Monday, June 15, 2009

Mancat Monday

Now there is some new hay in the barn, we have to work very hard on mousie lookout. We make sure mum pays us well with treats.


  1. Oh, it must be very hard to hunt the mice with all this hay around!
    Purrs and love

  2. It is the gingerliscious mousketeers!! Watch out mousies!

  3. Those mousies will not mess with you guys! :)
    ps: I like the way you get paid!! heeh any work going? ;)

  4. That's tough work - you deserve extra treats and a nap!!

    Thanks for stopping by Cousin Trooper's House Trashing Party!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  5. How many treats do you earn for one joosie mousie?

  6. I think you two are up the job of making that place mouse free!

  7. You two are worth your weight in gold for all the hard work on the mousie patrol.

  8. Oh. My. Dog! Hay bales, mousies, beautiful long grasses. What a wonderful life!

    Thankyou for your Gotcha Day wishes:)

  9. think they'd think that hay out to make your job easier, not harder!

  10. Hay boys, what have you been up to? Geddit - Hay Boys! I do make myself laugh sometimes (shame it doesn't work for everyone else though). FAZ

  11. The mousies are deaded for sure, wiv you two about mouseketeers about! Very mancatly duties.

  12. We think getting paid with treats is pawsome!

  13. Those mousies will be no match for you two!!!

  14. I'm just glad I'm not a mousie in your barn!

  15. We imagine that those mousies are already twitching their nosies and shaking in their boots, boys!

  16. I just know for sure with the two of you keeping watch for the mice that they don't have a chance! Good Job!!

  17. I am glad you get paid well for all your hard work mouse watching.

    Hugs GJ xx

  18. Well guys, I hope you let your mom know what a real pile of treats should look like. You can take her over and show her Dante's post from yesterday. In mean, you're a big guy Eric and Flynn isn't so small either!

    Well, I guess you can always eat a mouse or two if you're still hungry.

  19. Those mousies don't stand a chance with the two of you around!!!

  20. We have never seen such incredible mousers! Even with a barn full of hay!

  21. Yall are grate wif mousie patrol. Me too, but my mousies only moves when i frows them. I fink maybe dat is not so impurressive. Way to go guys!
    Sanjee and the resta the Hotties

  22. I wish I had a barn full of hay to lie in. Did I ever tell you, I was born on a farm? But, then the farm people couldn't keep the many kitties they had and I ended up at the Humane Society when I was very little. Then my Mom and my human sister came and picked me out of the cage and I they brought me here to my forever home. It's not on a farm, but it's been great here too. It's in a very small town and I live close to the river and used to roam along the shore a lot. I caught lots of mouses and all sorts of things. I've slowed down a lot, but when I sleep, I have great dreams of things I used to do.

  23. Ooo...Grandbean has a barn cat who does mouse patrol as well.

  24. You guys sure are hard workers!

    Hey, we wanted to ask your mum's opinion on Snap's leg. Obviously she can't see it but we wondered what she would do.

    It is swollen just around the gash- basically the top half of the front of her canon bone. Went almost down to the muscle. It is bumpy and pink (not proud flesh...yet). The barn lated wants her to paint it w/ DMSO but she's just looking to see if that sounds about right. The Woman really would rather have kept it wrapped longer (vet's orders and all....) but it is what it is.


  25. you should get paid well! that's a lot like werk!

  26. The hay looks fun, but it probably is a lot of work. Glad to get to see you guys.

  27. Do mousies like to play in the hay, too?

  28. You are both so lucky that you get to see real live mousies!!!!! I bet they are even more fun than my pink mousie . . . *sigh*

  29. Mousie lookout keepz da kittiez slim an' trim an' young!☺

  30. Looks like you two have your paws full!
    Great work!!

  31. You two are mean mancat mousin' machines! We bet your mum is almost running out of treats with all the mousin' you two do! :)

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew
    Bugsy, Sassy, Callie, Roxy, and Pixie, and Their Mommy

  32. You have all that grass to roll around in and sleep in? WOW--lucky YOU!!

    Noir in Texas


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