Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday.

We are thankful that it stopped raining at last and the sun came out. It was even comparatively warm when the wind dropped, about 45F. If you look carefully amongst all the weeds, you can see three crocus flowers in the bottom right corner. The first sign of Spring in our garden. It looks like all our nip plants have died though.


  1. While your out there guys, please tell spring we would like it to hurry too!

  2. That is a perfect thing to be thankful for!

  3. WE are glad it is warmer there ans has stopped raining. It has been below freezing for 36 hours and will stay that way for another day or so!

  4. Beautiful sunshine and a nice garden beginning to come alive is wonderful to be thankful for.


  5. We're glad you have some sunshine! 45F is still a little cool to us, but you seem happy! Bummer about the nip plants though - perhaps your mum will plant you some more.

  6. This is great ! smell of Spring is coming. You will have lot of fun outdoor so soon : )

  7. I'm certain your mum will buy new nip plants in the summer. What a joy to see the crocus up already!!!

  8. ooh I hope that means it cools down here soon! :) Your momma, I am sure will plant new nip plants, and crocus flowers... mmmm saffron rice!

  9. It's gonna be a long time before we see our crocus bloom!

  10. Oh how wonderful to see the sunbeams and signs of spring!!!

  11. You guys are so lucky! We had a real blizzard here this week:( It's freezing! Thank you for the Happy Birthhday wishes. Please send some of that Spring to the USA!


  12. Wow, we wont see crocuses for another month! Well, we have snow on the ground annyway.

    Sorry ta hear about yer Nip plant. We got one potted up an brought inside last October, so we are gettin a few leafs as it struggles along.

  13. Glad that the rain has let up so that you boys can go out.

    I am still indoors because it's over 97F out. The vet says I have to stay cool and hydrated. Still not eating much.

    We should mix our weather up a bit and all would be lovely!

  14. Your nip plants died! Aw man, that's too bad, you guys!

  15. You have crocuses already!!!
    They won't be around for probably 2 or 3 months here in our northern location. Waaaay too much snow here. Up to moms waist in the middle of the yard!

  16. wow boys, how luck you are, a beautiful sun is coming, wow again!
    Here the weather keeps awful! :(
    Better go for another nap!
    I will dream about you okay!

  17. We love crocus! Harbingers of spring. Enjoy your time outside to the fullest as the weather has been unpredictable the world over. The groundhog in the States predicted an early spring but we think he may have been drinking. Horrible storms with record cold are blanketing the country.
    P.S. how manly you look wearing your camera, dear Flynn.

  18. You better get your mum to plant some more nip then!

  19. Wow! It's nice to see somebuddy getting better weather!! Instead of all the white stuff!!

    Keep an eye on that nip plant...maybe it will come back!

  20. Oh noooooooooos not the nip plants. That is so sad that they died. But it is fun to see the little crocus. It is time for Spring, that is for sure. Take care.

  21. The first sign of spring makes us think of lighter evenings and warm paws on outings into the garden and baby mouses and birdies - mum is shuddering at the thought of presents being brought home!! We are pleased you have got sun instead of rain today it's great to feels warmth on furs.
    We hope new nip plants are on the top of your mum's "things to get" list.

  22. Eric and Flynn we hope the crocus is an indicator for SPRING!!! You two look very comfy out in the garden soaking in the sun
    Madi and Mom

  23. NOT THE NIP!!!! Oh, tragoc omdeed! More planting must be done!

  24. For a second there we thought you said it was 45 C!! We were ready to pack our bags to come see you!

  25. Hey your right - 45 is rather balmy. The temp here by me is -9 below and we have all that darn snow that fell .

    Yulk! I am so ready for spring.


  26. CROCUSES!!! My mom loveslovesloves crocuses! They're so SPRING! And hope!

    Personally, I'd take a roll in that dirt just anytime.

  27. We can see yoor crocuses ~ they wil be very pretty. Thank goodness for milder weather!

  28. Oh, now, seeing green grass and crocuses in *January*, when we're buried under feet of snow, just makes our mom surly. Really surly. And when she's surly, she's miserable to be around, trust us. :-P

    Please, if it's in your power, send us an early Spring! LOL!

  29. oh wow, crocuses in February? that's really cool. ours don't start sprouting until April

  30. YAY for your sun!!!!!!!!

    We are having a very unusually cold spell fact they are saying we could get snow later today!!!!!! Our mama says she'll believe it when she sees it!!!!!!


  31. We have still a bit low temperatures, rain and our summits with snow.

    Enjoy the Sun!

  32. Oh no! Better get your beans to start planting new nip plants!

    ~Slash & Bronzy

  33. Oh...that soft late winter light, you boys just look so angelic sitting in your garden, looking for mices and bugs, oh and crocus too, but don't nibble on them cuz they are bad for kitties!


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