Friday, August 16, 2019

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week the flashback comes from November 2012 and is called:
Intruder Checking.

Eric:  We are still trying to catch up with our patrols. It is hard work checking on introoder smells after you have been locked up.

We probably need to split up. We will cover more ground that way.

Flynn:  sniff sniff sniff.......

Yup, someone has definitely been here who shouldn't have.

Eric:  I am not happy about this.

Flynn:  Me neither......

It looks like we will have to put our paw down and stop them from going off every time they feel like it.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I used the new Lunapic filters again this week and started with Van Gogh reduced to 55% followed by Gaugain3 at 70%.

I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for Feline Friday

And here is the puzzle!
preview100 pieceCaturdayArt 17.08.19


  1. That was some serious investigating, and fun too!

  2. We do a border patrol every morning and again before we go to bed - have to be sure there were no introoders:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. every intruder patrol needs two.... together we can find the evil intruder and we can chase it away, even when that intruder is invisible...

  4. They certainly loved that field..
    They remind me of Sherlock Holmes
    and Dr Watson...Bless!xx

  5. You two are pretty imposing [but handsome] figures on your turf. I think I saw your Mum's birthday was this week ... so Happy Birthday to her!

  6. When the humans are away and the guard kitties can't patrol, ANYBODY can come by and visit the fields. I know the GUARD KITTIES didn't appreciate that but then Mom and Dad deserve a break too! Love the photos and memories.......

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  7. We'll have to get you some proper hats 'n' badges since you're border patrol guys now ... good work!

  8. Love the way you boys kept track of all intruders. Well done you two. Hope everyone has a great day.

  9. Eric and Flynn were the best at perimeter patrol!!
    What a pretty and artsy photo too
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Such wonderful memories. Intruders are never welcome. You were good at making sure they stay away.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  11. I am often 'inspected' by cat noses, whenever I travel between my cat worlds: from neighborhood cats to outside cats, to upstairs cat to downstairs cats! LOL!

  12. That was a gorgeous effect on your photograph. Love remembering the sweet trips your boys made in the yard and fields.

  13. That was a fun flashback. I expected Eric to pee on something though. :) Thank you for the puzzle, I am off to do it now. Beautiful art. XO

  14. We wish we had a field of our own to patrol and have nice walks in. These were two lucky boys!

  15. There are just some things the humans need to understand that only the cats can stay on top of!

  16. They would had made good cat police or cat cops heheh!

    Have an artistictastic weekend :-)

  17. I'm lucky my peeps are homebodies and never go anywhere further than the store together.

  18. Good Heavens, just when the boys had the farm safe from intruders, they were locked up again!

  19. Oh dear, looks like the boys needed to keep a closer watch on that perimeter!

  20. Boys, I would do whatever you dictated!

  21. Maybe you need to have a discussion about the trips so this does not happen anymore

  22. Really beautiful effect! Looks lIke a painting.

  23. Those introoders had a lucky escape! If you boys had caught them, you would have given them what for, that's for sure!

  24. The zom mousies should be sleeping, 'cause they don't come out until after dark, but you're smart to check the perimeter fencing.

    You two remind me of two ginger pussycats fursibs that live in my neighborhood. One of them is named "Cookie Dough." Dad got to visit with him on his walk with the doggy yesterday.

  25. Eric and Flynn were masterful with their patrols!

  26. We love your new header sweet Angels, this is so you💗Well done on the investigating work, your peeps must have felt very safe under your purrotection😎Pawkisses for a wonderful Sunday to all of you🐾😽💞

  27. I know the feeling. I get it each time I have to visit my consultants plus I have to check Mrs H hasn't been letting strays in for a free bowl of soup! Having said that if a cats in need we will always help, but I just like to be here to show them the palace is not available for rent, MOL

  28. i love the look on Flynn's face! He was not pleased!

  29. Yeah, sometimes all 3 of us go out and check the deck and the fence fer introoder smells.

    BTW, is that a new Header or have we just been scrolling down to your posts too fast for a while?

  30. You boys were better than pinkerton detectives I am sure! I like to patrol too, but since I am an indoor-only kitty, I never get to encounter such interesting introodurs.

  31. We are glad we were observant about your header. Sometimes we have to point out the obvious to Dad...

  32. your boys were always the best at protecting you from "introoders" I think the first time I had ever heard that term on a blog was on your blog many years ago! xoxo

  33. We just love reading all about the boys' adventures. We hope their memories bring you as much joy as they bring us.

  34. Mew mew mew Miss Jackie you sure had THE best Paw Patrol efurr!!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma


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