Friday, October 15, 2021

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

I have two short posts this week. First is Flynn from January 2008.

Fatty Flynn.
Duz my butt look big in this box?
Mum weighed us today. She said she thought Eric had put on weight and that maybe I wuz getting a little podgy tum. The cheek of it coming from her. Eric was still 21lbs. She said she wished he would lose some, but at least he hadn't put on any more weight. Then it wuz my turn. Uh-oh. Four munfs ago I wuz 14lbs. Today I wuz 16lbs. mum sed "Oh no Flynn, yoo haf put on 2 lbs. Are you trying to catch up wiv your bruvver?

I'm sorry mum, but I do love my food. Look at it this way, you have two more pounds to cuddle.

Next is Eric from July 2008.

Eric: Where am I?

Can you see me? I'm hiding from Flynn and the Beans.

Mum thinks I'm nuts going in the greenhouse when it is hot, but it is quite cool on the damp earth and beneath the leaves.I haf to cover my eyes though cuz the sun is bright.

The random photo this week is from 31.10.07 and was chosen by the Trout Towne Tabbies.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art and using this photo.

I started with Smoke at 40% then added Sadness also at 40%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art 16.10.21
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.



  1. Those were really cute ones and the art is so nice!

  2. Flynn, I can certainly commiserate with your 2 pound gain. However, more to cuddle and love! Eric, your hiding spot looks cool and inviting, shielding you from the bright sunshine. Such a heartwarming display of brotherly love, Flynn, offering your leg to Eric to use as a pillow. Mom's catwork is very pretty! Until next week...Jean

  3. Kind of hard to see him in the beans. Gaining weight is easy but getting it off is not. I am surprised all your patrolling in the fields did not keep the weight down.

  4. Eric was a big boy! He weighed three times as much as I do!

  5. Hmmm, 16 pounds seems like a good goal to me.

  6. well said... the more the merrier ;O) we think it is just da box, some boxes are like white pants and make things much bigger than they are ;O)

  7. Awww Flynn for sure more to love; however, on the flip side more to hide. Happy Feline Friday and Caturday Art

  8. I think the boys chonkiness added to their charm. Lots more to love 💜

  9. The boys were big, strapping mancats, that's all. :-)

    Eric, you were very good at hiding! And you both were such snuggle bugs, that pic and art is so sweet.

  10. Teddy agrees with you about gaining weight - it's just MORE to love!!! Chonky is IN! Love the photos - they're precious.

    Hugs, Pam

  11. Whoa, they were sure a couple of big boys! Lovely Angel Eric & Angel Flynn flashback.

  12. You were both big boys!

    WE love this week's Caturday Art!

    Tama and Benny

  13. Oh, you have to be careful, gaining weight isn't so good for you.

    Love all the pictures, though, no matter your sizes!

  14. They say sitting in a box adds pounds, don't they?

  15. The peeps here are always worried about our weight. Timber is super skinny and eats a lot - he has a lot of energy:) Misty is just right but shouldn't gain more because of her bad knees. And Lightning used to be way overweight and never lost no matter what the peeps tried. Now he has lost 12 pounds in about six months with no attempt by the peeps to have him lose. At lest he is staying at the same weight for the past three weeks, no new loss.

    We love those shots of Eric in the trees:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. Your flashbacks are always fun to see!
    Hiding in the plants, you sure did blend in.

    Toki was our biggest meezer at just about 22 pounds....way too big. He lived to eat, instead of eating to live.

  17. You two were certainly big and mancatly mancats, Eric and Flynn. XO

  18. Cute flashback. And I love the photo of Flynn and Eric cuddling together. My Sammy used to be 19 , but with his thyroid and age he is 13 and a half- I would like him to get back to at least 15. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  19. They were such a pair and had so much great fun! Love love love the artwork.

  20. Nipping out to do a spot of gardening sounds just the sort of excuse I'd use. Alas I suspect Mrs H already uses it when she wants an extra sherry, MOL
    Lovely pictures this week. Me, I'm still a slime 5 ish KG Though Mrs H is sworn to say I'm around 3.

  21. Oh! Boy! Mom says she remembers when Kozmo weighed 21 lbs...Mom was worried and took him to the vet because he was so skinny, but there is nothing wrong and the vet says he is in terrific shape! We love the greenhouse shots and the 2 boys on the bed is priceless!

  22. The boys were big boys! I didn't know Eric was 21 pounds at some point. Maybe he was trying to be another Fat Eric. But it's tough getting them to lose weight, and tougher to deny them food when they are plainly hungry. I have to do that here, and it's not easy.

  23. We say damn the poundage, full speed ahead! I can't see any extra weight on either of you. On this side of the Pond, Bridget's roly-poly and it really shows. I eat my share, but not gaining. I hope that doesn't mean anything.Good to see the guys as always. <3

  24. That is such a sweet piece of Caturday art, boys.

  25. flynn; 14 poundz bee lite weight buddy....we iz glad ewe waz abe bull ta beef up ;) ♥♥♥
    eric....we serched N serched N serched sum mor N dinna see ewe any wear dood.....we iz glad tho ewe waz abe ta roll on sum soil :) ♥♥♥

    pee ezz....mum dida awesum job with thiz weekz puzzle peece !! ♥♥♥

  26. My brofur Rabbit is the biggest boy in the house. He's about 16 pounds. Then KC is a half pound lighter. Mom sez at our house either we are big cats, or tiny cats. Not many regular size except maybe Peaches. Love seeing yoor fun photos. Purrs, Dori

  27. They're both so adorable! My cat, Jasmine, also used to love sitting in boxes. :)

  28. OH BOYS! Such big snuggly wonderful handsome boys!


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