Sunday, December 23, 2012

Easy Like Sunday.

We hope your Sunday is relaxing. We are having torrential rain every day so every day is being spent like this.


  1. I could think of worse ways to spend Sunday! Hope your sun puddles return soon.

  2. those are some sleepy kitties right there! ha ha

    smiles, bee

  3. You boys sure got it tough! Enjoy your Easy!

  4. Looks like a nice way to spend a Sunday

  5. Sometimes sleep is the BEST option. We'll try to send some sunbeams your way for Christmas!

  6. No torrents here but I am planning on sleeping (just not at night, when I hope to serenade the Woman)

  7. We can't think of a better way to spend a rainy day or three.

  8. Sorry you have puddles of rain and not sun puddles. Nap well guys.

  9. Hi Guys!
    We has had rain the last few days. It turns to now at night and the highways is ICE!
    We has been cuts off from the rest of the world (road wise) more this year than any other!
    Wes can still gets around on the information highway, and me is visiting yous!

  10. We will follow your lead and take it super easy this Sunday. Merry purry Christmas!

  11. Buddy Bear Says: We gots no rain, no snow, but we sure does has cold paws and noses. It been in the 20sF here in the SouthWoods, big winds last two three days (almost lost some pine trees along da edge of da acre). All is safe now, just cold. Manor House is warm, big bed holds 10 easily (we only gots 6 in dere, but we snuggles close, so we good to go)

    Now, Large One (Roy) Says: Verry Merrry Purrry Chrisemass to everyone at your house. Here's to all the joy and togetherness and love and catnip and all the other things that make the holiday season tops on the list of days we all love.

    From all the Mouskateers, Buddy Bear, MikiCato, Ms Smokey, Tegar and Rowdy, their survants Small One, and the Large One ........

    Oh, and thanks for the visit to our place today ..... ♥♥♥

  12. Yes, you MUST keep dry - it all sounds incredibly soggy in Blighty.

  13. Purrfect way to spend a rainy sunday !
    Here the weather is just gray , the weatherman say´s that it´s going to snow tonight.

  14. That sure looks like a nice way to spend a rainy day!

  15. That's a terrific way to spend a rainy day...or any day, actually.

    Merry Christmas to you all. :-)

  16. Well, it doesn't looke like the two of you are being bothered by all that rain! Enjoy your Easy!

  17. Well, that looks like a cozy spot to spend the day while you wait for the rain to stop. And we do hope it stops.

  18. we are having sunshine today and will be sure to send some your way

  19. I know rain is needed, but too many rainy days really depresses our mama, and then she gets grouchy at us.

  20. We are having just the same and last night and today high winds. Where is all the rain coming from. Mum has a long newsy mail almost ready for your mum.. Hugs GJ xx

  21. Good to see you are getting lots of rest today so you'll be able to stay up and wait for Santa tomorrow night.
    All of our love.

  22. Rain is good... then you can spend the day napping without guilt!

  23. You boys look cozy, safe, and content.

    Lots of rain here, too. Since Friday and it is supposed to continue for a while. Nothing to do but nap.

  24. Nap time - may we join you?

    Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!

    cats of wildcat woods

  25. That is a great place to spend a rainy day!


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