Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tired Tuesday.

Mum has been taking us for little walks in the evenings when it is cooler, but it is still too hot and tiring. She must be making me walk too much as it looks like I have walked my front legs off.


  1. Poor Flynn, maybe she will carry your tired body back the house for a treat. Purrs, my furriend.

  2. Ha! Silly Flynn. :-)

    We, too, hope you get extra treats or noms, to recover your strength. We also hope your mom is feeling much better now, hope she's fully, or at least almost fully, recovered.

  3. Oh, we are so sorry it is still hot and you are all tired out. Keep those toesies under there and get them all rested. Hope your mom is growing stronger each day. Hugs and nose kisses

  4. Flynn, My friend you just need a good massage : )

  5. The "hots" are here too. We're glad you can get some cooler walking time with your Mum.

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  6. Hope you have a good "Snoozy Tuesday"!

  7. Poor Flynn! Maybe Eric knows where they are!!!

  8. Wow! you walked your little legs off! You really need a rest don't you?!

  9. Oh man, Flynn! We hope you find your front legs! Haha!!

  10. Oh my goodness!! She most certainly did! I think you need a break that is for sure! xoxoxo

  11. If your human is wearing YOU out, Flynn, she must be feeling loads better!

  12. If your mum can walk your legs off she must be feeling pretty good.

  13. Flynn, I'll be right over to bathe your forehead and ears to cool you off!
    It's good to hear your Mum is walking a bit.
    xx Sweet Pea

  14. Poor baby! We are glad she is walking some!

  15. Oh no - where are your paws man ? And if she walked your front legs off, how's your mum doing? We hope YOU didn't exhaust her!

  16. How lucky you are, the wakings are great!And the green grass looks delicious!

  17. Brilliant! that must mean your mummy's feeling better....

  18. Oh No Flynn, your front legs are all gone. We hope they come back really soon. We also hope your hot weather goes away soon too. Hope all of you have a super Tuesday.

    That is quite a unique picture with purrfect description!! Give your assistant a raise.
    We love the coloring in the picture too it is kind of ginger just like you!!
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  20. Flynn you look exhausted - we think you need a nap. We hope your mum is feeling better.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  21. Sweet Flynn you deserve a nice rest :-)

  22. WOW! Yoo musta walked a loooooong way to walk yoor legs off! MOL!

  23. We sure hope they grow back soon! But we bet with a nice long nap, they will.

  24. Evening walks are great.
    Hope Mum is doing better, don't wear her out!

  25. Walked your legs off!!! Heaven's yes. I can see that. Hope all is well down in Devon!

  26. We'll massage those tires pawsies and make them as good as new. You're looking especially handsome, love. Your Ginger furs just glow!
    Our love to your mum. Eric and dad too!

  27. Sheesh, sure hope you get some great treats after that long walk. It sure is hot here, going up into the 100's today. Sure glad we have air conditioning. We looked at the monster picture and we could see the kitty too, but when you biggiefied the picture it disappeared. You do kool things.


  28. OH dear Flynn we don't want you to be legless!

  29. Dood, yoo has to find yer front paws, how is yoo suppose to jump on mice wif out dem?

  30. Hello friends,

    After much back and forth with blogger.I was told today that they won't let me have re access to my blog for lack of information.I even filled out their form.Sent them photos of Ariel in email attachment to show them.Yet they said this proves nothing as anyone could crop a photo.How can I possibly give them the password lace and spice used to take over my blog.To lace and spice I'm not mad just disappointed that you had to steal my blog and could create one of your own.I was told by blogger I could create another blog yet I won't.Why because these are my posts,my photos,my blog,my fiends.So if you see any new posts there not from me.If you receive comments positive or negative there not me.I don't know if I and Ariel with ever create another blog.Yet if we do it so won't be with blogger.I suggest blogger up their security measures.Remember me Ariel love and miss you all.Blogger has really let us down.


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