Saturday, January 9, 2010

Nippy Carrot.

My favourite toy is my nippy carrot. I have had it for over three years now.

I love to play with it.

When mum washes it, I have to drool on it to make it smell right again. I have pulled all the fev-vers out and mum has sewn them back in for me.

But most of all, I love it when mum puts fresh nip in it for me.


  1. that mum! she's a keeper!!!

    smiles, auntie bee

  2. That's so cool that she refills the nip! You are one lucky cat!

  3. Oh what fun! We want one of those nippy carrots!

  4. Oh my Heavens, a carrot with nip and fev-vers. That sounds wonderful. No wonder you have had it all these years.

  5. That's a pretty impressive carrot! At first we didn't realize the feathers were attached! What a clever idea!

  6. Fresh nip. I have a chipmonk that can be refilled.

  7. ahhh....will you share? Looks like it's the thing to have!

  8. Nippy carrot? No wonder you are having so much fun sitting and chewing on it!

  9. Dawg - your mum's the best. She deserves some lap time today!

  10. That is a cool carrot you have there! We would pull out the "fev-vers" too!

  11. WOW that is a PAWSOME carrot! You mum is very clever to keep repairing it. Our mum would have chucked it by now :(

  12. Awww your mum is good to you.

    All that carrot must be why you have good eyesight to see all them mousies.

  13. Flynn you have your mum well trained!

  14. Yoo get noo fresh nip? M-O-Mmmmmm Why don't we get fresh nip?

  15. Wow, those pictures are really beautiful, they remind us of Vermeer paintings. Now we now in what season's light he painted his pictures.

  16. What a great toy! It's so good of your mum to repair it and even provide fresh nip.

  17. That nip carrot looks great. You have a good Mom

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  18. Dat nippie carrot look like a grate toy! Yoo is lucky!

  19. Nippy carrots? Yuuuummmmy. We likes veggies. And nip. And fevvers. Dat's one cool nip toy.

    Off topic: on owr little laptop we can hardly see your comment link because it is so light blue or gree. We thot fur a while it wuz missin or we wuz stoopid cuz ofur people obveeuslee found it. Now we knows it is dare but it is still reeely light.

  20. Flynn! The way the light is falling on your lusterous fur is just too lovely. And then it fades softly . Amazing photos. A previous poster said like Vermeer. Wonder why the masters didn't paint pictures of cats?

    What a good boy you are for taking care of your toys. You mum deserves extra kitty hugs and purrs for helping to keep them in such fine condition.

  21. Your Mum is such a good hoomin to keep the toy in good werking order for you.

  22. Great toy....and even greater Mum!!!! Have a warm and happy weekend......xxxxxxxxx

  23. Wow, that carrot is in darn good shape for something that is 3 years old and you have drooled on and played with for that long! My kitties pull out all the feathers in any toy that has them, and then don't like to play with it anymore.

    These are some great pictures of you, Flynn!

    By the way, you guys are on the LOLSpot with your mama today!

  24. Great toy, and how lucky to have such a good mom that she helps to take care or your favorite toy for you. Sewing the feathers back on your toy, that is above nice.

  25. We have a catnip carrot just like that! Hmmm, I wonder where it is... I'm going to go root through my toybox now.

  26. nice toy. snowy had something with feathers on it and she played with it till it was dead. the human couldn't fix it because it was too messed up.

    gerald majestic

  27. Looks great, I would love to have a nip carrot as well!

  28. I have the same carrot
    he is very old :-)
    But its always yummie.......

    Kareltje =^.^=

  29. Flynn, I have one of those nippy carrots too. But, I don't play with it much. With my stuffy nose, I can hardly smell nip anymore. You look like you're really enjoying your carrot. Have a great Saturday.

  30. I bet that is fun...nip is the best isn't it...even with carrots!

  31. Three years? Whoa, that IS a favourite toy!

  32. Oh we gotta get one of those! Or a nip cigar or nip nanner. We hear they are the best of the nip toys!


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