Friday, December 10, 2010

The Friday Flashback.

The Friday Flashback comes from December 09 and is called:


It is very cold here and the temperature hasn't gone above freezing all day, so I have been trying to find a warm sunspot.

This is a good place behind the curtain, and I can keep an eye on mum when she is on the computer too.

It is also a good idea to sit on the router. It keeps your butt nice and warm.

Mum is going to help me visit my friends now so I'd better turn around.


  1. That was an excellent spot to keep warm, Flynn. Sitting on the router was especially clever.

    Our mom likes those curtains, BTW!

  2. I think mission is accomplished, you found a warm spot for sure. :)

  3. That was quite an attractive booty on the router, Flynn; if you didn't have a girlfriend already I might make a pass at you!


    Sweet Pea

  4. Love the sun spot you have.And also you can get close to your human...lovely
    Have a great day !

  5. The router is a fantastic bum warmer! I sit there all the time!

  6. So long as you stayed warm! I hate it when I get cold.

  7. This is a good idea,
    put the butt on the warm stuff~~~
    I hope you can use it all day.

  8. Wow, Flynn, I never thought about sitting on the router. What a great idea!

  9. Flynn! You are so lucky! what a nice window to sit in! During the day i won't come out when my mom is on the computer! Just at night!

  10. Stay out of the cold!!! I have the opposite problem now and it is boiling here!

  11. HA! Routie bootie! That last pictures looks so majestic Flynn!

  12. Our router is sitting vertically so it might be difficult actually sitting ON it, but we'll definitely try sitting beside it!

  13. Flynn you are just so smart to find that warm place in the sun. Good job. We got your card today and we love it. Thanks so much. We sure hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

  14. Morning Eric and Flynn,
    We are so glad to know you are warm and toasty inside. We are heat seeking missiles for sure!!!
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  15. Bonjour Flynn!
    Please ask mommy there to show some pictures of the snow in your beautiful farm!
    Here is also cold!
    You found a great spot there, cute!
    purrs and a nice weekend, stay warm!

  16. Flynn, it is good to be in the curtain. my mom calls me and she can't find me, heehee
    I love this photo of you and your very masculine pose!

    bonksbonks to you and your brofurr and your servantbeans

  17. Flynn, you are so smart to find a warm spot near the computer so you can stay warm and blog at the same time!!

    We got your card yesterday...we love it!! We gotta get our mom going on our cards today!!

  18. What a cute tooshie!!! That last picture is wonderful too!!!

  19. We love your flashbacks................but mostly we love y'all very much.

  20. Great spot to keep warm! Me must tell my Mommy to get curtains instead of blinds

  21. Oooooh, peep behind the curtain, my favourite game :)

  22. Windowsills with radiators underneath them are so cat bottom friendly. Mum says to warn you not to get chilblains on your bottom though.
    Lucy hides between the curtains and the linings on the window sill and mum spends ages looking for her sometimes. haha!! luv Hannah xx

  23. Here's to nice warm haunches! What a smart boy you are. The router is not too warm and perfectly kitty sized. And such a lovely photo of your handsome face. An absolute treat for us. You and Eric are our very special rays of sunshine.

  24. Flynn
    That is an excellent spot to stay warm in. We've had a bunch of polar winter weather come our way here in Florida and it's been really cold for us. We've don't our best to stay warm.


  25. Flynn, those were excellent spots you had there to keep warm, and the curtains are so pretty!
    Purrs and headbutts,
    Sabrina, Sam and Simon
    Pee Ess ... Our Momma thought about you Ginger Boys yesterday when she took pics of our neighbor Ginger Girls for Friends Friday! You all are just so much gorgeous gingerness!

  26. Routers as cat butt warmers? Excellent idea!


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