Friday, November 9, 2012

The Friday Flashback.

This week the Friday Flashback comes from October 2010 and is called:


We are out taking mum for her walk. The grass has grown long again so it is fun to stalk through it.

We are listening for mousies. We have to make the most of it before winter when they all go to bed and don't come out to play with us.

Eric: That talk of bed has made me feel tired. I am going back home.

Flynn: Okay, I will stay here for a while and see if I can catch anything.

Eric: All that walking has exhausted me. I need my beauty sleep.

Flynn: Typical! He leaves me to do all the work.


  1. Wow! That was a really busy day wasn't it?

  2. Wait a minute, I think I heard a mouse!

  3. Eric, I bet you did not catch anything lying down!

  4. Some things don't change do they ;) heehee
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

  5. Hey Flynn - hope you can have allot of fun soon. Keep up the great photos.

  6. You guys have been in continual employment for like, ages! You are the hardest working guys we know. We get exhausted just watching.

  7. Flynn, dontcha just hate it when siblings bail on you and dump all the work YOUR way?

  8. Eric, Rumblemum thinks you must sleep LOTS because you're very beautiful.

  9. We think Eric has the right idea! Snoozin in the sunshine sounds much better than working. MOL!

  10. We hope you find some mousies before they all go to bed for the winter.

  11. Woah, what an exhausting flashback that was.

    The Paw Relations

  12. You two get up to the best adventures and it looks like the stalking paid of if thats a mouse at your feet.. Did you share it I wonder or did mum get there first.. HUgs GJ xx

  13. Don't share any of your catches with Eric, Flynn...since he pooped out. :)

  14. Good for you Flynn, you caught that bad boy. Eric is going to be so sorry he left.Hope all of you have a great week end.

  15. Flynn, you are THE best mousie hunter! Poor Eric, he just doesn't have your stamina.

  16. You are such an excellent hunter Flynn! What an excellent mousie for supper. Will your mom roast it for you or are you having it now?

    By the way boys, I will try to see if I can find out what type of shot I get for allergies and ask if liver function is affected with it. I'll let you know what and if I find out. xox

  17. Eric will be sorry he missed the mousie Flynn although he does look very comfy in his sunpuddle.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  18. You should go with him! Naps for everykiteh.

  19. E & F !!! getz a nice big ole hunk oh cheese...bout de size of like a tire and stik it in de grass....then....all ya gotta due iz wait on de "platter speshall oh de day" ta bee delivered...then take de platter oh mice ta de kitshun table for yur dinner...

    :) haza grate week oh end !

  20. Well, all work and no naps... Isn't that what they say? Or something like that.

    Have a purr-fect day, boys!

  21. So, did you actually find some mousies?

  22. You know, he who snags 'em, EATS 'em!

  23. A great mousie adventure sure is tiring. We don't blame you at all, Eric. Purrs...

  24. I just love all the play of shadow and light and your vibrant boys against the green background. Stunning!

  25. Hey Guys we are so late...Mom and Dad had to attend a funereal today..we hope you are still up but anyway...I want to know if you two handsome hunks of border patrol have uniforms...I go gaga over uniforms and I especially like bowties.
    hugs madi

  26. Eric looks absolutely, perfectly content in that spot of sun, with a wall next to him so no one can sneak up behind him (people sneaking up from the front with cameras...that's a whole other story).


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