Sunday, February 6, 2011

Easy Like Sunday

After working so hard in my new career as field photographer I think I have earned the right to an easy Sunday.

What Is It?

This is one of the photos I have taken while I have been out and about, but do you know what it is? Answer will be here tomorrow.
First correct answer will get a small gift from us.


  1. I think maybe it is a rock wall close up.

  2. I don't know what it is, so I'll just take it easy and wait for the answer!

  3. We're gonna go with tire tread, on a tractor?

  4. It looks like where water stood and then dried up!

  5. I go along with the tire tread.


  6. I was thinking that it was some small rocks on a path.

  7. Your photo isn't a close up of your cute little paw pads is it?
    Anyway rest up my friend!

  8. I can't find my glasses, so I'll just have to wait for someone else to figure it all out. I'll be here tomorrow. Gotta know what it is. Just gotta.

    Have a good rest of the weekend everyone.

  9. We agree with the other kitties and think it's tire tread.

    We think you are a fabulous photographer!

  10. We think it looks like a tire, too!

  11. You are such a good photographer - yesterday some of your shots were far better than Äiti's. Maybe you could come here and be our photographer.
    Äiti says she thinks the picture is of some stones on something called a patio (or a paved area). We think that might be like a catio but are not sure. She says she hopes it's not a tyre tread as you must keep away from cars.

  12. Oh foo, I am late here, because I bet it is a tractor tire tread and that has already been guessed!

  13. Yeah, we see there are lots of guesses for a tire tread and that was the first thing that came to mind. Probably tractor, it looks so heavy-duty!

  14. I think it looks like car tyre tread too....but too many others have already guessed that so I will say...stones on a decorative wall????

  15. Ashphalt. That's my guess. Only I don't know how to spell it.

  16. We are going to guess a rock wall of some sort. This is so much fun. Take care.

  17. It's a tire!
    Cool shot my friend, congrats!

  18. Bottom of a work boot or garden boot. Or an ATV tyre. Goodness, there are probably hundreds of things we won't recognise when seen from a cats eye view.

  19. I originally thought tire tread but now I think it is pavement stones?

  20. I think you deserve a easy Sunday for sure after all your hard work.. Is it a dry stone wall.. Hugs GJ xx

  21. Flynn, we really enjoyed seeing all the pictures you took! Is that a picture of a rock wall up close??

  22. You are such a great field reporter!!!!!!!!!!

    We are way to late to leave the winning answer, cuz we see ours posted already.

    We look forward to the next field reports from you and Eric.

    Love to y'all.

  23. Very cool, Flynn! You deserve a break, it's true.

    Yes, I think that is a tire tread, too -- probably from a tractor of something.

  24. We're too late 'cause we think it's a tire tread too.

    Mom says she should get us one of those so she can see what we do when she's not home!

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  25. We think it is a tyre tread but there again what do 2 lady kitties know about such things!! We do think you deserve a rest Flynn - you'll be taking the pics at the Royal Wedding soon!!

  26. We also think that's a tire tread too maybe on a tractor.
    So you'll have to let us in on your secret Flynn!
    Happy sunday.


  27. We thought it was a side-ways view of dried up dirt. But probably a tire tread is the better answer.

    Luf, Us

  28. We say tire tread, too! Flynn, Daddy says that is an excellent example of "Subtractive Technique", whatever THAT is.

    Sweet Pea says she'll come and do your ears if you want...xoxo

  29. We guess it is dried and cracked soil/ground.

    We like you picture of your mum!

  30. I also think it is a tractor tread close up!

  31. We say tire tread too. It's been guessed long ago but we had to put our guess in and see if we all are right or if everyone is totally wrong with us!

  32. Must be a tire!

    Thank you so much for your visit and the purrs while we await my test results and for my mom's nerves.


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