Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Just Checking.

The weather has been so bad that I don't get much chance to go out lately, but when the rain does stop and the wind drops I am ready to get back on patrol.

Wait! I heard a noise.

I had better check this out.

I can't see anything.

Nothing there. It must have been the wind rustling the leaves.

Oh well, I might as well nom some grass instead.


  1. I'm glad you got out there to check on things Flynn!

  2. Well, if there was a mousie, we know you would have found them.

  3. How great it is that you got to get out Flynn.
    It would be harder to find things here.
    We got snow yesterday!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  4. We hope you find some mousiest, Flynn.

  5. Good thinking, Flynn. Grass is a pretty good backup plan if you can't find any mousies. :)

  6. It's good to have you on patrol, Flynn, no matter what you find!

  7. You are so loyal to your duties. We are swimming in ice and rain here and it is YUCK. We even allowed two squirrels into the garden and ignored them - they didn't enter the Killing Fields of the Catio though. Shame.....

  8. Oh, we're so envious of the gras!

    It's good that you're catching up with your patrol duties. Humans are really careless. Ok, they don't call it territory, but property is pretty much the same. So why aren't they busy protecting it the way we do?

    Sigh. They really need us. We're glad that you're so responsible with your duty to protect your family!

  9. Clever of you to check things
    out Flynn!x Before having a good
    old nom!x

  10. At least you made sure the coast was clear!

  11. We wish we could join you on patrol Flynn but we think we'd get lost!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  12. No introooders but some nice green munchable grass! Good deal!

    Hugs, Sammy

  13. I am sure that there is a mousie somewhere, Flynn, but more sure that you have it all under control :D Pawkisses for a Sunny Day :) <3

  14. Good job Flynn, checking everything out. Glad you finally got outside. We get nuts when we can't go outside. Have a great day.

  15. that grass looks amazing. I wish I had some.

  16. Flynn it does our hearts good to see you out on perimeter patrol. Looks like you are taking advantage of the dry day too have fun
    Hugs madi your bfff

  17. Flynn, you are a most handsome patrol man. My cats would love that grass. I need to start some inside for them.

  18. Glad you're feeling well enough to go outside. Let's hope for better weather soon.

  19. The rain certainly makes for lush, green grass. Enjoy it when you can - spring is still a ways away.

  20. You're the purrfect patrol-cat, Flynn. And how nice that your domain has a buffet to offer. Purrs!

  21. We're certain that was a lucky mouse! Nomming green grass is certainly a good refreshment :)

  22. Drat those crafty critters. WE hope you find them next time Flynn.

  23. The intruders have learned to stay away from your territory! We hope the weather stays nice so you can go out more often.

  24. We're glad that the rain finally stopped and you could go out for patrol. Purrs

  25. Flynn, you are looking totally ship shape! And after wrangling with the uncouth Ginger for me, I imagine thinking of all your mancatliness will send him running!

  26. dood....lookin grate buddy....sorree ya dinna get any mouseez but grazz iz just az good....hope de rainz has stopped fora wee while....heerz ta knot just pigs on poles, but hogs !! ♥♥♥

  27. Glad to see you out and about! Too bad you didn't find a mousie...maybe next time.

  28. So good to see you outside patrolling Flynn! Enjoy the grass! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  29. You finally got to go outside, Hooray! We bet that grass tasted most delish!

  30. What is it about rain lately? Everyone has been getting a lot of it.

  31. Maybe the bad weather has chased the introoders away.


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