
Friday, February 25, 2022

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This post comes from February 2009 and was a Mancat Monday.

It is a nice sunny day, just right for taking mum for a walk. We'll have a good sniff in the grass.....

......and chew on it.

Eric: Oh no! She's got the flashy box again. I've got to move fast before she takes my photo.

Flynn: Huh! Where did Eric go?

Oh there he goes walking along the edge of the field.

You can see the track we have made where we always walk in the same place.

Flynn: Hello! Who's been here digging out the hedge? It's probably Mr. Badger or Mr. Fox.

I'll just have a quick look over the hedge and see if I can see who did it.

Flynn: Nope, couldn't see any one. Come on Eric, let's go back and rest on the field roller.

This is a nice sunny spot, what do you think Eric?

Eric: Yup, I could sit here all day and soak up the sunbeams if it wasn't so cold.

Flynn: Well you can stay there if you want to. I'm heading for home to see what's to eat.
It might have been sunny, but it was very cold and we had to floof our furrs to keep warm.

The random photo this week was chosen by Lola the Rescued Cat who asked for 11.03.11
This is the outdoor run which was attached to the garage when we went on holiday so the boys always had access to fresh air.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I started with Edtaonisl at 50%, then Scribble at 35%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art 26.02.22
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.


  1. That was sure a fun field romp and I that track in the grass was a nice path. Cool art!!!

  2. Love the adventures! Mom's catwork is nice. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  3. There was always so much to see and do, even in the cold weather.

  4. There is always something to do, no matter the weather. We have been in a deep freeze. Thankful the sun has been shining in the afternoon and warming up a few degrees. Always appreciate your kind comments too. Have a beautiful weekend.

  5. the track photo is super sweet... I wish such things could stay forever... a kind of foot prints...

  6. The kitties both look so happy. Diamond's friends from way back. My human misses Diamond,too. Even though she has me now. Sasha

  7. Aww! another fun adventure even though it was cold heheh!

    Have a flashyboxtastic weekend 👍

  8. Ahh, yet another wonderful Mancat Monday flashback. I swear, those angel boys sure make for some of the best artwork.

  9. Aw, such great adventures and memories. We love the art, you always choose the best filters! :-)

  10. My sweet handsome Eric and Flynn you were the ultimate perimeter pals that is some trail you made too.
    I was always a huge fan of E&F getting an outdoor adventure even when their staff was away.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Look at you two; you made a path!
    That outdoor run was very cool.
    Off to play puzzle...thank you!

  12. I always enjoy seeing your flashbacks. Such handsome mancats too. Love your outdoor run. It's important to get fresh air.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Jackie. ♥

  13. Adorable story and beautiful art! Happy Friday! :) <3

  14. waz way awesum grate oh mum N dad ta attachez yur catio oh... while they cruzed de high seaz !!

    & yur feeld roller did make a grate sum soakin ewe could see mouz actshun in de high grazz if one stolled bye for lunch; uh, if one stolled bye ta say hi ;) ♥♥☺☺

  15. I have never seen a cat track before! These two kitties were a wonderful pair!

  16. Cute flashback. I love how they were always patrolling together. That is a neat run. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  17. How interesting that they would walk in the same place and create that track mark. Those boys always had a blast, didn't they.

  18. I don't remember ever having seen that outdoor run! It's amazing!!! Cody would go nuts for that!

    1. Oh God I said Cody.....geeze oh man.....I meant Roary. I was thinking of Cody because when you mentioned "Mancat Monday" I haven't done a "Mancat Monday" since Cody was alive, I was thinking about him, and that is how I accidentally typed his name :(

  19. Looks like a great run to use, but I am sure the boys preferred to be out on their own patrolling the fields and buildings.

  20. A long ago Kitties Blue, Louise, wore a path like that around the perimeter of the back yard. To this day it is still there. Mom has been enjoying doing your puzzles. Have a great weekend. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  21. I love how they walk the same path in the fields. :)

  22. That path in the grass cracks me up, and they had a pawsome outdoor run!

  23. I was wondering if they had made that trail. Interesting how they wear it down like that.

  24. You guys had so much fun in the fields.

  25. We love that you boys wore a path in the fields for your trips around the property....that was a great idea! One of these days we hope your Mum will post our favorite photo of you two in your plant pots!!!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  26. Farm machinery definitly creates some great perching places. Though not so fun on a cool winters morning or a blazing hot day, MOL
    Thanks for the jigsaw, we'll tackle that and some of our backlog later!

  27. Nice place to roam but always nice to go indoors and keep warm by the fire.

    Love the art as always!

  28. I love seeing all your adventures from the past.

    Thanks for the puzzle of you both in your run:)

  29. That was a really nice flashback. I like being able to see what you boys were up to an that fabulous farm!
    Purrs, Julie

  30. Great flashback. How cool that you made that track that you walked in. Thanks for the puzzle!

  31. Great flashbacks. I love that outside cat run. Great artwork too. Have a great weekend!

  32. Oh, how we love seeing these flashbacks of Eric and Flynn on patrol in the fields. :)

  33. That's a great outdoor run you boys had there! Lovely art, too.

  34. Wow! What a spectacular run! And we loved the art this week. What were the boys up to in March of 2011? (Random date!)

  35. Boys, what were you doing in January 2012? I loved seeing you all about in the field and investigating. I enjoyed the run that your mom and dad made for you too. Me and Admiral both wondered what you did for fresh air while your mom and dad were on a cruise Now we know! And boys, I am not sure of I ever told you I LOVE both hats that you two wear. Suitable in the extreme, and purrfect for you.

  36. That's a great outdoor run you two had, sweet Angels and your pictures outdoors were most amusing, you sure knew how to make your own path😸Pawkisses for a wonderful week ahead, Jackie. We have sunshine over here and the temperature is up to 10℃ today so I can send you some warm Pawkisses too🐾😽💞

  37. What an adventure ! Cute flashback ! Purrs

  38. Flynn, you are such a gentleman. Had it been me, I would've blamed that path in the grass on my amply-built fursib! ~Latte

  39. I so love knowing Eric and Flynn here in these beautiful stories and photos. Thank you for sharing and visiitng too. Have a beautiful week.


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