Friday, December 27, 2019

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

I have two short flashback posts this week that follow on from each other.They are both from November 2006.
First is "Something in the Tree."

Eric:  I just know I heard sumfing move, but I don't know what it was. I'll just put my head in an haf a good look round.

Yer right Eric, I heard sumfing too.I'll look furrom this side.

.Flynn:  No good, I need to haf a better look.
We bofe looked an looked but cudn't find ennyfing, but we will be back to look again. We don't give up.
Part 2: Success

We been keep going back an checking on that tree, an yesterday we herd more noises, so we went an in-vesty-gatid again.Success!!!
There was a mousie in theer. Mum finks thay may haf made a nest in the tree to live in. I haf to be troofull. It looks like I got the mousie, but reely it wuz Flynn, an he gave it to me to eat. It wuz lucky we got it then cuz it wuz getting dark an mum had told us we had to go in. The tree is a big oak tree that grows owtside our window, an it is cuvvered in ivy, an the birdies like it, so we can sit in the window an watch the live fev-vers efun when we can't go outdoors.

I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I started with Psychedelic at 70% then added Tuscany at 45 % and for a change also added a frame.
There is also a puzzle.
preview99 pieceCaturday Art 2 28.12.19
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the Feline Friday blog hop.



  1. I love your flashback posts. I enjoy seeing photographs of our precious Little Bit.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

    1. Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop. ♥

  2. Those mousies had a hard time hiding from those mighty hunters.

  3. Great flashback. Thanks for the puzzle!

    The Florida Furkids

  4. Good job, Eric, for getting the mousie! And that was nice, giving it to Flynn.

  5. haha - Cats are persistent and patient waiting and watching for mice! Fun to see them in the tree. :)

  6. MOLMOLMOL you two took your work seriously and never ever NO never gave up until you had the answers.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Precious boys! Those are all lovely photos and the holiday ones are very nice.

  8. These are wonderful! I just love these stories! Have a Happy New Year! :D Deborah

  9. We loved seeing these flashbacks.

    (Pee ess...we’re glad that our card arrived too.)

  10. We love the header and pics. It is allus so nice to see the boys again.

  11. Flynn was such a hunter! Sigh! Gotta try the puzzle.

  12. I wish I could get a mousie - I'm stuck wif just hunting lizards.

  13. Oh I knew you guys would get that mousie - you're the bestest hunters I know and Angel Sammy told me you always were! I bet you're hunting up at the Bridge too aren't you....

    Hugs, Teddy

  14. O Mi cod, we LOVE those orange striped curly TAILS!

  15. How nice that you shared that mousie!
    Thanks for the puzzle!

  16. It's always fun solving a mystery and these are such good memories of your success in doing just that. Sending lots of love in the new year to you boys at the Bridge and to mom and dad at home - Tom x and the housekeeper Julie xo

  17. Boys I swear nobuddy catches mice like you two did! XXX

  18. Perserverence paid off! Good huntin' boys!

  19. Flynn was really climbing that hedge - but then he was always good at climbing, wasn't he?

  20. Wonderful flashback. Chimera is the only real climber around here these days.

  21. Eric and Flyn n sure were diligent about searching out those mousies!

  22. Get that delicious mice krispie treat, boys!

  23. flynn just cracked me up! No kitties are more determined than your boys! xoxo

  24. You were furry purrsistent kitties - and it paid off!

  25. MOL...I loved to see you hanging out there, Eric...MOL 😸Pawkisses for a wonderful Monday🐾😽💞

  26. The boys sure loved to hunt. Happy New Year, friends!

  27. Flynn was such a good brother to share mousies with Eric. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  28. You two are so adorable. I Just wanted to say Aiel passed away today...Dec 31,2019

  29. What a wonderful catch you two! Sounds like it tasted great too Eric! MOL
    Thanks for coming to Buddys Pawty

  30. You two always had the best adventures!
    We purr you are continuing them at the Bridge ;)
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  31. These are absolutely adorable photos of the boys, and Sawyer says, “yum, yum.” He loves the mousies. Your art came out great. Happy Mew Year. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


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