Sunday, June 22, 2014

Easy Like Sunday

It is hot outdoors, (well mid 70s is hot to us) so I am taking my easy on the bed with a nice breeze blowing in the window.

All right you can take the flashy box away, I need my zeds.

Nope, I'm not looking, I'm napping. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

In our last Friday Flashback we shown Eric's rose (Remember Me) on his grave as it is flowering nicely now. We were asked for some closer photos and what sort of flowers were on the fence. (The 8 foot high purrison fence that keeps me in the garden.)
All the cats who came before have their graves in the Memorial Garden and each have a rose planted above them. The purple flowers on the fence are Clematis and the plants surrounding Eric's rose are Chrysanthemums which will flower late summer and through the autumn.
The bedding plants are a bit behind but just starting to flower now and are Verbena.
Please click on the photos for a better view.


  1. You sure look cozy Flynn! The memorial gardens are really beautiful.

  2. The memorial gardens are lovely. *bows head in honor of Eric*



  3. Your memorial garden is so beautiful. What a lovely way to honor the memories of the cats who came before.

  4. Oh, that memorial garden is so very beautiful!

  5. Flynn, if you could hear our mom squeeing over your adorable pink nose and toes, you would never get any sleep.

    The memorial garden is beautiful. Such lovely colors.

  6. You have a lovely garden and a great tribute to dear Eric! We can see, Flynn, you are getting your 'easy' on, have a great day.


  7. We hope you can get on with your easy, Flynn, without that flashy box in your face.

    The memorial gardens are just beautiful.

  8. Eric has such a wonderful place to rest. Mommy especially loves clematis.

    Flynn, for us mid-70's is a chilly day!

  9. What a lovely memorial garden you have for Eric. We just had a stepping stone for Georgia.

  10. Squee at the curly toes!
    That memorial garden is very special, and those plants are beautiful. This is most fitting for Eric and Those That Came Before. A wonderful place.

  11. Beautiful pictures of your memorial garden and Eric's rose. And Flynn, you are looking extra adorable today!

  12. enjoy your snooze Flynn,Erics gerden is looking beautiful,xx SPeedy and Rachel

  13. NO mid 70s over here :(
    Sure hope we git the hot weather back soon !
    It looks really beutiful in your memorial garden <3

    Happy Easy SUNday :)


  14. Oh Flynn, you do look so comfy. And the Memorial garden is very very pretty. We love Angel Eric's rose.

  15. The garden is lovely. It's a wonderful way to remember those you loved.

  16. So very lovely, looks sweet & peaceful. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Flynn, you look SO comfy.
    Have a great snoose.
    We really like the memorial garden, especially Eric's spot.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  18. We love Eric's Memorial Garden with the clematis and roses. We're feeling the heat today too Flynn and there isn't a breath of air.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  19. It sounds like you have a perfect spot for a snooze, Flynn.

    I think it's so sweet that your humans have a Memorial Garden for the kitties that have gone to the Bridge; it's a wonderful way to honor them <3

  20. I was enchanted with Eric's garden. It made mom's eyes leaky as she knows the love your mom and dad feel toward both of you, Flynn.

    Love from us as well. xxoo

  21. simply gorgeous! Flynn, don't feel bad, I don't like the "hots" and sometimes the 70s are rather hot to me too! xoxo

  22. So beautiful. It's a good day to relax Flynn.
    Sue B

  23. Yous look gweat and da gawden is pawsum.

    Luv ya'


  24. What a beautiful remembrace place. Granny had to shed a tear when she saw the beauty and like she thinks, the sign from heaven. Stay Cool and Easy, Flynn. Pawkisses :)

  25. You have a very purrty memorial garden. Mum wishes she could get things that climb and flower to really grow. But she hasn't had much success with what she has tried so far.

  26. Such beauty in the Memorial garden you have thank you for sharing more of those lovely flowers. Flynn you sure do look like you've settled down into you EZ!

  27. It's a beautiful garden just filled with the joy that those who have gone before have given as their lasting remembrance .
    Oh Flynnie, your weather is wonderful. It's hotter here than in the
    Brazilian Amazon! Kisses and hugs.

  28. Ahh, Dude--I think you have the best seat :) and both Me and Tommy think Eric's memorial is so beautiful. Purrs to you all :)


  29. What a lovely garden. TW used to have clematis when she had a yard.

  30. We are touched by all the roses and the memories they represent!

    Oh, and Flynn? I wanted to thank you for the damsel fly you gave me as a birfday prezzie. It was LOVELY. AND delicious! ~ AYLA

  31. What a lovely garden you have, Flynn! And you sure found a great place to nap today!

    Purrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

  32. Dear Flynn
    I know you are my sister Nellies Furrend, but I am stopping by to thank you for wishing me a happy first Gottcha Day!
    Jo-Jo at the Cat From Hell

  33. That's a brilliant easy, Flynn! And we love, love, love the beautiful memorial garden to Eric and the cats who came before. Hugs!

  34. Hi Flynn, glad to see you're enjoying the warmer weather. Wonderful to see Eric's rose as well. We haven't been doing much blogging lately in this house due to work commitments but glad to see you are keeping up the good work. FAZ

  35. Such a beautiful spot for a beautiful boy.

  36. Such a beautiful Memorial Garden. We are lucky we have air conditioning when it gets really hot here in Chicago. You do look like you are keeping rather cool by that window, Flynn.

  37. Your garden is so beautiful, just like the memories it holds. We love temps in the 70's. It's not hot until it's the 90s+. Then there is the humidity . . .

  38. Flynn of course you aren't napping you are keeping the flashy beast light out of your eyes.

    Eric's Place is absolutely blooming with love and color.

  39. dood....we iz surprized we iz seein thiz post....R reedin list haz onlee ONE blogger in it....hizzzzzzzzzzzzzz....any ma mew, de gardin iz lookin awesum...troo lee...hope ewe enjoy yur day two day ♥♥♥♥♥

  40. Gonna be a hot one today here, too. I'm already lookin' for cool shady spots in the garden.


    PS. The garden is beautiful. purrs

  41. Eric has such a beautiful resting place, the flowers are lovely!!! Flynn enjoy your nap :-)

  42. If you are anything like me, Flynn you'll take Sunday easy over into Monday, Tuesday, Wed....... .. The pictures of the garden are beautiful! Xxx

  43. Flynn, our human says you look too adorable for words.

    The memorial garden truly is lovely. The clematis certainly is thriving! All gorgeous blooms and such a wonderful way to honour those who came before.


  44. Sleep tight and whacky paw that flashy box Flynn
    Oh My those are such beautiful flowers. Purrfect for Eric

  45. Flynn you are looking mighty comfy and your brother' s special memorial garden is so peaceful

  46. What a great snooze you are having Flynn and as a bonus we get to see your toesies. Your garden is so lovely. Their are nine angel cats and two angel woofies buried throughout our various gardens. Mom saw these great garden stakes at ManxMnews which she wants to order with each kitty's name to put above their graves. Seventy degrees sounds like heaven. It's in the 70s when we get up in the morning. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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