
Friday, February 18, 2022

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

Another selection of one photo posts, mostly from December 2008. Dates are under photos.
We have to get plenty of rest right now because mum said we can help her put the tree up later.
Eric: Me and my furrend Mr. Fox sharing a quiet corner together.

Flynn: Just relaxing with two of my favourite things.

Eric: I am lion. Hear me roar!

Flynn: Just relaxing.


And finally an outdoor Easy Sunday.
We have been forecast a sunny Sunday with temperature up to 54 f, so we will take it easy outdoors and get some fresh air.

We are joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I used Abstract at 50%, then added Scribble at 30%.

For Flynn it was Yarn at 45%, then Sadness at 25%

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 19.02.22
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 19.02.22
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.


  1. Those are some pawsome memories!!!
    You two had a really great life with two pawsome humans <3
    Purrs, Julie

  2. Those were great, love the fox and the art too!

  3. That tummy looks nice enough
    for great BIG tickle..Bless!xx

  4. Fabulous flashbacks, and the artwork puzzles are awesome!

  5. Loving all the flashbacks and your art is delightful!

  6. Aww! what fab flashbacks they are so cute heheh! i liked the art too very clever

    Have an artistictastic weekend ๐Ÿ‘

  7. F&E always delighted me and tickled my funny bone. I love the photo on the hammock and the MEOW OUT LOUD
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. You two had the BEST life any kitties could want. ♥

    Love all the pics and the artwork, especially the abstract + scribble filters. :-)

  9. The photos are beautiful and the art is so lovely! Happy Friday! :) <3

  10. I love your walks down memory lane with your two precious Angels. They remain in our hearts forever.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Jackie. ♥

  11. A neighbor has a fox statue on their front yard, and it always draws my eye; must be something to do with the primitive brain noticing dangerous things or something like that.
    Super art, and thank you for the puzzles.
    Hope your weather isn't too bad; have heard there is some crazy stuff happening in the UK!

  12. What a great selection of photos and lovely art! We hope you are staying safe from the awful storm!

    Tama and Benny

  13. I had to stare a moment at the fox, at first I thought it was real! HAHA. Lovely artwork!!!

  14. Holy smokes- I thought it was a real fox too!

  15. The fox looks like good company. They certainly enjoyed the outdoors.

  16. These are all great flashback photos of the boys!

  17. Beautiful art and gorgeous photos!

  18. Great memories of the boys, as usual!

  19. Just love seeing the boys - together or apart they were just so handsome and sweet.

    Hugs, Pam

  20. Boys, so wish me and Mom could have been there to visit at least once in our lives.

  21. What a nice flashback! Always a treat to see Angels Eric and Flynn. We hadn't seen a lot of these photos before; we had just started blogging in late-December 2008.

  22. Always a delight seeing your boys. Mom's catwork is so pretty. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next week...Jean

  23. Such sweet photos. I love the one of Flynn on his back and the one of the 2 boys cuddling. My mom had a cat that used to sunbathe with a real fox. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  24. Eeek! Eric, was that a real baby fox? Did you make furrends? Before I realized the way the rest of the world does dates I wondered why you were putting up a tree in July.

  25. I think you're very brave to sit next to the fox, Eric, even if he's not real, he sure looks like it...and maybe he was๐Ÿ™€ Loved every picture of you two and the artworks are great too. We hope EU-not-NICE storm isn't to stormy anymore in your Country, Jackie. We thought it was over, but the wind picks up again and this evening it's getting worse again. It sure is the biggest since a long time. Stay Safe! Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜ฝ๐Ÿ’ž

  26. Hi Willie, easy to see the cats are in good shape (British peoples also say "as fit as a fiddle") ... They are so lucky to enjoy both the living room and the countryside :-)))

    I've just seen your comment. Thanks for that! Glad to hear you know South Italy very well and you used to ride Vespa. The next time you come in Italy you will visit Etna volcano. Still having a slice of panettone at breackfast! That's great! This means you bought
    many Italian Christmas cakes two month ago :-)
    Hope you will have a great Sunday.

    1. I noticed this isn't Willie's blog ... I made a mistake! Sorry for that.



  27. We especially love Eric's Roaring lion pic and Flynn's belly-up relaxation photo.
    the art is lovely too.

  28. I like the picture of Eric behind the pot: he looks so purposeful.

  29. In that second picture, I thought the fox was real for a second!

  30. doodz....furst up hope all wented well with mum two day; her noez oh what we speek, 9; all theez fotoz iz grate; Y; dood, knot a burd skin buddy YEOW~~~~
    and eric...iz that yur pot that de fame mouz pot post iz all bout !!!! awesum :) ♥3♥

  31. Aw...sweet photos! Such wonderful feline friends. It is so good to have all the phots and the memories. I appreciate you visiting me too. I am thinking how can February be nearly over in 4 short days? Time really does fly. Enjoy the weekend.

  32. I so appreciatre ytour visits and a praying for you. THank you for reaching out.Edna and Michael have two adorable grandchildren and MIchael being the golfer has dreams of teaching them, he feels it is an important job for himseld to teach them. I so love seeing your fir babies here. THANK YOU!


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