Friday, January 24, 2020

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week I have two short posts for the flashback.
The first is Flynn, "Relaxing".

There I wuz, just relaxing an enjoying the vyoo.

Wait !! what's dat?? It's furry inchresting. Mum sez I'm seeing fings an dat theer's nuffin theer. Well mum, if yoo wuz to put yer glasses on, yoo'd see I'm watching an ant.

The second is Eric, "I'm Bored!"

Efurryday it's raining. I want to go out furr a walk and play and climb trees.
Yesterday morning the sun wuz out and we asked mum to take us furr a walk, and she sed she would as soon as she finished the horses.Guess what. It started raining again befurr she finished. It's not efun ordinary rain, it's so hevvy yoo can't efun see the end of the garden. I'm reely reely BORED!!!!

Guess what. The rain has stopped, and today the sun wuz shining ALL DAY and it wuz lovely and warm. We went out nearly all day. Our dad wuz werking at home and he let us do what we wanted, just checking on us now and again. We layed in the garden most of the time sunbathing, and then mum took us for a long walk. I'm not bored any more.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.
For Flynn I kept it simple with just Landscape at 60%. Click on the picture to get the full effect.

For Eric I started with Sunshine at 50% then added Landscape at 40%.
Two puzzles this week.
preview99pieceFlynn Caturday Art 25.01.20
preview99pieceEric Caturday Art 25.01.20
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the Feline Friday blog hop.



  1. Ah, i'm always glad when the rain ends and i can go do something fun. Yes, watching ants can be fun, they are such busy creatures.

  2. Those are wonderful photos and such wonderful memories too.

  3. Great flashback posts and mum is happy for two puzzles.
    Have a good weekend.
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  4. love it... and it could count for today too... the rain is with us... like efurry day...

  5. I'm glad Eric's boredom didn't last too long!

  6. I'm not sure which is more stunning ... Flynn or the view!

  7. Well boys it seems you weren't bored for long after the rain are so lucky to have such a beautiful place to be bored though! Tee Hee

    Hugs to my Angel friends, Teddy

  8. Aww! what lovely memory photos I always admire the edited ones too :-)

    Have a memorytastic weekend :-)

  9. So much fun to see pictures of the boys. They sure did enjoy life. You all have a fantastic Friday.

  10. I'm so glad the rain stopped and you got to be outside all day. The best ever is being outside and not bored anymore.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  11. I sound like a broken record I know but I was always in awe of how very white you two boyz kept your plush white furs
    Hugs cecilia

  12. Aww, what cute flashbacks! That was a nice vyoo that Flynn was enjoying.

  13. doodz....theez fotoz bee awesum; flynn ya look grate in yur pro filez shot dood.....trooth !!! we hope yur both doin aye oh kay two day; shout outz ta all we noe ~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

  14. Both arty pictures are absolutely stunning, Jackie and the angels are so lovely in every pose😸Pawkisses for a Happy and Healthy Weekend and hope you're feeling better🙏🐾😽💞

  15. We love seeing Flynn having a relaxing day. The view you had is just so beautiful. Too bad it was raining that day for Eric. We hope he at least go some great naps in during that time. Thanks for the wonderful share. Have a fantastic upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals

  16. I love love love that pic and art of Flynn! TW did the puzzle in record time but knows she'll be last again.

  17. He had a very lovely view to relax and enjoy looking at!

  18. We always love seeing the boys. Flynn's photo is especially nice! Thanks for the puzzles Flynn 9:00
    Eric 11:47.

    The Florida Furkids

  19. Love seeing these two...doing what they do best. :)

  20. Awesome pictures of the boys. This is what Shoko, Budd and Tyebe look like too. A snow day is a relaxing day.


  21. These are just lovely! :D Deborah

  22. Ants are fun ta watch! We leave them alone outside, but we tap them inside. Mostly ta let TBT know they are there. They arent good ta eat, and our pawpads are actually to soft to cause them much damage. TBT has hard shoes though!

    Nice flashback...

  23. Eric's boredom flashback is just adorable! Wonderful flashback photos again.

  24. Your boys were so handsome. The art filters you chose worked really well with those photos. Biggifying them lets you see all the details.

  25. They were such cuties. Thank you for 2 puzzles. I am off to start one. XO

  26. Oh my goodness what great photo artworks! WE're purring for you Miss Jackie!

  27. 9:47 & 10:26. Mrs H and I loved the jigsaws ( I slept through both and had great nap, MOL) Oh my, so much rain, though it makes the sun that comes later or inbetween so much nicer.

  28. What lovely, restful flashbacks this week.

  29. Those are great photos, and special memories of Eric and Flynn. :)

  30. I'm glad the sun came out and gave the boys a fun time that day, after the rain. And the first picture with Flynn is perfect. What a landscape as a background. Is that a river or the sea back there?

  31. Enjoying the view or watching an ant, life was good when weather and nature cooperated! - Tom x

  32. Beautiful photos, and sweet memories. Purrs

  33. We love these photos with the boys relaxing, and the art is super nice as well. Have a great week. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  34. OH Boys, I miss you SO much. I love your garden though and your roses. I know you do too. Your mom and dad always love you.

  35. Flynn we know about the hoomans bad vision. Dad is always trying to see what we do
    Eric we cant wait till the spring and we can go outside when the cat fence is done. You lucky fellow

  36. Such lovelee fotoss an memoreess of deer Flynn an Eric Miss Jackie....
    They were furry hansum man catss...
    **purrsss** BellaDharma

  37. I am so happy you shared these because I don't recall having seen them before! xoxo


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