Avast there me hearties! It be I Cap'n Red Eric Nobeard. I been giving some thought to a bottle that were washed ashore just t'other day. Arrr and there be a map with a big bold cross on it. I be wondering what should be done about it.

Arrr Cap'n, I be your trusty second mate Barnacle Breath Flynn an' I be ready for the sailin'. Let's not be wasting time or some bilge rats will be beatin' us to it.

So we set sail in the good ship the Ginger Furball and followed the map until we made landfall.

Well matey Barnacle Breath, you get to digging an' I'll keep a lookout for any scurvy landlubbers or corsairs who be thinking to take the booty from us.

Aye Cap'n. It's best I do the digging or ye will be using the pit for a poop deck. Avast there,I've found the buried treasure. We be rich piratecats. Arrr.

Arr, 'tis true enough, a pirate's life is a good life.
Yo ho Yo Ho the Pirates life for me...
ReplyDeleteY'all are an amazing pirate duo, my timbers are shivering!
ReplyDeletePirate stuff is fun. And what an artistic achievement these photos represent!
ReplyDeleteFor other folks (all kitties and doggies are people to me) reading this, check out my blog. It has stories and information helpful for cat caretakers everywhere. Get your ‘beans to check it out!
Hey, wonderful pets, stay well!
Excellent entry for Meow Like a Pirate Day!!
ReplyDeleteOurs will be up when it rolls over to Sunday on our side of the world, so stop by & see us!
Love the last picture!!
Brilliant! I want to be a kitty pirate too!
ReplyDeleteYou boys are sooo cool, you are real pirates, and look at that ship, it is very bonkmancatly piratekittyboyish
MOL!! You are both excellent pirates.
ReplyDeleteARRR!! You kitties make GREAT pirates!! We hope nobody got to your gold!!
ReplyDeleteOur Mom is scrambling to get our post up for tomorrow (HURRY UP, WOMAN!!)
Have a great day!!
~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)
ps. Thanks so much for the purrs for Simon - he is feeling MUCH better now!!
Ahoy, maties! 'Tis a big treasure you have found!
ReplyDeleteAye, ye found the treasure!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! We love your pirate's tail, er, tale.
ReplyDeleteHey pirates, what a great story...I just love the good ship Ginger Furball :-)
ReplyDeleteWow Pirates!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous story dear friends,I enjoyed a lot, your mommy is very talented and did a great ARTWORK here! ConCATulations!
purrs and love
Ahoy! Superb story!!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I forgot it was Meow Like a Pirate Day. I'll have to round up the neighbourhood kitties and re-live the day this week!!
xx Oscar
What an amazing pirate adventure! My favourite picture is the second one...Barnacle Breath Flynn!
ReplyDeleteArrrr ... that b' an awesome tail ... erm tale!
ReplyDeleteHappy Meow Like a Pirate Day!
MOL, that was a fantastic tale. Cap'n Eric and Cap'n Flynn, you two are just so handsome in your pirate outfits. We love the last picture and the hole that you dug. Really well done. We enjoyed that a lot. Have a great Meow like a pirate day.
ReplyDeleteAvast me hearties!
ReplyDeleteWe loved your adventure to find the hidden treasure - was it gold or silver or an old treasure map. We know you will have fun when you open the chest.
ReplyDeleteYou are both PAWesome pirates! So, what was in your treasure chest?
ReplyDeleteLoved your post.. Brilliant. You foud the treasure too. Great stuff.. Hugs GJ xx
ReplyDeleteCap'n Red Eric Nobeard and Barnacle Breath Flynn sure have exciting adventures.
ReplyDeleteSniffie and the Florida Furkids
Arrrrr! We be wanted to join you in yer hunt for buried treasuar!!
ReplyDeleteMad Blackbeard Wally, Evil Neck Snapper Ernie and Bloody Mistress of Death Zoey
Dear Cap'ns No Beard and Barnacle Breath....you two have made my mom fall on the floor laughing....oh my cats!!! When she finally got up she described your attire for the day...now my little maiden heart is skipping beats at the thought of you two all dressed up.
ReplyDeleteMadi and Mom
Ahoy and avast Captain Eric and First Mate Flynn! We be wantin' to sign on the great ship Ginger Furball for some swashbucklin'! We know you ship is laden with fine victuals and casks of catnip grog! Arr! 'Tis a fine crew with not a scurvy knave in the lot. We see you hae already hoisted the Jolly Roger, so let's set sail. The Temptations booty awaits.
ReplyDeleteTee, hee... the ZH says that altho her 'puter has pictures and has sound... she's mighty glad this morning that it doesn't have smells...
ReplyDeleteBarnacle Breath! Avast! Yuk!
The good ship ginger furball!!! haha! Captn' Jonesie is on the good ship grey furball this morning and she be ready t' make mom an' dad keel haul th' plank fer bringin' homeport a scurvy dog.
ReplyDeletehey! nice hiney tattoo!!!
ReplyDeleteArrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Muahahahahahahah!
ReplyDeleteNice Sunday :)
What a fun post!!!!!!!!!!
ahhh, lads, yer post has done us a werld o'good--two more a'followin' the pirate sea road! what a fine adventure!!!!
ReplyDeleteArrrrrghhhhhhhhhh!! Ye be a fine pair o pirates!!! Great find too! Treasure is a fine thing fur pirates ;)
ReplyDeleteYar,a pirates life is a good one and lots o friends to share it with :)
YAR!! Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Arr! We be bein' in ye treasure chest mateys?
ReplyDeleteWe thinks that you make cool pirates! Can I run away with you two?
ReplyDeleteWe are still catching up visiting furrends but this Meow Like a Pirate Day has us girlcats all swooning--nothing sexier than Pirate lingo (Our mewmie said she'd like to meet one pirate, Johnny Depp). We think your story and picture are worth a Bottle of Rum (or a chest full of Nip).
ReplyDeleteMom and I love your pirate adventure. YOu both make very swashbuckling pirates!
ReplyDeleteshiver me tibers matey! thar be some fine pirates!
ReplyDeleteGreat Pirate post today mateys! Mum was laughing so hard at the last picture she fell off her chair.
ReplyDeleteCap'n Red Eric Nobeard and Second Mate Barnacle Breath Flynn, Willow the Wicked and I hope t' board th' Ginger Furball 'n sail the seas wit' ye this fine day!
ReplyDeleteHearty Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
This is an excellent post! Well done!!! Glad you had such a great day!
ReplyDeleteGosh, you guys look just great!!
ReplyDeleteLove the unique "modesty dot".
Yo Ho Ho! Ye have us belly laughing. Thank ye for joining the Pet Parade!
ReplyDeleteArrr, such fine sea faring captains, and cats after me own heart! Ye have great adventures too, and a mighty fine vessel to take ye there. Plus Mrs H was pleased to note thy modesty was protected!
ReplyDeleteI hopes ye marked thy treasure with some bones, maybe mousebones!
Yo ho ho and remember, try never to Heave when ye should Ho, and never into an oncoming wind!
Pirate purrs
Capt' ERin
Oh you look brilliant you two. Well done!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for being part of the Thankful Thursdays with us, its much appreciated.