Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Intruder Alert!

I managed to get out for a while when the rain stopped and said I would take mum for a walk to the field.

Just a minute! What do I smell?

Intruder! I had better check he is not still lurking under the car.

Need to get rid of his stink and make the car smell right again.

It's going to take a lot of face rubs.

Need to check this end too.

That should do it. Alert over!

Several of you said you couldn't see the video of me in the Friday Flashback so mum hunted through all her videos and put it on You Tube. Here is the link. Flynn Herding a Pheasant.


  1. Good that you got rid of the introoder smell!
    Nervy of the introoder.
    That was a pawsome video of Eric and the pheasant!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. Ebil introoders, beware! That silly pheasant better run; the Mighty Flynn is keeping watch.

  3. We will go check your video Flynn, but keep de-stinking that introoder!

  4. Whoa! You’re on top of things, Flynn. I like that.

  5. That musta been one stinky introoder!

  6. How dare that intruder invade your turf, Flynn! BTW, I love your pheasant video. I am guessing HE wasn't the intruder. ;-)

  7. Glad you were able to get rid of introoder stinks, MOL!! A cat's job is nevfur done.....

  8. Flynn you were making sure that evil intruder was sent on his way - we bet your Mum was proud of you.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. What?? There's been another cat OR EVEN A DOG at your human's car?? We're glad you got this sorted out - you know, it's dangerous when someone manipulates cars!!

  10. Good job Flynn, getting that intruder smell off the car. Can't have any strange smells going on the car. You all have a super day.

  11. Hope you got rid of the introooder stinkies! Now that you've put YOUR smell on the car, I'm sure you won't have trouble with that introoooder again!

    Hugs, Sammy

  12. Flynn you have your paws fall. Looks like that introooder was hopping all over the place
    Hugs madi your bfff

  13. I am sure that no intruder ever dares to go near your car again, Flynn, you made that for sure :D Pawkisses :) <3

  14. you haf a lot of jobs there where you live - herding livestock, hunting mousies, getting rid of introoder smells, you must be really tired!

  15. Intruder smells! I'm glad you got rid of them so that intruder won't come back now. It's your place!

  16. Good job with that pheasant Flynn! Also, good job re-marking the car, that was a lot of work.

  17. Intruder smells are the worst! I'm sure glad you thoroughly remarked the car, Flynn. You smell much better than any intruder. Purrs!

  18. dood....18 centz anda sack oh friez says that bass terd burd sprayed yur mums car..... we saw yur moovee & gived it 984 paws up.....grate werk buddy on takin that burd down de lane & outta town ~~~~~~ { whoa...him waz a big one two } ♥♥♥

  19. We are glad you got to enjoy a little time outside, Flynn. Hopefully that intruder will smell your scent all over the car and stay away next time.

  20. Did that introoder try and steal the car?? My!! You saw him off good and proper!!

  21. Excellent job, Flynn! You certainly let that introoder know that YOU'RE in charge!

  22. Did you do this re-scenting after taking your mom for a walk or have her wait until you attended that important business? I will go have a look at your video. xoxo

  23. Whew! Good thing you caught that. Who knows how long that introoder smell might have been there!

  24. Good thing that you got rid of that intruder smell ! Purrs

  25. Wow, Flynn, that introoder must have really marked the car up good. Hope you covered up all the stink. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth ad Calista Jo

  26. You took care of covering his stink with your lovely mancat smells. Very cautious of you. Can't allow the introoder to get a paw up on you

  27. oh my getting rid of an introoder and almost looking like a mechanic to boot! ;)

  28. I´m sure the ontrooder will keep his nose out of YOUR property now :)


    P.S Nice movie with you hearding the pheasant :)

  29. How you could cover a whole car with your scent, Flynn is pretty impressive. Well, it'll be enough to warn intruders, that's for sure.

  30. Well done Flynn! Sorry to be late in getting back to you - Mom was sick with vertigo from a sinus issue for days. Oh and we are on Instagram - look for us.

  31. Seriouslies! Those introoder stinkums need to GO! (good job dood!)

  32. You always have to take care of introoder smells.

  33. Quite a task you've got there! We wonder if there were multiple introoders? Your Mum and dad need not worry: Flynn on the job!


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