Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Flashback

This Friday Flashback comes from March 2008 and it was when we won Forty Paws ham-mick.


We won Forty Paws raffle furr the Meezers and got this great Ham Mick. I fink I'll try it out and haf a wash. Yep, it's nice and comfy furr washing my toes. And it's good furr washing my tummy too.
Fanks Forty Paws, it's a great Ham Mick.
Hey where did this come furrom?
Wow what's that I can smell? Mum sez it's a Dorf smell. I don't know what she means by that, but it is a furry inchresting smell.
Oh yes! I like this. It's furry comfy, and look there's a quality sirtiffykit signed by Dorfington Fish Stanley. That must be the Dorf smell mum wuz telling me about.
This is the life. I love this Ham Mick. Tell you what Flynn, you can haf the vishus deer furrs all to yourself, this is MY bed cuz it sez purrfect cat on it and that's me. You got that?
Flynn do you remember that you didn't want to share our nip crowns? Well I'm not sharing the Ham Mick.
Here's a short video clip of me inspecting it.

Eight days and we'll be back!!!!!


  1. wow what a great spot!
    You are so lovely!
    Have a nice weekend !
    Purrs from Brazil
    Luna and mommy Léia

  2. Did you ever end up sharing the ham mick, Eric?

  3. wow you gotted to smell dorfie!!! way cool!

    smiles, auntie bee

  4. That is a great flashback! See you soon!

  5. I remember your hammock! That was great!

  6. We love our ham-micks. But Mom has crap piled in ours right now, so we can't use them. We are going to make her move the stuff so we can get to them again.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  7. That's a great ham mick! We want one now...

  8. Now that's a memory worth remembering... we bet you haven't willingly given up that ham mick since.

  9. What a cool flashback Friday. We can't wait until you come back.

  10. Looks very nice, but we don't see no HAM!?

  11. We remember that one! It was before we got our hammick!

    Head-bonks from Gandalf and Grayson

  12. We LOVE our hammicks!!! Hope you are doing well! We miss you!

  13. You did an great inspection of that Ham Mick Eric!

    If you want to add me to your Blog List my new URL is Blogger does not seem to want to find my old blog that disappeared. Oh well.

  14. What a superb hammick, you realy look very impressed with that. What a good quality control inspection you did.

    Hugs GJ x

  15. Where the ham Eric??? Can't even sniff it out. That new seat of yours looks comfy tho!! Wiry wags, Eric xx

  16. My mom needs to get me one of those.

  17. There's nothing like a Dorf inspected hammick!

  18. You look really comfortable in there! Hugs from the topcatrules girls. :)

  19. We loved this post - but we'll be glad when your Mom gets back so we can see you again.

  20. This is the first time I've seen this post since I wasn't blogging back then. That hammick thing looks cool, I've seen them on other blogs but I've never had one before. I have a pretty good bed that I like a lot.

  21. Mom just checked, we started in July 2007! Wow we are coming up to 2 years and didn't even realize it....hope you have a nice sunny day=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

  22. You were smelling Dorfington Fish Stanley weren't you!!

  23. Now I bet Flynn really wishes he had shared his nip crowns with you.


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