Thursday, March 8, 2012


Eric: Why are you shouting at me to get down? My feet are nowhere near the worktop.

Look carefully. Am I touching the worktop? I thought not, so what's your problem?

Flynn: I'm a good boy. You won't catch me up there.


  1. are a furry good boy and a snuggly one too. May I join you? I won't take too much room. xoxox

  2. You are very good for minding in this way! I hope you have lots of fun in your own kitty ways!

    Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog archives for some informative posts and archived stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.

  3. We like how careful you were not to touch the worktop, Eric!

  4. I bet the peeps never said you couldn't be on papers, or the laptop case...If they've got a problem with it, they oughta be a wee more specific!!!
    ; ) Katie

  5. You're better than us. We can't visit too much because we're always jumping in front of the monitor when Mom Paula is on the computer.

    Truffle and Brulee

  6. Boy, some people get all bent out of shape for no reason. Just try jumping on the counters around here & see what happens! Sometimes its better to wait until the beans aren't around to do something.

  7. I NEED to be all over my human's workspace - she would accomplish nothing without me.

  8. Standing wherever you want is a cat's prerogative - especially if it's a handy keyboard or on top of some biscuit dough. At least, that's what we think!

  9. WE agree! You are not touching the worktop!

  10. Every time I let my babies back into my office I rue the day... but I keep doing it anyway. I think I have drain brammage. Srsly.

  11. Well, at least you're following the letter of the law, which is more than most cats!

  12. Well you really weren't touching it!!!

  13. Eric I expect Flynn is upset because he didn't think of that most excellent adventure. That canvas laptop cover looks very cozy.
    Hugs madi

  14. Eric, we see you and it sure looks to us like you are not touching anything at least while we are watching. Flynn, you are the smart boy. Hope all of you have a terrific Thursday.

  15. One time Tamir crashed Mom's 'puter by walking across the keyboard!! It's probably smart to stay off the worktop if you want to be able to blog!

    The Florida Furkids

  16. Just keep at it and pretty soon they'll give up on the shouting and stuff. It worked for us!

  17. Eric you aren't on the work top so your are being GOOD.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  18. Yes, another cat wins the battle of not being on the worktop with a technicality! Hurray for loopholes!

  19. Thanks for letting us know about your reader. We are not showing on our reader but I am glad we are on some. Thanks.

  20. Well, they did say don't touch the worktop and you are not, so....

  21. Welcome to your new address. I like your background. Kizzie likes sitting on paper too, on or off a worktop.

  22. Flynn, you are such a good boy! Not like your brother!

  23. I see your problem! You have a stuffed kitteh on the printer, so that means it's A-OK for kittehs to be on the printer!

    Also, if your butt wasn't so warm, Flynn wouldn't find your unoccupied chair so attractive, now would he?


  24. Eric
    Mom gave up trying to tell us "no" it didn't work and well it was a waste of her breath.
    tee hee

  25. Moms are just so touchy, really. You weren't hurting a thing.

  26. Getting picked on??? No fair! We know you are a good kitty Eric ;) heehee
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  27. You are a very good boy! I like leaving footprints everywhere when I get on the countertops.

  28. Tehehe :)
    Of course you are a very good boy Eric ;-)


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