This is my most faverit cushun in the whole world. It's in the old falling down woodshed. The Befurrus cats used to sleep there sumtimes, and when they had all gone ofurr the Rainbow Bridge, mum kept the cushions there furr Kitty Yum Bum cos she was sad, and then she could cuddle up to it and still smell them.Then one day I went in there and dis-cuvvered it. BLISS!!!!

It's reely old and smelly. It's luvly. I goes in and rubs and rubs all ofurr it. Mum calls it my silly cushun. I asked if I could haf it indoors, but she said it stinks too much, but now it's got my stink on it.

My eyes go all funny and I drools all ofurr it, but I reely reely luv my cushun.Just look at my tung.

I've got anuvver confeshun. The uvver day I caught live fev-vers. I'm not allowed to catch live fev-vers, cos mum makes me let them go. Well the uvver day mum wasn't looking, and there were all these sparrows in the tree laffing at me.So I jumped in the tree and caught one. When mum came outdoors, all she saw was me washing my chops and a little pile of innards and one wing!!I got a telling off, but I don't care cos it tasted good. Here is a pichur of me looking round all guilty cos I've been caught. See that wing by my foot.Next day the innards had gone so anuvver cat must haf been around, or it may haf been Mr. Fox. I don't fink it was the vishus deer acos they would need more to eat than that.
ooo pawsome cushin, we loves smelly comfie spots to roll around. Usually that spot is tha smelly dogs bed here. My hooman says PPPUUU! You are very luckees to have eats the flying noms from outsides! we has only seen thems thru the patio; purrs! =^_^=
ReplyDeleteYou are so cute getting your schmells all over that cushun!
ReplyDeleteWe've never caught a real live fevver before.... you must be a really good hunter!
Do you still have those very cool cushions?
ReplyDeleteOld cushions are the bestest!! Hey, you are a really good hunter! I haven't caught anything for ages. SS always scares them off before I have a chance.
ReplyDeleteYou look adorable, Flynn (or Eric, but we're guessing Flynn)!
ReplyDeleteThat's great that you caught a live birdie! You two are the best hunters we know
That looks like a great cushion to rub all over. Do you still have it?
ReplyDeleteTavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Those look like such comfy cushions.
ReplyDeleteI admire your athletic ability to catch live fev-vers!
ReplyDeleteMmmmm... I can smell that cushun from here...
ReplyDeletei've never had live fev-vers.. can you get them in a tin?
ReplyDeleteFabulous pictures from a wonderful time!
ReplyDeletepurrs and love from Luxembourg
mommy Léia and Luna
What a great cushion! It looks such fun! But iffen yoo got fed up wiv it, yoo could sell it on ebay!
ReplyDeleteWe're impressed about the fevver ~ but when Mom read it she did that tsk tsk noise she does when we've been norty. Tee hee!
You ate a birdie! I have never done that... At least not since I have lived here! I am glad you enjoyed it!
ReplyDeleteThat cushion face, I do that with stinky shoes!!
ReplyDeleteHave a nice weekend, and don't eat too many birdies.
We luff that second picture. Just too cute! And you are a very good hunter. Were you even a little bit scared?
ReplyDeleteI can tell from all of the way over here that the cushion is wonderful!
ReplyDeleteWe like how you put your stink all over those cushions! And congrats on catching that fev-ver! We've never even come close to cathcing one...let alone eating it!
ReplyDeleteCushions are cool--and better cause their yours!!
ReplyDeleteGREAT CUSHIONS!!! Ummm...poor fevver??? You ated him?
ReplyDeleteWe thought that only woofies liked the smelly stuff☺
ReplyDeleteIs that Flynn there rolling on the pillow? Even after lolling them, I still get confused unless I can see the two of them together and compare their size. How funny are kitties that they love the smelliest things, and then drool over them. Those plague ratsies are very smelly, and my kitties love them!
ReplyDeleteYes, not good to actually eat the fev-vers! They're good for watching, and I know maybe they taste good, but you have to learn to restrain yourself. You has lotsa other foods so you don't have to kill your own! Be reasonable!
if the fev-vers laff at you, then they deserve what happens.
ReplyDeleteWe aren't allowed out to catch fevvers, but we sure like to chatter our teeth at them!
ReplyDeleteWe love your new "old" bed ... maybe one day your bean will wash it and let you have it inside! *purrs*
Some times the best things in life are old and smelly! They have such good memories attached.
ReplyDeleteThat cushion looks just right for your tushy! We can see why you've gone to such trouble to put your stinks all over it!
ReplyDeleteGandalf catches fev-vers, too. Mom feels real bad, but we ARE cats, after all. Of course, we hardly ever go out anymore, so the fev-vers are pretty safe. From us, anyway.
Echo tole me I had to visit. I'm so glad I did! I'm the new red tabby meezer that jes moved in. I dont know about catchin live fev-vers but I just know I wood love it! See ya later!