Friday, December 3, 2010

The Friday Flashback.

We haven't had a Friday Flashback for a few weeks so we found one from December last year. We are hoping it will get mum to put our tree up for us. It is called:


Flynn: Last week mum said she would at last put our Chris Mouse tree up and we told her we would help. I checked she had taken everything out of the box.

Then I had to check it smelled right and put my stink on it.

Eric: Then I got in the box to make sure Flynn hadn't missed anything.

Flynn: I checked the smell again after mum had put the first section up. It was okay so I told her she could carry on with the rest of it.

Eric: I went around the back of the tree to make sure there were enough decorations there.

Eric: I am not in this photo. That is Nott Me that you can see.
Eric: I don't know when that naughty Nott Me crept in but he whapped that decoration off and broke the top of it. That is not my paws you can see. Nope definitely not mine.

This is a decoration that mum bought in Hawai'i in October. For some reason she hung it right at the top of the tree.

Eric: This fevver is right at the top too. There used to be two like it but mum found one with all his fevvers taken off a few years ago and when she took the tree down she found his fevver suit still in the tree. She thinks Flynn did it cuz he was always climbing up the tree.
Flynn: Umm Eric, don't forget mum caught you up the tree as well.

This is our tree when we finished it.

Flynn: These are two videos of me checking the tree smelled right.

Here I am checking it when it first came out of the box.

And then I had to check it was being put together right.


  1. You guys were a great help with the tree last year; we can't wait to see how you "help" again this year! :-P

  2. You guys are such good supervisors! Too bad that awful Nott Me tried to sneak in and mess things up!

  3. so glad I got to see this because I didn't know you last year, what wonderful supervisors you are!

    I bet your tree this year will be even more beautiful than last year!

  4. Ohh wow, I so know what to do when our tree gets put up :) I am so excited i'm i'm i'm running round in circles and making squeeky meows

  5. You look so happy helping out with that tree. Every tree should have free branches for cats to swing from!

  6. I loved the flashback guys, especially the tree whiffin video!

  7. That Nott Me! Always trying to get innocent kittehs in trouble.

  8. You boys are a huge help with that tree. If the tree gets past you, it is a strong tree, that is for sure. We know you didn't break that ornament. Take care and have fun day.

  9. Good job snoopervising, boys! We hope to do some tree snoopervising this weekend too!!

  10. Flynn I'm glad to see you were the purrfect tree snoopervisor...what would they do without us!! By chance did you find a mouse in the tree? MOL

    Your tree is just beautiful!! Mom and I are enjoying all the lovely decorations all over blog land!!!
    Happy Weekend,
    Madi and Mom

  11. We hope this does the trick and this gets your mom and dad to put up the tree this weekend. I think this might convince my mom and dad to take Grete woofie to go chop down a tree soon!

  12. We fink yoo were BOTH very helpful ~ and we agree, we can't wait to see this yeras helping!!!! MOL!

  13. You know...I'm just like you boys!I love boxes!
    Hmm that tree looks FANTASTIC with that bird and all decorations!

  14. There's nothing like a great empty box - except perhaps for the Christmas tree and all its decorations, and tinsel, wrapping paper, baubles and cuddles!!

  15. Love the flashback boys are big helpers! We've been finding ornaments scattered around the house this year too...not sure why they are so fascinated when they normally leave it alone!

  16. You two are wonderful helpers! NotMe is around here too!!! MOL

  17. What a great job of snoopervising! Not Me visits here too!

  18. Gee Flynn I don't know how your mum could have possibly got the tree up without your help!!! It looks beautiful

    Great videos :-)

  19. What fun!!!!!!!!! We loved the flashback!!!!!!!!!!

    We are purring that you get your tree up soon, handsome dudes.


  20. Wow! We cannot wait for mum to put our tree up!

  21. Wow. When you boys do inspection, you go all out! Even NottMe got in on the action. We hope this year's tree erection goes as smoothly for you.

  22. You two boys are so good to your mum helping like that. I like the little ornament from your mums travels.. Looking forward to seeing you help this year.. Hugs GJ xx

  23. You guys are great quality control : ) Your tree is look wonderful ...especially, The bird ornament one : )

  24. That is a good flash back. We think the special ornaments will probably go back to the top of the tree this year!
    ~ Anna Sue

  25. You guys would be great snoopervisors if only you didn't live in denial about breaking the odd thing here and there!

    I guess you don't want Santa Claws to hear about such things being so close to Christmas and all.

  26. There is no way your Mom could put up that tree without your help.


  27. Looks like you guys were great helpers. :)


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