Thursday, December 30, 2010

Introoder in the Garden!

I was out in the garden late the other night and suddenly mum heard yowling and swearing so she ran out with the torch. She saw me on the hedge puffed up to more than ten times my usual size, then she saw the introoder inside our purrison fence. It was shadowy and the torch was a bit dim so she isn't sure whether it was a fox or a floofy dark brown cat. Dad said it was more likely a cat because it would be harder for a fox to get over the fence. Mum yelled and it ran off under the bushes. I went to chase it but she yelled louder and told me to go indoors. After a while my fur went back down and I had some supper, but my tail refused to de-floof.

Mum's note: The fence is eight feet high and not easy for the boys to climb over as the horizontal timbers are on the outside so they can't get a foot hold to get over. However that makes it easier for cats on the outside to get in although that has only happened twice as far as we know.

The Random Felines are having a commentathon so please go and leave a comment on their blog.


  1. Wow, your tail sure is poofed up! Sounds like you sure gave that introoder what fur!

  2. Flynn
    10 X your normal size.
    YOU must have scared that introoder witless!
    We are glad you are enjoyin a good snack after all that ruckus!


  3. 10 X your normal size !!!!
    Must be Mancoon !!!!

  4. That is one fat tail, Flynn! I would like to have seen how big the rest of you floofed up! Although it is probably just as well that you did not have to chase after that intruder.

  5. Oh my goodness, look at that tail! I think you could scare off anybody!

  6. My goodness you must have been scary - if you were fuffed up that large.

    Glad that intruder skeedaddled.


  7. Really how DARE that introoder come into your territory. He didn't know who he was messing with did he? That tail is ginormous!

  8. How rude! I love your still puffed tail! Very mancatly.

    Your tail is really pufffffffy!
    WOW very cool too kind of. I can't do that. I just can't get it to poof really big. Miles can.
    Good going there! bonks

  10. That must have been quite the introoder to poof up your tail like that!

  11. Oh My Goodness, Flynn! How BRAVE you were. I am all atwitter over your ManCatly!

    XX Sweet Pea

  12. You did good alerting Mom and Dad to the introoder! The outside kitties had a big hiss and scream fight in our back yerd a couple of nights ago and this morning we found a dead possum!

  13. Wow you must have been really angry to STILL have your tail all floofed up like that! I wonder who the "introoder" was?

    I remember when my Bobo's tail used to get like that...I have never seen my Cody's tail like that, ever!

  14. Wow, Flynn! That tail is so puffy!! We don't blame you for getting protective of your home! That introoder better know who he's dealing with!

  15. Holy moley! I can't believe the naughty introoder stayed! That tail looks liek it belongs on a lion!!
    Lucky for the other introoder your momma was there otherwise I know you would have shown him whos boss! :)

  16. Your tail is really poofy. That intruder is just lucky that your Mom sent you inside.


  17. Now that's an impressive tail; we would have fled!

  18. Well done for scaring the introoder away. We had an introoder in our garden. I never saw what it was, just saw the big paw prints in the snow. Simba saw it and said it was big and hairy and dribbly! Good job I stay indoors at the moment xx

  19. Oh, Flynn, good job on introoder patrol! We can see how a cat could get in -- not so easy for the poor thing to get out, though!

    We just love your poofy, bottle-brush tail!

  20. Wow! That's a big tail! When you have had other feline intruders, did you fluff up to such a grand size? Maybe it was a an opossum. And in your fenced area too! Is there a footprint? Thank goodness your mum was there. We don't want you to be too brave! Love you lots

  21. That's an exciting introoder story. We wonder whta it was. That tail is impressive!

  22. OMC! That tail is awesome ~ no wonder the introoder scarpered!

  23. Eric, that is a big tail. Very impressive. Good job dealing with that introoder.

  24. phew, introoder neutralized! Wow, your tail really didnt depoof!! Ps, mom likes your little white stripe on your back hehe

  25. Lookit' that poofy tail! Wow - that introoder musta' been way scary!

  26. Great floofiness!!!!! You are the cat!!!!!! Good job!

  27. Wow that is really scary Flynn. Glad Mom got rid of that guy and that you didn't have to fight him off. We sure don't want you hurt. That silly tail is still in fight mode. Take care.

  28. What a magnificent floofy tail Flynn - we think if the intruder had seen it he would have been back over the high fence in an instant and running like mad to get away.
    You deserved your supper and hope you got seconds too.

  29. Flynn, that introoder was no match for you and that tail!! The farm is safe!!

  30. wow good thing you scared them, hope they got outa your yard

  31. MEOWZA!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy applauds you as one mighty fine watch cat!!!!!!! Sammy is our watch cat also.

    Since moving, we have two kitties that appear on our roof looking down on our balcony.......they have both found a way down on our balcony and when confronted by them, Sammy has puffed up like a blow fish and thrown a hissy fit and chased them both off again....he's our watch cat!!!!!

    Love to both of you and your 'rents.

  32. Wow! What an adventure! Sounds like fun, and your floofed-up tail is a signal to us that you had a GOOD time! =)

    Grace & Company

  33. Sounds as though you showed that introoder who was boss.. Well done you.. Love the tail all puffed up.. HUgs GJ xx

  34. Flynn that is some fluffy puffed up aggravated tail you have there buddy. I bet you scared the beejeebers out of whatever was out there. Thank goodness you had some food to comfort you!
    Hugs and Happy New Year's Eve Eve to you all,
    Hugs Madi

  35. Wow that is a big floofy tail!! It sounds like you had quite an adventure with whatever that was you saw! But even more than that - we are so impressed that you listened so well when your mom told you to go in the house!

    Oh, Gus said that when he grows up he can have a big floofy orange tail like that sometimes too!

  36. And duh, mom forgot to add that we think it is great you mentioned the Random Feline's commentathon - we were just over thre commenting again (mom had to leave their mom a note) and saw quite a few people who were there from here!

  37. Wow! You are scaring me with that tail! What was it that made you so ruffle up your tail so?!

  38. Wow! Your tail really did get big, Flynn! It looks like a raccoon tail, there! It must have been some big introoder for you to puff yourself up like that!

    Good thing your Mom was around to shoo it off.

  39. A 10 times bigger Flynn would scare the you know what out of us too!

  40. Whooo that is one puffed up tail!!! We're glad the introoder is gone!

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  41. I can't believe how floofy your tail is!

  42. your tail is huge...good thing it scared away what everthat was!

  43. Wow...glad you're okay. And yes, I agree your tail is very puffy! hehe


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