Friday, October 1, 2021

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week I have three very short posts.

Tummy Tuesday 15.04.08
It was another nice sunny day today and the temperature got up into the mid 60's, so we decided to lie out in the sun and show off our tummies.
We know a lot of you get confoosed as to which is which of us, so we haf put our names by our pikchurs.
This is me, Eric. You can rekkernize me cuz apart furrom being bigger than Flynn I have all white shoulders and a ginger nose.

And you can rekkernize me, Flynn cuz my nose is white, and I haf a ginger patch on each shoulder.

Two For Tuesday 30.05.08
Fings are getting back to normal here. We haf been walking around the fields wiv mum again and checking out all our faverit places. We haf to check to see if there haf been any introoders around. There are drinking troughs in all the fields furr the horsies, but this is our faverit furr us to drink furrom.

The grass has grown long since we were locked up. Soon dad will cut it all to make hay furr the horsies to eat next winter.When we lie down in the grass, mum can't see us. Soon she won't be able to see us when we are standing up in it. Mum sez she is hoping to get a video of me (Flynn) when it's a bit longer cuz when I can't see ofurr the top of the grass, I bounce around in it, and my head keeps popping up. That makes mum laff.

Wordless Wednesday 2.04.08

Grow your own cat.

The random photo this week was chosen by Caren at Cat and Dog Chat. She asked for 20th October and this photo comes from that date in 2010.
Enjoying a walk with some late October sun.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I started with Seuratpose at 75% then added Psychedelic at 35%.
preview108pieceCaturday Art 2.10.21
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.


  1. I still enjoy their adventures to this day and the potted cats is a favorite too!

  2. Potted cat should become a furry furmouse picture, its so cute!!

    Petcretary was in Europe in 5/6 of 2008...and we had mostly great weather then (The Netherlands).

  3. My most favourite photo of the
    boys are the one with them in the
    pots...! HeHe! Bless!
    Yes! Grow your cat..And water well..! :O).

  4. Lovely boys....and the "potted kitties" photos have been and always will be my favorites. If only we could regrow our beloved kitties from the past with just a bit of fur! Hugs to ginger angels.....

    Love, Pam

  5. More precious memories love these photos heheh!

    Have a bellytastic weekend 👍

  6. Bravo bravo bravo for each post.
    You two Gingermen always delighted and amused me.
    I especially like the potted felines.
    Hugs cecilia

  7. I love that the art has an Autumn flavor to it! Happy Friday! :) <3

  8. Oh yes, the potted cats are my all time favorites. Sending warm thoughts across the pond xo

  9. you know for all of these years I could never tell them apart! I am happy you wrote what is different on each one! Brilliant! Happy Friday! xoxo

  10. Aw, so precious. I so enjoy seeing your angels.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  11. Great memories. We always liked seeing them in their pots.

    Thanks for the puzzle!

  12. So wonderful to see you boys this week and what fun photos and memories. We like them all but the tummy photos and "grow your own cat" were Supurr!

  13. Everybody Everywhere LOVES the Potted Cats!

  14. Mom got a laugh about Flynn bouncing in the grass and his head popping up. Made her think of the game Whack-a-mole; though, she would have never thought of whacking Flynn’s head if she’d seen this. Thanks for the puzzle. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  15. One of my all time favorite photos is the one of the boys in the pot. Love it! Just love it. What lovely art today.

  16. You boys, what adventures you two had! I love the sunning photos.

  17. Those tummies!!! And the pot picture is so purrfect it could win an award!

  18. Oh, love the "grow your own cat"! And I feel like I'm right there with you boys on your adventures in the grass. Mom's cat-art is so pretty. Reminds me of autumn. Hope Mom and Dad are well. Until next week...Jean

  19. You two always had such a good time together, just like brothers should do. We will try to remember the different ways to tell you apart:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  20. I love the flower pot photos the best though the others are good as well.

  21. Love these pics and the artwork!

  22. My human has a couple of pots out back, but I think they are too small to grow cats.

  23. That was a really fun jigsaw. Mrs H's time was, however, not funny at all, MOL
    My, I would love to have such long grass to play in. around here it is mowed to next to nothing. And whats left the birds seem to dig up, followed by the squirrels etc.
    Have a lovely week wishes to you all!

  24. Great flashback of Eric and Flynn. I totally loved the part about the grass getting tall, and Mum seeing Flynn's head popping up through it. :)

    Hugs, and have a great weekend! XO

  25. We love your potted kitties picture, and the artwork and yes, We do sometimes get mixed up which is which, so thank you for explaining.

  26. Those bellies are so snugglable💗Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend. We hope everything is fine, Jackie🙏🐾😽💞

  27. I wish i could have a full week of tummy tuesdays! So adorable!

  28. Such cuties. I love how they were always together. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  29. You've made me smile to imagine kitties bouncing in the grass, heads popping up above it as they scamper along.

  30. I always love seeing the boys out and about and I live them even more in their pots! We have entered you in the draw for Caturday! Kitty Kisses, Marv

  31. The nose knows! We could always tell you guys apart because of Eric's nose. Love the art! Throwing out purrs and kisses to the Bridge! - Tom x

  32. The flower pot photos were our favorite but they were all great and brought back such nice memories.

  33. Boys, seeing you in your pots is the sweetest thing. I LOVE those photos. And seeing you together is always a precious treat. Now if your mom ever did get a picture of your head bobbing up from the long grasses...I would LOVE to see it.

  34. I love how the boys always seemed to be together. I know they weren't always, but most of the time. They really were a bonded pair.

  35. Our mom would have loved to kiss those tummies! MOL

  36. Gorgeous tummy ! We always love to see the boys having a walk together ! Purrs

  37. Love to see those Angel tummies!
    Great puzzle, thank you.

  38. Your adventures are fun and I can tell them apart without a road map. MOL!

  39. What a sweet flashback post with the Angel Boys, but dad laughed his head off at the "Grow Your Own Cat" picture!

  40. DOODZ !!! noe matter how manee times we see thoz pot fotoz....they iz still de best :) we gotta ask tho if either oh ewe ever tried ta squeeze inta de smaller pot at de front ....just coz !!! ;) hope mum N dad iz doin grate !! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  41. SO many wonderful memories. I love seeing these. Beautiful shares.


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