Sunday, November 25, 2012

Not so Easy Like Sunday.

This was how we spent last Sunday, under the azaleas in the sunny garden.
Ever since then we have had continual torrential rain and now our garden is under water. The fields are flooded too so we are not allowed out even though we love water and want to go and paddle our toesies.

So now we are indoors looking out dreaming of sunny days and walks in the fields. We hope we can soon go out again to enjoy our easy Sundays.


  1. I dream of wonderful sunny days too. Sometimes they even happen!

  2. Keep your whiskers above water gents!
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  3. We hope things dry up for you soon and you can get back to patrolling your territory!

  4. I sure hope the weather improves soon boys!

  5. Your mommy takes excellent care of you boys. Even though you want to go out, it is really not safe. Mind your mom. xoxox

  6. We like the second photo of you both under the azaleas. Hope that rain stops soon, so you can get back to enjoying the garden.

  7. You boys need some kitty-cat life jackets!

  8. You boys looked so happy under your Azaleas. I'm so sorry that it rained on your parade!

  9. oh guys!! bummer!! I have some good sun puddles in the AM, and a few in the late day...come on over and hang with me, 'Kay??? WAIT A CATGONE MINUTE...just checked out those last are havin' some nice sun puddles where you are after all...hang on...I am teleporting direct to you!!! Paw paaaaaaaaaats....whoooosh....Saaaaaavvvvyyyy....echo, echo....

  10. That is terrible! We hope you can check your territory soon :)

  11. We heard there were awful rains and flooding in England! I think a lot of humans across the pond don't realize how bad it has been. I hope things clear up soon - glad at least that you are safe!

  12. We've been hearing on the radio that there is more than the usual rain in the southwest of England so we really hope you keep your paws dry and warm. If you need to use a boat, remember your life jackets.
    But seriously, we hope you and yours keep safe.

  13. We've been hearing on the radio that there is more than the usual rain in the southwest of England so we really hope you keep your paws dry and warm. If you need to use a boat, remember your life jackets.
    But seriously, we hope you and yours keep safe.

  14. The un-favorite times are what make the favorite times worth waiting for, boys! srsly.

    Hope a super snoozy Sunday!

  15. Stay inside in the warm my friends. I know what you are feeling because here is much the same.Yesterday started fine allthough cold and foggy. The evening turned to rain which again was torrential and all night. Our rain measure said three inch. Stay safe and warm my friends and hope it abates soon for you. Hugs GJ xx

  16. It's a shame your mum won't let you go out and play in your rain puddles.

  17. Hoping all will be well, back to "normal" soon. Hannah and Lucy had told us how awful it was in your area ... take care. Here's to sunshine and dry fields!

  18. OMCs amazing what a difference a week makes
    Madi your bfff

  19. Oh no! I hope you get your sun back soon!

  20. Same sh.t weather here in south of Sweden too !

  21. We hope the sun comes out soon so you can get back outside!!

    The Florida Furkids

  22. hoping your weather changes soon so that you may enjoy the great outdoors!

  23. oh we do SO wish we could trade you!
    Today is day #180 for the drought in Kansas City :-(

  24. We hope you will soon be able to go out again to check your land and keep your Mom in order. It rained here heavily all through last night - if it ever stops raining we will shoot the first weather forecaster person who says we're short of water!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  25. I hope you boys have a sunny Sunday soon!

  26. We hope that nasty rain stops soon so you boys can go out exploring once again!

  27. Sure do hope the rain stops for you, soon. Your garden looks like a really lovely place for hanging out in when the sun is shining. purrs

  28. Oh that does look like such a nice spot to be in the garden. We keep trying to send the sun to you, but that lazy sun just doesn't get there very fast. Hope it clears up for you soon. Take care.

  29. Ooh... We hope the sun comes out and dries up all the rain!

  30. Hope all the rain goes away soon so you boys can get back out there and explore.

  31. Oh, dear. We hope that it dries up soon and that the rain has made your azaleas happy and green so you can sleep under them again very soon!

  32. Feel free to come on down to Texas - we are having summer weather in November!

  33. oh my! so sorry Eric and Flynn, I don't go out, but if you were here, you could go out..a bit damp, coolish, but still sun puddles now and then...hope you get outside soon. paw pats, Savannah


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