Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday's Favourite Fotos Flashback.

Eric: Look at me, I'm up a tree!

Flynn: Huh! You call that tree climbing?

Hehe! That's the way to worry mum.

She yells at me to come down. She has zoomed in, so it is a lot higher than it looks.

I' ll be down when I finish chewing this twig.


  1. You two dear devils should not worry Mom that way!

  2. Oh wow, you guys get/got up in trees like I do/did. I sure miss that!!!


  3. You are two acrobatic kitties! You'd scare us to death with those tricks, even though we know you've got good claws and can stick up there easily.

  4. You two be careful! We bet your skeering your Mum half outta her skin!

  5. That is absolutely magnificent climbing you 2!

  6. You two are brave. I would be to scairt to climb that high.

  7. You boys are mighty impressive!!!

  8. When we saw the 1st pics, we wondered if you would chew a twig cause that is exactly what we would want to do! Except we do not go outside. So we will maybe chew on Ms. C and look at your pics to vicariously experience it.

  9. No way! No way! You are so brave - that's a huge tall tree. It goes all the way up to the sky!!!!

  10. Our mum is absolutely mad about seeing you two in trees. She thinks it is so magical. But ...we also know that it's very scary for your mum. So be very, very careful! We all love you so!

  11. Your human is just jealous that she can't climb as good as you!

  12. You two are champion tree climbers and that tree is just perfect for it.

  13. Hope we don't need to call the Fire Department to help get you down from there!

  14. OMC, that would have given our mom heart failure! You two are VERY daring and brave!

  15. You are very brave boys...we actually don't know how to climb trees. Mom tries to put us in the small ones in our yard, but we don't know what to do. Maybe we should come over there and get a lesson from the experts!

    ~Four Crazy Cats

  16. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
    Wish we could climb a tree as nice as yours!!!
    Purrs Tillie & Georgia

  17. Oh how we would love to have a tree like yours.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  18. PAWSOME! We think yoo are very talented (and cheeky!) xx

  19. We sure don't blame your Mom. We would be worried too. That does look way up there but it seems that you know what your are doing. And it does look like great fun. Hope you have a great week end.

  20. Ai yi yi!! Mommy just about had a heart attack. Your Mum is made from some strong stuff!

  21. OMC Mom and I got dizzy/ditzy looking at you two daredevils.
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  22. Wow, you sure are high up there!

  23. You two are so daring and brave! We are impressed!!!

  24. Yay for fellow kitty tree climbers. I don't stay long enough up there to worry SS

  25. OMC ! That´s are really high up *hold my paws infront of my eyes*


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