Saturday, November 14, 2009

Don't Scare Me.

Eric: Help! Flynn is threatening to turn his lasers on me if I don't get off the cat tree.


  1. Don't kick off too hard or you'll both go flying!

  2. That cat tree doesn't really have enough room for both of you. Lazer him back!

  3. Well, I have learned, lately, it is just better to get off.

    or, just nudge him - oopsie - off of the tree :-D

  4. Iy does not look like it would take much to nudge him off.

  5. YIKES!!!!! Look at those lasers.....I don't think we'd want to mess with them.....


  6. Thanks for coming to visit us today! Better learn how to share that tree.

  7. I do not wish to get in the way of those lasers so I am saying nothing.

  8. Hmmmm ... well yoo could always turn yoor lasers right back on him! Tee hee. OR get a BIGGER cat tree!

  9. MOL you boys realy do make me laugh.. I agree with the others turn your lazers on too, be careful though dont fall off.. I hope your weather is starting to get better.. The news does not look good for your part of the world.. Hugs GJ x

  10. Well, the tree doesn't look very comfy for two respectable Mancats. Maybe find a nice comfy blankie?

  11. Ah. It's like that. Well, we can't have that. Just push him off the cat tree. He is really not that well balanced. A little push would suffice.

  12. We think you should turn around and put your lasers on too! What a match that could be!!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  13. I think your Mom & Dad should go buy a second cat tree ;)
    Its to little for you both ....
    Kareltje =^.^=

  14. Fire up your own lasers, hansdome , and show him how the big boys do it!

  15. Geez, Eric, he sure isn't giving you much room there, is he??

  16. Wow! Those laser eyes would scare anyone! You guys look crowded on that cat tree, Eric you need to push him off quick before he can laser you.

  17. Runnnnnnnnnnnnn! Run with the wind. Do not look at him in the face. RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

  18. Flynn, you really shouldn't use your lasers on your brother. It's not cool. (Threatening to use them may be ok though, particularly if it gets you what you want...)

  19. We would not worry too much, Eric. One of Flynn's paws are at ease, so he's probably not going to be lasering anything right now.

  20. You two are always squabbling over the top of the cat tree! You really should speak to your mama about getting another one. It's not big enough for the two of you mancatly cats!


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