Sunday, July 20, 2014

Easy Like Sunday, Our 8th Blogoversary

It was 8 years ago today that Eric and I started our blog. Sadly I now blog alone but keep Eric's memory alive every Friday.Who would have thought that we would still be going 8 years later.
For those of you who haven't seen it before, our first post can be seen here and the first with photos here
Before I continue with my easy I will just give a quick statistics update from Dashboard.

 This is post number  2,098
We have had 66,393 comments
Our total page views are  222,086*

*The counter at the bottom of our homepage is considerably higher so we assume that our own visits are being counted as well but can see no way of not counting them.

Now if you will excuse me I need to get back to my nap.


  1. Concatulations!! We love visiting here.

  2. Happy Blogoversary! We love visiting your blog.

  3. Happy Blogoversary Flynn! We know Eric is smiling on you from the Bridge.

  4. Happy blogaversary. Eight years is a big number! Visiting your blog always makes us smile.

  5. Flynn, we're glad to have known you since nearly the beginning. Congratulations on your latest blogaversary. May you have many more happy years ahead hunting mice!

  6. Oh Flynn!
    What a exciting day!
    Mes shall sing!
    *•.¸¸♪♫•Happy Blogoversay to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•¸¸.•*
    ¨*•♫♪ Happy Blogoversay to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Blogoversay Dear Flynn!!!!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Blogoversay to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•

  7. Happy blogoversary! Wow, you have had a lot of comments and posts! That's quite an accomplishment!

  8. Happy Blogoversary to you!!! We love to read your blog!!

  9. Who would have thunk? I think you and Gemini started your blogs pretty close together then--eight long years ago! Happy blogoversary!

  10. Happy blogoversary, dear friends! We love you all, and we love your blog. Thank you for sharing your lives with us.

  11. We're singing from the roof top ¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Blogoversay to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫ and many more...
    Wow, 8 years is a huge milestone and it's always a joy to visit you.

    Love and purrs from Layla, Merlin, Domino, Odin and Angel Gris Gris.

  12. Happy 8th Blogaversary, sweet furriends!
    That's amazing!


  13. Happy 8th Blogaversary Flynn - that's a lot of walks, mouses, and adventures. We bet Eric is smiling at you from the Bridge.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  14. Wow, happy blogoversary! Eight years is a long time...and that's A LOT of posts! We suspect Eric is giving you paws up from the Bridge. :-)

  15. HAPPY HAPPY 8th Blogoversary !!!!
    You know I always love your blog, love you & love Eric.
    Me & mom are so happy to be your friend :)
    More to come, Flynn ! Keep up a good work
    Lots of hugs from me

  16. WOW Flynn....eight years is a super long time. I know you miss your brother and I'm sure he keeps a VERY close eye on you and your humans and will celebrate this blogaversary with you at the Bridge. We love visiting you and here's to many more years of blogging about your lovely life!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  17. Concatulations ! Wow, 8 years is such a long time ! Happy Blogoversary ! Purrs

  18. A very Happy Blogoversary to your Flynn and Eric too. We sure are glad you started blogging since we really like coming here. Hope you have a wonderful day today.

  19. Eight...
    each Great!

    Lovin' you all.

  20. Truly, happy blogaversary. I love the two of you even though Flynn must carry on. Lots of love.

  21. Happy 8tg Blogoversary!! We love your blog and are so glad that you kept Eric as part of it with Flashback Fridays.

    The Florida Furkids

  22. We wish you a Very Happy Blogoversary, Flynn. We only really met you after Eric went to the Bridge, and really enjoyed reading those two first posts!

    Wishing you many more!

    The Chans

  23. Happy 8th Blogoversary!
    We have enjoyed many of those years too :)
    We purr you go on for many more years
    Enjoy your Easy ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  24. Congratulations on 8 years of blogging! Here's to more years of blogging...and furiendship.

  25. Happy Blogoversary Flynn And we hope for many more,xx Speedy

  26. Happy 8th Blogoversary! Still going strong!

  27. A wonderful happy 8th Blogoversary Flynn.We are so glad to be celebrating with both you and Eric. Mom found a quote which is going to use later this next month and it makes her think about Eric and what you said about keeping his memory alive on Fridays:

    Sharing tales of those we've lost is how we keep from really losing them.
    ~Mitch Albom

    Mom believes that with all of her heart. So you keep sharing and so will we.

  28. Happy blogoversary, Flynn! I'm glad I met you and your brother, and extra glad you continue to blog and remember Eric.

  29. Happy Blogoversary!!!!

    (and we think there is something in the setting on blogger where you can check to NOT have it count when you click on your own blog)


    May your day be filled with love & cuddles and treats & nip. Lots & LOTS of the nip!

    Nissy #Niss4Senate

    PS. Eight years is quite an accomplishment. You should be very, very proud. And 2098 posts? WOW! I feel like such an amateur next to that. Just posted my 285th post today. I'm a total slacker next to you. purrs

  31. We're glad you are still blogging and keeping your brother's memory alive. We have loved your blog through the years. Happy Blogoversary.

  32. HUGE CONCATULATIONS TO YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! We are so happy that we met you, we LOVE YOUR BLOG AND YOU!! xoxo

  33. Oh, WOW!!! Congratulations!!!
    How time flies... eight years is amazing. You've brought so much joy to those of us who love our cats. I have a feeling Eric is still right there with you in spirit and heart. xoxo

    P.S. Thank you so much for the sweet birthday wishes for Glogirly and helping to make our comment-a-thon a huge success! xo, Katie & Waffles

  34. Happy Blogoversary. Congrats on 8 years. Amazing. Love your blog and following your adventures.
    Sue B

  35. Happy Blogoversary Flynn. What an achievement!!

  36. Happy 8th Blogoversary, Flynn!! You've been blogging even longer than us! We are soooo glad that we have you as our friend and we always look forward to seeing your posts. We hope you has a nice nap!

  37. Happy X 8 Blogaversary, Flynn and Angel Eric! We're pretty sure we've read all your posts...we were lurking fans from way back!

  38. Happy Blogoversary! Thank you so much for sharing your adventures on your lovely farm with us. And many more thank you's for allowing us to be your friends. We love you lots and will always love you. Kari, Gran and the cats

  39. Happy Blogoversary, we are happy you joined in the fun.

  40. Wowsers! That is some accomplishment, 8 years! Happy, Happy Blogoversary Flynn, Angel Eric and Mum!


  42. Thanks for visiting on our 2nd blogoversary! Concatulations on your eighth. That is an amazing number. Mom says that she doesn't think we'll make that many. She says she is too old. Yours is one of the blogs we admire so much, and it makes us so happy that you visit us. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  43. Concatulations, Flynn. I’m sure you’d love to have Eric back blogging with you. Eight years and over 2000 posts are numbers to be really proud of.

    Heh heh. Cranberry jelly. I’m trying to find where I posted the story. It was, uh, sticky.

  44. Goodness! Happy 8th Blogoversary and Congratulations on your number of posts, comments, and visits! We know Eric is happily purring. Purrs...

  45. DOOD !!! happee 8 yeerz N one day ~~~~~ hope ewe & mum & dad sell a brated with sum donutz & pie & ham samiches, pizza pies, flounder, trout, mackerull sea bass, burgerz, perch, toona, cake, micez, and did we say donutz ..... heerz ta 984,233,011,455,209,475... mor pages views N how kewl iz post 3000 gonna be !!!! ♥♥♥♥♥ glad ya started yur blog N mega happee we iz friendz ☺☺☺☺☺

  46. Happy Blogoversary!!!
    I love you forever ERIC!!!!

  47. Happy 8th Blogoversary to Flynn and Angel Eric!
    We weren't around yesterday, so we are late. But, as Mommy says, better late than never!
    Angel brandi says hi!
    and Mom Carol

  48. You are truly amazing. Eight years is a big milestone and we look forward to many more posts in the future!

  49. Congratulations Flynn! 8 years is a long time--even in human years. We sure wish Flynn were here too, though he is in spirit, but you're carrying on brilliantly. We're looking forward to the next 8.

    Hugs and nose kisses,

    Lizzie Max & Tuck

  50. I don't believe we are so late in congratulating you! Well done: 8 years is an amazing achivement. Much respect dude. You clearly have the staff well trained.

  51. Happy 8th Blogoversary Flynn and Angel Eric! That is so very amazing! We wish you didn't have to do it alone, but thank you so very much for Eric's Day Friday's.
    Your Friends
    Marty and the Gang

  52. Congrats! Wow what a great run and many more to come my friend Flynn. I know Angel Eric is looking down and so happy that he the main cat on Friday and things are still going strong!
    Timmy Dad and Family

  53. Happy Blogoversary!!!!
    (Sorry to be a couple days late)

  54. Happy belated Blogoversary! And all the comments and page views too. Sadly, we lost track of our numbers except for posts. But congrats on the 2,000+ posts! Thats SOME werk.

  55. ConCatulations Flynn. Meez so glad tu hav found yoous blog. Meez just luvs weadin' and seein' yous and Erics fotos. Meez hopes tu be bloggin' in anuddew 8 years like yous.

    Luv ya'



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