Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Our Christmas Tree and Cards.

Mum eventually got our tree up last week and I checked all the whappables that had been put on it.

Yup, I think that looks okay.

This is the lovely ornament donated to the auction by Laila and Minchie that we won.

Why did you hang it up so high mum? Surely you don't think we would touch it?

Thank you to every one that sent us cards which you can see here. All the ecards we have had sent to us are on our sidebar and also on our Christmas card page. Mum will take individual photos of these when they come down and make collages to put on our card page.

This one from Adan and Lego's Michico will be framed and put alongside the other cards she has painted from previous years.


  1. Beautiful tree. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Hugs and nose kisses

  2. Merry Merry Christmas to you, Eric and Flynn.
    I also got your card on Christmas morning, and that was a great pleasure to got it~~~
    So happy to be friends for years, a great friendship to treasure~!!
    Big hugsss!!!! Wish you happy all the way~!!!!

  3. At least you got a tree! Your cards are beautiful, too.

  4. Everything sure is beautiful boys! Merry Christmas from all of us at Brian's Home!

  5. What a pretty tree. Love the ornament. You all got a lot of cards.

  6. You guys got lots of nice ecards and real cards! Cool!

  7. That is a really cool ornament that you won!

    Loved seeing the cards.

    Merry Christmas to you all!

  8. What a pawsome, whappable tree yoo has! Stashy got into ours and broke one of The Mom's favorite glass ones. Opps!! We hope yoo had a wonderful day.

  9. Merry Christmas!

    Truffle, Brulee, and Mom Paula

  10. It looks like you have had a very nice Christmas this year, boys!

  11. Merry Merry Christmas !!!
    I hope magic season bring you and your family lots of joy : )
    Lots of love

  12. love the kitty ornament and I LOVE the card that you are going to frame. It is gorgeous!

  13. Your tree is so pretty! And we love seeing all your cards!

  14. Your tree is so pretty! And we are very happy our ornament you won is hanging from your tree and you are enjoying it since we can't put up a tree because of Laila. Hope you had a great Christmas!

  15. What a beautiful tree! Our humans put all of the best whappable oranaments up high, too, even though we have been really good this year.

    What a good idea to take photos of the non e-cards. We may have to do that, too.

  16. Your tree and cards are wonderful..OMCs the hand painted one is just exquisite!!
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  17. I hope you had a Merry Christmas! Those cards are great, especially the one from Adan and Lego!

  18. What a lovely tree and all these cards are really beautiful!
    I hope you had a great Christmas!

  19. Hope you all had a great Christmas and we wish you a wonderful 2013.

  20. Wow, look at that whappable tree! Our mom puts all the breakable...I mean really cool ornaments way up high. At least she puts the soft and unbreakable ones in paw range for us to play. Hope you had a pawsome Christmas my furriends.

    xoxo Cory and family

  21. E & F ewe guys bee fame mouse...look ...yur cards make a line like 90 miles long !!!


    hope everee one hada grate day !!

  22. MERRY CHRISTMAS my friends! Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday and that you have another, today. purrs

    PS... Did the whappables all pass inspection? Inquiring minds wanna know. purrs more

  23. Well we sure like the way that ornament that you got on the auction looks on the tree. That is really something.Also all your cards are wonderful. Have a great day.

  24. Beutiful tree and beutiful Christmascards !
    Hope you have had a pawsome Christmas :)

  25. Terrific tree and so many beautiful cards! We hopes you had a wonderful Christmas! Purrs...from your friends at

  26. Wowwie!
    That is pretty cool! Look at all those cards! And me has been known to climb the tree to gets to those ornaments me wants to whap!

  27. Loads of cards! Michico's is WAY cool!

    And we do think that the ornament was hung out of whackability range. But not CLIMBability range. Just meowing....

  28. We saw our card!!!! We have to get Mom to do that with ours too!! Great idea!!

    The Florida Furkids


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