Friday, October 8, 2021

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week the flashback comes from September 2008 and is called:

To Share or not to Share.

Eric: Come on Flynn, are you going to budge up so I can share the seat?

Eric: Hmphh, he didn't have to go, I would have shared with him. Where did you go Flynn?

Flynn: I'm up here waiting for the sun to shine. Are you coming up.

Eric: I'm here. Do you think I would make a good mascot on the front of the tractor Flynn? Flynn?? Now where has he gone?

Flynn: Hehe, now he's up there, I can have my seat back all to myself.

The random photo has been chosen by the Trout Towne Tabbies who asked 11.11.07
I didn't have any on that date but this photo was taken a week later. Check out the expressions. I am not sure what had been going on!

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I started with Landscape at 75% then added Scribble at 25%. (Puzzle at bottom of post)

I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.

preview108pieceCaturday Art1 9.10.21


  1. MOL!! Those two always had such fun :)
    Flynn was a crafty cat ! MOL!!
    I like the flashback picture too :)
    Purrs, Julie

  2. I know from reading their blog that the boys often played tricks on each other - but they loved each other, too.

  3. That was a fun one and pretty art too!

  4. Love the captions! You boys are hilarious with your antics. How long did you have to wait for the sun to shine, Flynn? And Eric, yes - with your handsome profile - a great mascot. Your catart is really nice. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next week...Jean

  5. Trout Towne's photo pick is great! That's a great tractor hood ornament as well.

  6. oh we bet you would make the best mascot... better than that emily girl on da hood of a rolls :O)

  7. Wonderful photos but that last one is BEYOND fabulous! I think it's a wrestling match.....HAHAHA Love seeing these boys.

    Hugs, Pam

  8. Ha! That photo of them both together is hilarious, and we love the artwork you made of it.

    They had such wonderful lives with you and your flashback posts always put smiles on our faces. :-)

  9. We love to see how you lived, sweet Angels and driving your own tractor...well...someone has to do the work, right😸Hope you're feeling better, Jackie. Pawkisses for a wonderful weekend🐾😽💞

  10. Typical brothers, eh? The last picture looks like a nap devolved into a "wrasslin" session.

  11. Aww! I always love the memories so cute and fun too :-)

    Nice art also, have a memorytastic weekend 👍

  12. What a great comedy team Eric and Flynn made.
    Flynn you were all kinds of handsome as a hood ornament. Jaguar messed up by not modeling their ornament after you.
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. They were not only brothers but great buddies. Thanks for the puzzle.

  14. You two always had such wonderful adventures. I'm glad mom takes us along.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug to mom. ♥

  15. Hope neither ever got hold of the keys to the tractor!!!

  16. Those two are so funny! Happy Friday and weekend! :) <3

  17. What a great memory! Oh I love it. And you picked the perfect photo to make in cat art! How beautiful.

  18. such lucky kitties to have a tractor to hang out in! Frodo would love it!

  19. Eric was the perfect mascot for the tractor!

  20. Flynn you sure did move around the tractor and may have ended up with the seat but Eric is the definite Hood Ornament! Well done friends. That is a really nice Random Photo you are both having such fun together which always made us so happy. Purrs friends and Mom and Dad. thanks so much for sharing with us all. Jackie our purrs for you and Ivor as always!

  21. The looks on your faces in the last picture is priceless! Did you ever ask your dad to let you help drive the tractor?

  22. Cute flashback. Those two got into and on top of everything. Beautiful art. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  23. Those 2 really crack me up! What characters! And the look on their faces in the caturday art shot...priceless! Thanks for sharing Jackie! Now I'm off to do the puzzle!

  24. Oh, those Angel Boys sure had some awesome adventures! and those expressions are a hoot.

  25. That tractor looks like fun to climb on, Angels Eric and Flynn. :)

    It looks like somekitty told a good joke when th artwork photo was taken. MOL!

  26. Inside that cab looks a far safer place to be than on the bonnet! Well it sure would be if Mrs H was driving, MOL
    Lots of flashback purrs to you all!
    Thanks for the jigsaw, I know it will be mighty fun, though I cant guess how slow Mrs H will be. . . Ooops over 23 mins!

  27. What a lovely photo that is and beautiful art!

  28. Such great flashbacks and beautiful artwork!

  29. As we have said before, we wish we knew the boys way back when. They sure had a lot of fun together.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  30. That art - and the picture from which it came - is adorable!

  31. Sharing can be a pain in the neck. I just wait it out sometimes, that is unless I want to cuddle with you-know-who! Bridget wants to be the cuddler with me the cuddlee, not the other way around..Penny still not liking me too much..She's called Penny-wise because it's better to be penny wise than pound foolish (not the character in the Stephen King book which is really creepy..Meow! Tom xxx

  32. Boys, I used to have a tough time sharing too when I was your age. But I wasn't as clever as you and I never thought how to get my cousin to go away!

  33. We think Chili and Manny are littermates, but we really don't know.
    What we do know, is that they are bonded, and seem to enjoy each other's company...well, except when they are tussling and screaming at each other!
    Your images of Angels Eric and Flynn make me hug Da Boyz hard, and rain kisses on their soft noggins.
    Cool art, and I'm off to play the puzzle...thank you.

  34. OMC! LOVE the random photo! They are having so much fun I'm almost jealous. Will puzzle soon I think.

  35. doodz !!! we rememburr theez flash bax !!!! we hope dad waz abe bull ta get hiz werk done ;) ☺☺♥♥

    eric; that waz a grate joke ewe toll ta flynn

    flynn: we wooda cracked UP two !!


    happee earl lee annie fur sarry two mum N dad


  36. Flynn was clever, MOL! But Eric would have made a good hood ornament (at low speed).

  37. What a smart boy that Flynn was! MOL!


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