Monday, September 6, 2010

Mancat Monday. - It Happened Again.

Eric: Oh no! Wouldn't you just know it. As soon as our grass grew nice and long, dad went and cut it all down again.

I will sit here and watch it while Flynn sees if he can find any long grass to play in.

Flynn: I am looking hard but it seems like we will be out of luck.

Eric: While Flynn is doing that I will see if I can find any mangled mousies.

Sometimes the grass machine comes along and the mousies don't run back in their homes quick enough and then it is like having a buffet bar.


  1. Well, what ya gonna do, Dad chopped it all down! Hey, wait a while, it will be back before you know it!

  2. Awww... sad. It was such pretty grass.

  3. Sorry about your grass. I hope it grows quickly.

    I am not so sure about mangled mousie. I don't mind if you catch and ded one, but I feel badly for it to get caught in the mower machine. I guess that is natural selection - weeds out the dumber ones who don't get out of the way.

  4. Mangled mousie buffet! Sounds like a nice way to console yourselves after losing all that long grass to play in!

  5. Hope you find you some yummy mousies!

  6. Eww how gross! Practical but gross.

  7. Yikes, mangled mouse! I prefer to hunt down live ones.

  8. Oh no...took away all your long grass. Bummer!

  9. Mommy is gagging and laughing at the same time about the mangled mousie buffet bar. We are licking our chops just thinking about it!

  10. Well it looks like after a very restful weekend you two are out on the prowl, even though it might be in buffet form. Looks like you might be able to roll in the grass that is laying there. Humans are always doing something to spoil our fun.


  11. did you guys find any?! ewwweeyy!!
    hehe I bet you couldhave fun racing games, it looks like a race track :)

  12. Is that the grass that goes to feed the horsies?
    Well, it sounds like every cloud has a silver lining, and every hay field has mangled mousies! Hope you found some!

  13. Well, that's no fun! Except for nomming on those mangled mousie parts.

  14. Don't worry, boys, the grass will grow back before you know it; hope you both enjoyed the buffet bar!...Happy week, handsome friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  15. Mangled mousies sounds good. We wish they made that flavor of canned food.

  16. We think you have a great field, with tall grass or not :)

  17. Again!!! It's a mysterious story indeed,the field is lovely and so cool to play there.

  18. Mom's gone all silly abowt the mousies being mangled BUT she's just a gerl. We'd eat them all up.

  19. Sometimes the grass machine comes along and the mousies don't run back in their homes quick enough and then it is like having a buffet bar.

    We're thinking, "Yum!" and our mom is thinking, "Gross!" LOL!

  20. Too bad about the tall grass being gone, but I bet that long grass is going to be in bales pretty soon, and you can run up and down them. Hope you found some mousies. Bet there are some underneath that lying down tall grass.
    Have a marvelous Monday.

  21. oh man, it gotted cut again? buggers.

    smiles, auntie bee

  22. If that cut is going to make hay for the horses, you are both doing the horses a service because they won't want to eat mangled mousies. This valuable work you are doing deserves extra treats btw ;)


  23. Fancy your Dad cutting down your playing field grass when you weren't looking. Perhaps he left you the mangled mouses in compensation for the lost grass.

  24. Belly up to the Buffet Bar, dudes!

  25. Mangled Mousies? Sounds good to us but Mom is making strange EWWWW sounds.

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  26. Mommy says that your grass will grow right back! Oh...and she screamed when she read about the buffet bar!

  27. Oh no! No tall grass to play in?? Well, at least you'll be able to find the mousies easier!!

  28. It must be quite a shock when you boys go outside and find all the grass gone! It's much more fun to be able to hide when it's tall. But then the mousies can hide better, too.

    At least that's one advantage for you! Have a good breakfast, now!

  29. That mousie buffet bar sounds like the only perk to cutting the grass!

    We spell Labour and Colour the same as you! It's only the U.S. that changed it to their own spelling.

  30. What a bummer!!!!!!!!!! Luckily it will grow back fairly quickly.


  31. Is you dad making hay while the sun shines?

  32. MOL Buffet bar - how pawsome is dat!? No hard work just eat and walk away.


  33. Mangled mousies! We know the beans have gone all squeamish, but its like them going out and finding a field full of beef burgers!
    Dad is giving you a chance to play in different types of grass lengths. Short, tall, freshly cut. Each offers some exciting new adventure. And when it grows again, its nice and fresh. What a lovely dad you have.

  34. Poor boys, but dont worry it will grow back soon! Maybe next time your dad will leava a long patch just for you to play in :-)

  35. Oh how we laughed at the mouse buffet.. Sorry your grass got cut.. Hugs GJ x

  36. We hope you find all the mangled mouses cause the horses would not like them!

  37. Well for a short while you will be able to see far far away with no grass and when it grows back you'll have your jungle back! Mangled mousies sound good, we hope you found your buffet!


  38. Oh, the farm life! Grass, mangled...mousies, mangled...We are kinda glad our food comes in a can...


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