Monday, March 5, 2012

Hats of Hope.

Today we are joining in a day of Hats of Hope for SASS's mama Judi-Bug. She has been having worrying health issues and we are sending her our love and purrs, and hope the doctors can find what is wrong and give her the help and treatment she needs.


  1. Great picture with the boys hatted and all the lady bugs. That is so purrfect. Take care.

  2. You both are very cute!
    I'm praying and sending good energies to JudiBug!

  3. Flynn and Eric you two mancats certainly wear your hats with style!!! Being a Southern gal I'm partial to your straw fedora Flynn.

    We also enjoyed you sunshine post below....I've never enjoyed sun puddles in the out of doors.
    hugs Madi

  4. Flynn you look as though you could go punting on the river in that straw boater. Eric we think you could star in any western film with your hat - just saddle up one of your Mom's horses and practice galloping!
    We have been wearing our hats today too.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Me and Simba will do lots of special purrs for Judi xxxx

  6. You both looked so dashing your hats!

    We're participating too, are purring and purraying hard for Judi.

  7. Our thoughts and prayers are with Miss Judi too! Love your hats!

  8. We're wearing our hats today too.

    The Florida Furkids

  9. We are purring and praying for Miss Judi, too!

    Your pal, Pip

  10. We all love Mom Judi and send our purrs, love, hugs and support each and every day.

  11. Terrific hats, you guys! Very dashing!!

    Our purrs and prayers are near-constant for Judi, too. Scary situation, indeed.

    Love, Grace & Company

  12. You guys look quit dapper in your hats.

    Should be able to catch more ladies looking that good. (And I don't mean all those ladybugs that are on your picture.)


  13. Thats a realy lovely picture of you both with hats. I am joining in the hope thaat all will be well. I end hugs and purrs to Judi.. Hugs GJ xx

  14. We think you look great in your hats and we really like the ladybugs decorating your picture. We are purring hard for Juid.

  15. we are purring here as well and we'll join your mom with purrayers too. xoxox

  16. It is so great to feel all the positive energy coming from the cat blogosphere today for Judi! I have been purring lots for her too.

  17. Me LOVES your hats! And we is purraying for Judi, United in the power of the paws and claws!
    Nellie, Kozmo, the hairy slobbery sisters Cinnamon and Bob and Mommy and Daddy

  18. THat is a great picture of you in hast with lady bugs. We think Judibug will love it!

  19. we are sending purrs and prayers that all will turn out well!

  20. Our thoughts and prayers are with Miss Judi too! You look great in your hats!

  21. Me lofes your hats. Me lofes that they are rugged hats fur rugged mancats! The ladybugs is nice touch too.
    We prayers fur Auntie Judi too!


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