Monday, December 3, 2012

Mancat Monday.

I am sleeping on the laptop case.
I am not supposed to be up here but mum has got so fed up with telling me, and me not taking any notice that she has put a towel here to make it more comfy for me.

We have not been able to post every day lately or visit many of our friends. Mum is trying to catch up with different things and has said that our computer time has to be cut back leading up to Christmas. Hopefully we will get back to normal in the New Year. In the mean time we will visit when we can.
Talking of Christmas, our cards should arrive from the printers in 2 or 3 days. We will be sending to those who we normally exchange with every year. If you don't want to exchange this year please let us know in a comment or email. Also anyone we don't normally exchange with but would like to, please email us at ericandflynn1ATgmailDOTcom


  1. Hi handsome boys. Flynn, you have your mamma trained very well. I will be glad to see you whenever you can come by. You are always welcome. xoxox

  2. Mum puts blankies on top of stuff too that she would prefer we didn't get all furred up. Like the puter printer.

  3. You sure do look comfy there! I hope everything gets caught up soon, we'll be missing you!

  4. That sure was nice of her to put a towel on there for you. Love your new holiday photo as well.

  5. Computer time getting cut back? That is just so wrong...

  6. Our rule here is that if there is a towel on it, its OK to nap on it!

  7. Our house has the same rule as Ayla, Iza and Marley's! Towels means we can sleep there! We totally understand about visiting!

  8. That is awesome! When I tell kitties to persist at whatever they are doing, and their humans will give in... this is exactly it! I call it the Towel of Capitulation.

  9. MOL you won!!! That stuff happens around here, no, no....oh here...let me make it more comfy!!

    We would like to be included in your card exchange if you are sending to the US!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. I got up last night to grab a bottle o water and came back to find that 3 kitties had taken over all of the bed. Oy. I did finally manage to squeeze a spot. haha!

    Have a lovely day, lads!

  11. It looks like a perfect napping spot to us!

  12. You boys have that Mom very well trained. We know what you mean about being busy with other things. It is hard to fit everything into the day. But try to have some fun too. Take care.

  13. it may take a while but all of us moms are glad yours made you a little more comfy...

  14. Flynn, you got your mum trained well! Now the laptop case is yours!! YAY!!

    We love your holiday header!!

  15. Ha! You win, of course. Might have taken a while but you finally got your way. :-)

    We'll be posting our ecard on our blog, per usual, as soon as the human actually gets a chance. LOL.

  16. Isn't it funny how the mums always give in to us and then make something even more comfy for us! You have your's wrapped very nicely around your paw, Flynn!

  17. My goodness Flynn you've got your Mum well organised - a towel on the laptop for your nap!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  18. Flynn I had no idea you were so flexible...your back paw over your eyes is one fine trick.
    I'll have to try that some day.
    Hugs Madi your B FFF

  19. Flynn, we are glad your Mum FINALLY caught on to your snoozing needs. Humans can be so thick sometimes!

  20. E & F...we wood loves ta haz eric N flynn cards...tell yur mum R mom just sended a email...and there bee fish inclooded !!!!!

  21. we understand! We may not be able to visit as much as we would like to ourselves! Enjoy!

  22. Our Mom's given up on places like that too and made our chosen spot more comfy. Moms are good that way. Purrs....from your friends at

  23. So cute and I know mum will think so too.. Mum says she nows what your mum means and it is just so hard to keep up.. Hugs GJ xx

  24. Oh, I just LOVE your new header -- and it goes so well with your Christmas background, too!

    Actually, when I saw it, it took me a moment to realize that I had done it (LOL!).

    When it comes to kitties, you have to go with the flow. They are just so darned PURRsistent!

    And Flynn and Eric are on the LOLSpot again, too.

  25. ahhhhh, now THAT'S how you train a human properly. SCORE!

  26. Its funny you mention xmas cards, Mom is looking at the one she has addressed to you right now! :)

  27. The towel was the perfect solution.
    You have decided that the laptop is the perfect sleeping place. That is all there is to know.

  28. We're just happy to see you whenever we can!
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  29. We are glad your mommy made you a comfy spot. Don't worry about not being able to visit often. We alls get busy sometimes and we understand.

    We would like to exchange cards with yous. We will send you an e-mail :)

  30. Hi you guys! Yup, we having the same time and getting stuff done issues around here too. That laptop sure does look comfy. One of our favorite spots is the shelf over the DVR. It's always warm there too.
    Hugs to all you guys!

  31. Boys, the forbidden places are more fun.
    xoxo Kassey


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