Tuesday, February 23, 2016

So Tired!

                                                            10 am
                                                             1 pm

                                                            3 pm

I had a very hard night last night.

It all started a couple of nights ago. My dad went out in the garden to check on me because I hadn't been in to check on him and my mum for a while.
He saw me sitting on his concrete blocks staring up at the top of the purrison hedge which is more than 8 feet high.

He said,"What are you looking up there for? There isn't anything there." Then he shone his torch to the top of the hedge and there was an intruder cat up there sitting watching me watching him/her. Then the cat disappeared down the other side of the hedge into the field.

Last night I kept calling and calling but it didn't come back and then I had to come in to go to bed at midnight. Then at 4 o'clock this morning me and my mum heard it calling me. I had to keep going from window to window to see if I could see it. I was calling back but quietly so I didn't get shouted at.

First thing this morning when I was let out into the garden I had to keep checking to see if she was still there. I didn't even have time to stop for breakfast. When I did come in, I was so tired that I slept all day.

Mum thinks it might have been a ladycat because we weren't shouting at each other. Dad said it looked like a longhaired tabby but couldn't be sure by the torchlight.

There is another tuxie intruder that comes around sometimes, and we hate each other. There is a wire fence the other side of the hedge to stop me getting through or anything getting in, and sometimes that tuxie looks through the wire from the field side and I look from the garden side and we yell and swear at each other.

I wonder if Tabby will come back to see me again.


  1. A new lady furiend? How nice. But love makes you lose sleep, then you have to nap extra.

  2. Flynn, you are magnetic :) Don't tire yourself out too much my friend. We don't want you to get sick again.

  3. You have a new ladyfriend, Flynn, how exciting! Guess you've still got it with the ladycats!

  4. We think that ladycat is smitten with you!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Goodness, that is too much nocturnal excitement and patrolling for an older gentlecat like you. The ladycat may not be spayed and is the tuxie intruder intact? Spring is around the corner. xo

  6. A friend, not a foe? I have one of those too!

  7. Oh it would be great if that tabby cat came back to see you again, Flynn.

  8. We think that ladycat likes you, Flynn! Maybe she will come and visit again soon.

  9. Wait a second. There's a very easy solution: you get to use the garden 24/7. Just tell the humans to let a window open for you, so you can get in when you want. Ignore their complaints about heating bills.

    And that human thing ... "there isn't anything there"... we'e heard it so many times. Don't we know best what WE are looking at??

  10. ooooO! Flynn!x Perhaps you've found a nice
    lady cat to be friends with..! That would be
    In the mean time...I wonder what your dreaming
    of...mmmM! Bless!x

  11. You've got a ladycat friend! Now, I know you don't have the bits, but surely you still have the knowledge ? Hehehehe

  12. Don't let dem gurls make ya too tired!

  13. Those midnight excursions can wear a boy out ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  14. Maybe your lady friend would like to visit with you Flynn.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  15. Flynn! You have an admirer! I'm not surprised of course - we gingers are girl magnets. I think it's nice that you have a friend - but I'm sure your parents would rather she visit you during "normal" hours!

    Love, Sammy

  16. Oh Flynn, that is very exciting for you to have a new friend. I hope that she comes back to see you.

  17. you gots a girlfriend? BTW - the mom wants to snuggle you

  18. I am sure she is one of your many admirers Flynn. I am surprised you don't have a line of lady cats trying to see you. Sorry you got so tired out, I hope you had a nice long rest. XO

  19. Hope she comes and visits again.
    Sue B

  20. Don't let yourself get overly tired, Flynn! Although the visitor does sound intriguing!

    The Chans

  21. Yes, guarding your house against intruders can be tiring!

  22. Oh wow, you have a ladyfurriend. That is very sweet.

  23. dood !!! sew spring iz round de korner & love iz in de air....may bee thiz yeer when yur mum & dad go on holly day ewe both can go a long...yur own cabin oh course... on de "love boat " ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♥♥♥

  24. It sounds like you and Tabby could be friends, Flynn. It's about time you settled down with a lady.

  25. Keeping the perimeter free of introoder kittehz is hard work. We don't want you missing any more meals, though. Rest up, you've earned it.

  26. How sweet that kitty was calling out to you. Get some rest in case she returns and you're up all night again!

  27. How sweet you have a lady friend coming to see you! That makes for some long nights, though ;-o

    Pee Ess: The human says she wishes she could sleep that good.

  28. How exciting ! (and how exhausting MOL) Purrs

  29. It sounds like you might have yourself a ladycat admirer, Flynn. It's no surprise, though, as you're such a handsome fella. Purrs!

  30. Oh no that was a very bad night for a man cat.
    Mom told me it is kinda like when our phone rings in the middle of the night...it startles her awake then there is no sleeping after that.
    I hope you can rest tonight
    Hugs madi your bfff

  31. You didn't steal that ladycat's heart away from the tuxie gent did you? Your such a handsome boy, how could she possibly resist! Don't get caught up in any love triangles.
    Now that we're all getting more mature, the idea of little Flynnie kitties sounds delightful. (We know, we know, we've all had the surgery too!)

  32. Flynn, that's how our humans' bed looks most of the time, especially in winter, and it has nothing to do with intruders or losing sleep. Mom says it's because we are bums. We say it's because it is cold and there is no sun. Whatever your reason, you are absolutely adorable in these photos. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calsta Jo

  33. Wow no wonder you're tired after all that action! Love is hard....

  34. Wow no wonder you're tired after all that action! Love is hard....

  35. Do you suppose she's a late Valentine?

  36. Whew! It was a relief to read why you were tired. I thought you were in bed all day cos you were expected me and I never came. I’ll be there soon.

  37. oh my Flynn what an exciting (and tiring!!) time you had! I bet it was a ladycat and not that awful Tabby, but what kind of "lady" struts around in the wee hours of the morning? xoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  38. Aaaaaaw You have a new furiend Flynn. Dat be so sweet. We hope she comes back. Rest up so you'll be able to visit.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  39. There were you and Eric for so meny years its great that you may find a cat friend at this time of your life.

  40. wow--you have ladycats come to court you, and maybe a buddy cat---You LUCKY (and a garden too!) Over here, we get possums that show up to eat. We just look at each other thru the glass...I think you have the better end of the deal! :)

  41. You deserved the long nap! We used ta have introoder cats visit, but we havent seen one inna couple years.

  42. Oh Flynn...Those pictures of yous in bed is scrumptious! And yous has a lady caller!?!? Yous still gots it big guy! Mes would bes there if mes lived near yous!!!
    Sending yous lots of kisses
    Your Nellie Bellie

  43. Hey Flynn. I would be tired too if there was a trooder at our house. We have a lady kitty who comes by and we can whiffie her under the door. She smells interesting and when she has been around we crowd the vestibule with our mouths open that little bit to get every last whiff. Dad laughs. MOL
    Thanks so much for sending purrs to brofur Buddy Budd. He is doing pretty good.
    Love you and your family friend
    Timmy Dad and Family

  44. Oh Flynn, I am sorry you missed your friendly visitor. Maybe she will come back to visit again. You do look very cute getting your daytime sleep! I loved those photos.


  45. Yes, I know, these intruders can wait for you for ages! Bu still their own comfort is above all for them!


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