Sunday, January 13, 2013

Easy Like Sunday.

I am not even going to think of going outdoors. I will just relax here with all my toys because.....

this is what our garden has been like all winter so far. Anybody got kitty sized boots we can borrow?


  1. You do need Kittie Wellys! That is what our garden looks like today!

  2. Soon it will be a moat! Maybe with alligators in it.

  3. No boots and even with boots not sure we would want to wade through the water. Stay dry.

  4. We can see why you want to stay inside...since cats don't wear Wellies, hahameow!

  5. Geez that is wet! Are you guys going crazy being cooped up?

  6. Wes had doggy boots at our house so my hairy slobbery sister Bob does not slip on the ice. One bad fall was enough this winter. But she says they is uncomfortable and they is a little bug, but if yous wants to borrow them....

  7. We think you should stay inside where it's warm and dry.

  8. BOOTS? that would mean going out where it's WET. :::runs under bed::::

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Nope. No boots here, guys. You are smart to stay inside and take it easy! :)

  10. Is probably better to stay in and nap. You sure look comfy.

  11. No boots...but I DO have a pretty cool kitty umbrella . Ok, truth be told its Glogirly's. I find it hard to walk and hold an umbrella at the same time.
    ; ) Katie

  12. Only Norwegian Forest Kitty can handle that, their fur is waterproof ! I try to be one of them but finally I just run and hide under the house : )
    I think you make a good choice, my friend

  13. Not even Norwegian Forest kitty would get out in that willingly. MoMo was a Norwegian Forest and she would not go out in the rain or get her feet wet.

    Yep, stay indoors with the toys and treats. Keep warm, guys!

  14. You don't need boots Flynn, you need a bathing suit. That is a lot of water. Hope that sun comes to visit you really soon.

  15. nothing wrong with resting inside for a bit......rain is God's way of telling you to rest :)

  16. Your yard looks swampier than our swamp! srsly!

  17. We are purring it will get drier but the rain doesn't seem to want to leave. We had a little snow this morning and it is only melting where the sun shines. The forecast is a snow warning for Eastern England and the East Midlands this week - Mum wasn't delighted as Lucy has to go to the vets again on Tuesday. Lucy says not to worry she doesn't mind if she doesn't go!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  18. OMC! That is a very depressing scene. We have ice this morning. :(

  19. Our morning forecast is calling for thunderstorms. Our snow is all gone.
    Would love to nap away the day =)
    Enjoy and stay dry!!

  20. It is so awful and all we have had for months and months. I so hope the weather starts to pick up soon andd that we all have a better summer. You stay snug and warm my friends and wait for the sun.. Hugs GJ xx

  21. You don't need boots... you can just have your humans carry you wherever you want to go, right?

  22. You may need a boat soon!

    If it's any consolation, it's raining here today too.

  23. If you find boots, ease let us know where, we need them too!

  24. You can send the rain our way. We need it!

    Think of all that yummy grass you can chew on and search for mousies in :)

  25. Then you'll be Pusses in Boots!

    That scene looks seriously dreary! Hope the sun comes out soon!

  26. Being inside is more cozy and fun anyway. Besides, all the toys are inside!

  27. Eric and Flynn you two need wadders and life vest if you go patrolling your outer perimeter.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  28. What? Won't your Mum carry you everywhere? That's what WE think she should do!

  29. It's a damp wellie day here too but Odin insisted on going out anyway. Stay dry and warm my friends.

  30. Oh no! Cold and muddy. How about if mum and dad wrap you in nice warm blankets and you go for a carry? Fresh air and no mess.

  31. Kitty sized boots..oh boys, I feel so badly for you. MY garden is the same even though I am not out because it is constantly raining. So no sunpuddles. xox

  32. Yikes! Never mind the rain, I see green grass, very green grass! We have brown grass here, though you can't see it under the foot of snow. But spring is just 65 days away!

  33. Mowzers, we're soooooo jealous of your wets! It's so dry here, Mommy sez we'd trade in a heartbeat!

  34. aiieee!! that is like WATER!!! ick, ick, ick...runs away


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