or your Dad is much, much smaller than we thought! Either way, we are very impressed!

    -Gandalf and Grayson

  28. You are totally your daddy's sidekick! What would he do without you?

  29. you did a furry good thing--beans sometimes furget that they need to rest, an' what better way to rest than wif a kitty to cuddle. good fellow!!

  30. How nice of you to help and remind your dad to take a break from the hard work.

  31. Oh man, you guys always have the coolest stuff to do! We never get to do anything exciting.


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